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I hope you all had a great first day of the New Year, even if it isn't over yet. 

First off, I want to say thank you to everyone who is reading the story and giving me comments on what they want to see. I am writing my stories partly for me and partly for you. So keep commenting!!

Secondly, I wanted to tell you that I have updated/ added to the last three chapters. These chapters are very special to me, because they are basically how I got the idea for the story. I thought about what would happen if Scott's sister was a hunter, how would he find out and react? I have literally been thinking about that moment since I started the story. My mom knows especially because we were stuck in a car for an hour and a half to two hours and I explained my entire story as well as the many ways I could take it. I might keep adding to those chapters and if I do, I will tell you. 

Lastly, I wanted to ask you all a question. I have two very different endings for this story. One completely changes the Supernatural plot line for season 6 and the other doesn't and goes into the Nogitsune storyline. Would you like me to write both of the endings? 

If so, I can create a separate 'book' with an alternate ending, but I want your opinion. Should I write the other ending? Do you want it? 

If you don't want the alternate ending, do you want (without spoiling the endings) an ending that includes more Scott/Lizzie bonding or where Lizzie is more alone but does much more. Both endings have (somewhat) the same outcome but get there differently.

So please comment below! What do you want to see?

Thank you all again!

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