The confession of love

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This story starts with the members of the 104th training squad eating dinner after a grueling day of training.The only ones not present are Mikasa and Reiner,but nobody even really noticed they were gone,too busy trying to eat as much as they can before curfew."Hey,do you guys think that it'll be this tiring killing titans out in the field?"Jean asked the others a little breathlessly.The others just made muffled sounds of agreement."Of course,killing titans is one of the requirements as soldiers,should the need arise.It's kinda weird that we barely had any tests like that back when we were in training."Armin responded thoughtfully,thinking back on their training."Yeah I suppose that's true,but that's probably only because most of the people in our squad or in any other training squad didn't want to fight titans anyway,they were too scared to face them." Mikasa responded suddenly,making her presence known.In her hand was a bouquet of ume flowers,which she clutched in her hand possesively."Exactly Mikasa. Fucking cowards." Eren grumbled." But Mikasa what's up with the flowers?You have a secret lover I don't know about?He said half jokingly.The other part of him screamed WHAT THE FUCK?! Mikasa just confirmed his suspicions with a "Mmhmm" and a nod.

"WHAT!"Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over at Mikasa.She just stared back at them and shrugged,moving the flowers closer to her face so she could smell them and she actually smiled and giggled a little.Everyone's jaws dropped."You mean to tell me that you had a relationship for who knows how long and you didn't tell me or Armin,your best friends."Eren said,sounding hurt. Mikasa immediately looked over to her adopted brother and looked a little remorseful and said in a hushed tone "I'm sorry, I didn't want to lose you because of how I was scared of how you would've reacted if you found out girls."she finished with a sigh .Eren and the others, even Reiner as he came back from wherever heard her,just looked at her in surprise, almost looking a bit insulted before deciding to console her. "Hey I don't a problem with it.""I'm glad that you found somebody to really love Mikasa."Krista always being the encouraging one,with Ymir surprisingly going along with her."Yeah Mikasa,once you find someone you really are in love with and they really love you back you don't ever let them go no matter what anyone says."Ymir said that in her usual bored tone,but she did put an arm around Krista's shoulders and pulled her closer when she said it,smiling a bit."You love who want to Mikasa,you can't help the way you feel and you shouldn't have to!""Yeah love can come in mysterious ways but it should always be a blessing when you receive it.""Yeah Mikasa,people need love to get by,you just happened to find the special kind."Jean said solemnly."You're still the same old Mikasa,just happier.""Yeah follow your heart at times,not your head,especially when it comes to love."Eren finally ended Mikasa's doubts with."Mikasa it does not matter who you like as long as they treat you right,you will still always be my sister and you liking girls isn't gonna change that.I'll always love you no matter what,you realize that don't you?"Eren ended and everyone looked at Mikasa expectantly. Mikasa just gave a little smile and nodded letting out a quiet"Yes."

Everyone burst into hoorays,attracting the attention of other scouting legion members at different tables."So now that the secret is out, you mind telling us who is the lucky lady?"Eren asked his sister who was shushing everyone down for being too loud. Mikasa just looked at him,sighed,and simply said"Annie."

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