The love that started with just a look

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"Annie?!" Shouted everyone shocked. Mikasa just sighed and nodded, and then the evening bell rang, signaling it was that it was time for lights out."Wait a minute Mikasa! You are dating Annie of all people?! She's too cold to love anyone like that!" Eren shouted at Mikasa as she raced out the door. Mikasa briefly stopped for a second and looked back at Eren, hurt. "Huh,so that's you feel. I thought that you said that it didn't matter about who I was in love with." Mikasa finally left the dining hall with a devastated expression on her face.

Mikasa's POV:I knew this would happen. People just can't get past their first impressions of people. I was a fool to think it would be different with Eren. Eren. Is Annie really to cold to love someone? To love me? No! What are you saying Mikasa? Annie has more than proved that she loves you for the past three years. You're the one who always says she has doubts about what we are doing. God, I'm sorry Annie. For doubting you. Fucking idiot,for letting Eren influence me all the time but..........there's still this tiny part of me that wants to believe whatever Eren says is right. *sigh* I can't let him go, not after everything we've been through and all he's done for me. What should I-- "Wait Mikasa!" A voice shouts out at me, breaking my train of thought. I turn around to see Sasha running up to me, with Krista and Ymir following after her quickly. With Ymir it's just her really walking behind her, only speeding up when Krista told her to, but then slowing down to a walk again. Whatever. "Mikasa! Huh, huh, huh! You sure can run fast!" Sasha over exaggerated. "Look Mikasa we're sorry about how we acted before, it's just that Annie was never really close with anyone and we judged you guys without knowing anything about your relationship. That was wrong and we're sorry." It's good to know that some people have my back on this. "I appreciate your honesty." Sasha and Krista looked relieved, Ymir just looked bored but for a split second I think I saw her smile and nod at me. She does care. I think Krista saw it too. "I know we promised not to question your relationship with Annie,but if you don't mind me asking. How did the relationship start?" Krista asked with genuine curiosity. Sasha hummed and nodded and looked at me with this ecstatic look in her eyes. I hummed back and decided to give it a shot. What harm could it do? "Well." I started, walking towards our rooms, but also looking back at them. "It actually all started with just a look.

"Nice moves out there Mikasa and Annie!"Everyone in the eating hall congratulated them. It was the day after they had subdued Krista's kidnappers. Annie was sitting by Mina, while Mikasa was sitting by Armin and Eren. The usual. Mikasa and Annie were, for the 100th time asking if their friends were alright. They eventually got tired of them and told them in their own little way that just because they saved them it didn't give them the right to crowd them and assume they were weak. Mikasa and Annie were hurt, feeling under appreciated like always, until they looked at each other. Their eyes basically told each other that they understood what they are going through every day. Feeling hurt, under appreciated. Feeling like no one gets them. It was a love that started with just a look. They then excused themselves from their dearest friends,went outside, and went back to the girl's cabin. After making sure no one was around, Mikasa and Annie kissed with a vigor that was never seen before. They molded perfectly together. Two sides on the same coin.They didn't have sex, both girls were smart enough to know it was too soon. Besides this wasn't about getting simple release, this was about feeling loved, this was about feeling safe and content in each other's arms. And that's exactly what they did.

*End of Flashback*
The girls were generally surprised about me and Annie's start of a relationship. "Wow that's beautiful Mikasa. I hope your relationship lasts long and that you guys never leave each other." Krista said sweetly. "Not what I expected at all. Damn I should've tried that." Ymir muttered, shooting a glance at Krista. Maybe,but Krista seems to love her exactly the way you are and sweet and romantic gestures aren't her thing. Sasha is crying, why? "Oh my gosh Mikasa that was so sweet, you're ancestors would be proud of the way you just choose love over sex. You truly are a goddess." Okay. "Thanks you guys, but I'm gonna go to bed, we have training and Captain Shortpants might catch up. "The girls smiled at that one. There's my bed and strangely I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders now that those three support my relationship. Huh, wonder why.

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