Chapter 34: Saving Malia

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OK! So I re made this chapter, using what I posted a few days ago. I am so sorry for the confusion and long wait.

Scott and I started running around the forest looking for Stiles. "Ah!" They both scream as they run into each other. I roll my eyes at their reactions. 

"I think I found something." Stiles pants.

"So did I." Scott says.

"And I am done for the night. See you in the morning." I say.

"What?" They ask.

"Scott, if what you say is true, we seriously need to find out how to protect this girl from her dad and we need to figure out how to turn her back. So I'm going to do research. You guys can take care of yourselves." I snap back harshly. 

"Fine, go home. The badass hunter doesn't want to help." Stiles says sarcastically. I give him a face before turning around and walking home. 

"Of course I want to freaking help..." I mutter, annoyed with what Stiles said. How can he not understand that?! 


I stop in my tracks as I hear branches snapping. I slowly turn my head to look towards the sound. There, in front of me, was Malia. Her eyes glowed ice blue as she stared at me. I prepare myself to run but something tells me that she won't hurt me. 

She tentatively steps forward as I put my hand out. She slowly walks up to me as I bend down towards her. I feel her hair brush up against my skin as she comes even closer. Before I can close the gap between her head and my hand, I hear police sirens from behind me. I whip my head around, annoyed at the noise. 

I slowly turn back as Malia starts to growl. I stand up, give her one last look before running towards my house. I hear her feet running after me and her growls becoming louder. I push myself even more until I run into the middle of the road.

A car swerves to the left to avoid hitting me. It parks quickly and the Sheriff steps out, severely pissed. I look at him and back at the forest, confused. "Lizzie! What the hell?" He asks, walking over to check for injuries. 

"To be honest, I don't know..." I say, bitting my lip. 

"What are you doing in the middle of the road?" He asks, arching his eyebrows. 

"I don't know... Sorry for running into the road." I say sheepishly. "I'll go now. Bye." I run off before he could say anything.

What the hell did just happen?


I walk into class, exhausted from the night of researching coyotes. I already gave all of the intel to Scott so I don't have to repeat myself. 

Scott, Stiles and Allison are in the corner, probably discussing the coyote problem. I ignore them as a nervous Kira catches my eye. I immediately sit up and look her up and down. 

She meets Scott half-way to his seat and then starts to ramble. "Hey. I'm Kira. You knew that. I knew you knew that. I don't know why I just told you that again." Scott smiles slightly at her awkwardness. "Anyway, I have something for you." She says, looking through her bag. If this girl is crushing on Scott, I swear I will interrogate her until she cracks. 

"For me?" Scott asks obliviously.

"Yeah. All about Bardo. My explanation was sort of all over the place, so I did some research and printed it out for you."

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