The Meeting

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The meeting "Ughhh." All the girls in the girls' rooms at the scouting legion castle  groaned as the morning bell rang. Except Mikasa of course.If you look closer, however,you can see that Mikasa is not there at all. Where did she go at this hour in the morning? Suddenly Eren bursts through the door, panting as he does so. Some of the girls shriek and try to cover themselves because they aren't decent. Others girls get up to whoop Eren's ass. Eren just ignored them and covered his eyes and asked the girls "Have you seen Mikasa, I have something I need to tell her." Ymir, who was in bed with Krista, just covered up the flustered girl with the covers and responded "You mean besides apologizing for being an asshole yesterday? I don't know we just woke up, she is probably out on a jog or something. And Eren, you better get the fuck out of here and apologize because Titan or not if you don't, your ass is getting chopped up by swords. LEVI STYLE!" She screamed out that last part as she grabbed a small little sword from under the bed and started to advance towards Eren. Eren couldn't get out of there fast enough. In his mind he silently wondered 'Where could she be?'

In the garden: 'What is taking her so long?' Mikasa wondered as she watched the flower petals move along with the wind. 'I love this time of year, the flowers are so elegant and beautiful.' Then in the distance she could see Annie walking over towards her. "Speaking of elegant and beautiful." Mikasa called out, loud enough for Annie to hear. Annie heard her and smirked, doing a series of acrobatic twirls towards Mikasa until she fell into the girl's arms. Annie softly smiled at Mikasa, who started twirling with her hair.They were both caught in a pure moment of bliss and love. Then Mikasa had to tell Annie news that would undoubtedly bring the other girl down. "I told them." Mikasa said suddenly, still combing through the blond girl's hair. Annie hummed and tilted her head up at Mikasa. "Your gonna have to be more clear on that one sweetheart, I wish I could read minds so I could know where you want me to touch but alas it can never be." Annie finished, sounding heavily disappointed while patting Mikasa's cheek. Mikasa after blushing for a quick moment clarified "I told our friends about our relationship yesterday."Annie looked at Mikasa in disbelief and said "Really I thought you were too ashamed to admit we were together, I mean no offense but at times you made me feel like I was the plague." Mikasa just looked crestfallen at the fact that she made her lover feel that way. "I'm not, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, this is about us, our love. You wanna know why and what I love about you? I love that I'm able to relax around you after having to worry about everything around me like Eren getting suicidal on everyone and Armin following after him like the "genius" he is. I like how you make me feel so loved and and appreciated with such little gestures. I like how shy, but blunt you are, I like how you always understand how I feel no matter what. But most of all I like how you're human. Everybody is trying to put up a hard front when facing titans, even Sasha, but you're the only one who stays the same. You just try to live your life the best way you can in this cruel but beautiful world. No matter what anyone tells you are just trying to save yourself. You're the only who is honest enough to admit that it's not that you don't care or you wanna live cozily, you just wanna live. You're just being human."Mikasa finished that last part and looked at the other girl pleadingly while grabbing onto her hand.

Annie had a pained look on her face as she squeezed Mikasa's hand. She stuttered "A-Are yo-you sure about that Mikasa, because trust me when I say I'm the last person to be considered human. "Her voice cracked at that last part as a single tear went down her cheek. Mikasa looked shocked for a second before lifting up Annie's head so she could look Annie in the eye as she prepared to chase the girl's worries and doubts away. "Annie." She said simply as she forced the other girl to look at her. "I love you no matter what. Now let me show you. "Mikasa whispered that last part as she lifted up the hem of Annie's sweater. "That you are a queen and that you are human." Annie hesitated for a second before nodding. Mikasa softly smiled at that and nodded. She slowly lifted up the sweater all the way until it was hanging off the other girl's shoulders. Mikasa then began to give every center of her attention to Annie's stomachs. Slow, soft, and loving was the only way to describe Mikasa's ministrations. It wasn't like how they usually touched each other, which was basically taking all of the other's stress out on each other while trying to be silly and laughing with each other. Both girls find it odd but comforting because they rarely had any opportunity to just let go, except for when they were with each other. Sometimes the girls wondered if it was just because they hadn't had sex yet. They were gonna wait until they were at least 18, legal adults. However both girls knew that just because the law says you're an adult, it doesn't necessarily make you an adult. However those thoughts were soon erased from their minds as they just laid back and enjoyed the moment. "Hey Mikasa are you here? I came here to apo---WHAT THE FUCK!" Both girls looked up to see Eren standing over them, gaping. Both girls raised their eyebrows at him and just shrugged, Mikasa moving to go put Annie' hoodie back on. Eren slowly backed away from them, shaking his head with this traumatized expression on his face. "What the fuck?!" He started out in a panicked voice. "I just came here to apol--. You know what whatever, bye, see you guys later." The girls didn't even know Eren could run that fast. They both just shrugged and went back to what they were doing, after finding a better place to do it of course.

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