Chapter 14: Lydia's Birthday Party

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"Deaton, why did you call me?" I ask, entering the clinic.

"Your brother is going after the kanima at the rave tomorrow night." He says. 

"Well, he would."

"And not just him. Derek and his pack are going as well."

"You use the puppet and puppeteer analogy?" I ask, knowing that he likes to use analogies. 

"Of course. Now tell me what happened while you were gone." I avert making eye contact. "Attacks have been going up."

"We couldn't stop it." I say quietly. "We couldn't stop Lucifer rising."

"Who broke the final seal?" 

"Sam. The angels pretty much kidnapped Dean and I to prevent us from stopping Sam. We got there in time to see Lilith's body drop. Bitch deserved it, but..."

"You shouldn't feel guilty."

"Yes, I should! Dean broke the first seal with me, and I couldn't stop Sam from killing Lilith." Deaton is the only person that I feel comfortable talking to about the supernatural. 

"It's not your fault."

"Yeah, but I should have... I should have done something." I mumble, leaving the clinic. 


I get to the rave late and just walk around the outside. I am wearing my hunter stuff in case I need it. All of a sudden I hear gun shots, so I run towards the sounds and see Chris with five other hunters shooting at a dumpster. 

I knock down one of the hunters, so the rest of them turn their attention on me instead of the dumpster. I see Derek and Boyd peak out from behind the dumpster to watch. 

One hunter runs at me which is a big mistake. I throw him down easily as another two hunters run at me. I knock them unconscious and turn to Chris. I arch an eyebrow at him, as he sighs. "Both of us know that I can't beat you." 

I nod towards the awakening hunters and turn around. I jump up and grab a pipe to pull myself on top of the building. 

I look out over everything as the rave comes to an end. All of a sudden, I hear a loud howl. I turn towards the sound, in fear for Scott. I start to run towards a little shack away from the building. I jump down and run in to see Mrs. Argent with Scott, who is on the ground. I smell the air and see that Mrs. Argent is killing Scott with wolfsbane. 

I jump at her and kick the wolfsbane out of the smoker machine. Just then, Derek runs in, only to be stabbed by Mrs. Argent. 

I see them fighting as I help pick up Scott. I hear a crunch and look to see that Mrs. Argent was bitten by Derek. I see her throw him at me and run out. 

I pick up Scott and carry him out. Derek follows and I drop him when we are far enough away from the wolfsbane. "Why did you do that?" Derek pants once we stop. I just look at Scott and look back at a panting Derek. I just turn around and start walking. "Who are you?" Derek yells after me. 

I ignore him and keep walking. 


"So, Lydia. What do you want for your birthday?" I ask. 

"Something only you can give me..." She hums. "I know! Your blood."

"What?" I ask laughing. "You can't be serious."

"Well, we have known each other, forever. I'll give you a tube of my blood. Plus, if we ever die or something, we can use science to duplicate ourselves." She says, laughing. 

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