Hate Having To Lie To You

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"Ugh why is the Scouting Legion Headquarters so big?" Mikasa smirked at her lover's frustrated expression. Mikasa had the day shift today so just to be safe (Annie-spend some alone time together)she decided to invite Annie to scour the land with her. Annie's protests were soon cut short, however, when she took in the view. It was beautiful view outside. The sky was a combination of purple and red, flowers of all colors were falling down on the ground creating a beautiful hue of colors. Petals were soaring through the air. The best part was that because it was pretty quiet during this time of day and titans were usually just in the process of waking up,the two of them were able to relax with Mikasa humming quietly. "Do you think there is a view like this out there somewhere?" Annie asked Mikasa quietly. This was a topic both of them had thought about often. "What happens when the war with titans ends? Will there be enough people alive to celebrate the end of the war with? Will there be anything to experience in the world once the world after the war is over. The two of them don't like to think about the future that much because they don't want to get their hopes & be disappointed so they prefer to appreciate and live in the present. "I don't know Annie but if there isn't a view like this,we can make the view real together." Mikasa said,planting a kiss on Annie's head and moving to the south side of the roof to scan for any titan forms. Annie looked after Mikasa's retreating form and sighed sadly. She knew that soon there wouldn't be a chance for her and Mikasa to live out that future together when she out started her mission. It made her nearly want to cry & kill herself so she wouldn't have to bear the responsibility of failure,hurting Mikasa. When Annie heard Mikasa start to walk back she decided to forget about her thoughts just for now and focus on the mission she had now. Talking to Mikasa,Annie secretly thought up a plan to kill the Titans Sonny and Bean without Mikasa noticing.

A few hours later:
"Mikasa I'm gonna go restock up on gas,I forgot to get a full gas tank this morning." Annie called out to Mikasa right before she jumped off the roof and out of the other girl's sight. Mikasa let out a tiny huff and nodded, wiping sweat from her brow. Her and Annie had just finished a horde of 7 Titans so naturally even someone like Mikasa would be winded. Mikasa sheathed her swords and started walking around the roof, checking for more Titans around the area that might have been attracted due to the fight. However for some reason, she couldn't really focus on the task at hand. She was too busy going over what Annie said in her mind. 'Annie forget to get a full gas tank? That's impossible, she may be a little lazy but she would never forget something so important. She knows as well as I do that one mistake could be the end of her.' Mikasa takes a moment to look over to the place where Annie jumped off the roof. 'Well there are no Titans in the area now. Maybe I coul--' Mikasa quickly dispersed that thought with a shake of her head. 'Now is not the time to be selfish Mikasa! Do your job and scour for Titans.' Mikasa went back to her job but still had that uneasy feeling, one she has had for a while, that Annie is not being 100% honest with her.

With Annie: 'Shit! That probably won't work on Mikasa but it will buy me some time.' Annie thought in her mind as she approached the Titans Sonny and Bean. "Hello tortured ones. I know you were expecting that krackadoodle Hanji but you're about to get something better in the long run. Death. I-I'm sorry th-the thing thing I work for has turned you into this. Beasts with no sense of humanity left in you. No one here will ever know your name,your family,your story. The people who can help save the remains of humanity don't even bother because they believe humanity don't deserve to be saved. They see humanity as beasts that will turn against and eat each other as soon as things don't go there way. The funny thing is that they are sort of right. This world is so dirty and hard and cruel. Good people don't last long. And you know I tried to be one of those good people once." Annie sheathed her swords and started walking swiftly towards the two captured Titans. "I realize I will never be one of those good people." The girl raised one of her swords each over the Titans' heads. "All I am is a monster and a coward n-no matter what Mikasa says." Then the girl brought down her swords and the Titans knew no more. 'Hmph. What's done is done' Annie thought as she unsheathed her swords and started walking away from the two Titan corpses. 'Now I just have to make sure Mikasa and the other members of the Scouting Legion don't discover the corpses for a few days. Only question is how to do that.' Luckily Annie didn't have to anything as the clouds started to turn black and thunder was heard. 'Just my luck,the Scouting Legion can't conduct the experiments if it is raining outside. Let's hope that it rains here for two or three more days at least. Even though I hate the rain, it makes me feel dirty with the fact that rain is supposedly angel's tears.' "Mikasa I'm sorry that you love someone as dirty as me. I wish I could tell you how dirty I am so you could at least prepare for what is coming. I hate having to lie to you!" Annie nearly screamed as she started walking back to Mikasa in the rain. "I hate myself."

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