Have Each Other

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Training Grounds:
"Mikasa, I want you to work with my squad today on teaching some of the new recruits some teamwork maneuvers to better kill titans." Mikasa raised an eyebrow at the short corporal, but just shrugged and started walking towards him. Mikasa sighs in exasperation because she does not like Levi. Like really does not like him. Mikasa glared at the short corporal behind his back as he ordered the other members of the Scouting Legion to pay attention to the dual-team titan-killing because teamwork is important in the field
as it's one of the things that separate humans from titans. Humans have each other. Mikasa was put with Olou, who was looking at Mikasa like she was a dirty spot on the wall. Gunter was looking at Mikasa like she was some science experiment he couldn't figure out,or like some thing Hanji was dissecting and refused to say what it was. Petra had her face scrunched up at Mikasa in what was probably disgust. Erd looked indifferent.
Mikasa was not noticing the looks sent her way, she was surveying the area, trying to figure what way would be the best way to get to the napes of the necks while displaying teamwork. Levi then told Mikasa and Olou to start off the training exercise with some basic duel team titan killing maneuvers. "Don't show off, don't order around you're teammate like one of you are suddenly the leader, you are both the same rank, so you both have to follow the same orders and work together and no one is better than the other." Levi eyed Olou as he said this. "And the most important part is that teamwork is key, so neither of you go off away from you're teammate to take some 'glory' from the other. Do you understand me?" Levi said that last part menacingly with cold eyes, almost as if daring them to disobey. The pair nodded and answered"Yes,sir!, although Mikasa said that a little bit briskly. Like she was annoyed at having to take orders from someone so.......Yeah. Mikasa and Olou climbed to the top of a tree and got ready for the signal to begin.The air was tense and uncomfortable and Mikasa couldn't figure out why, not noticing the way Olou tightened his grip on his swords whenever he looked Mikasa's way......But Levi did. Then the signal went off and so were those two. It went smoothly at first, the pair working like a well fashioned machine, even though few exist now.

Then Olou and the others(Except Erd)suddenly snapped and let their"opinion"on Mikasa's sexuality known. Mikasa was swinging through the sky with Levi's squad finishing off the last test dummy, and moving to land. Then Mikasa accidentally  bumped her hips into Petra's while landing and Petra completely lost it. "I'm so sorry, I should watch where I'm going next time,won't happen again." Mikasa said respectively. Petra just glared along with the rest of the Levi squad(Except Erd and Levi, Erd who looked on in confusion, Levi who looked on in disappointment). Mikasa raised an eyebrow at the sudden hostility and Petra said in a venomous voice "Don't lie you fucking dyke, we all know that you just did that to touch me like the dirty slut you are, but guess what bitch? "Olou then finished off the statement with "She's not some dirty speck of dirt like you, you fucking dyke!" Gunter just looked at Mikasa confused. "I don't why someone would willingly choose something so unholy, so nasty." Mikasa and almost everyone present at the training grounds gasped and looked disgusted at what the members of Levi's squad just said. Mikasa bowed her head for a moment and then in a dangerously silent voice asked "What did you just say?" The members of Levi's squad heard the tone of her voice, heard it once when Levi cared enough to get REALLY angry and see what happened afterwards, and wisely choose to take a step back and remain silent. Mikasa then lifted her head up and gave them a glare that could burn straight through a titan's head in one go, and lunged at them in a ferocious type manner and.........She was stopped at the last second by Levi grabbing her arm.

She was about to attack him to get him to let go of her, but then Levi whispered in her ear "Don't worry, they'll get their punishment." He said ruthlessly. "No one should be treated like they're less than nothing, especially when they mean something to everybody, including me." He gave her an affirmative nod and let her go, dusting some dust off her arm as he did so. Mikasa looked down at the man in confusion, but surprisingly choose to stay where she was instead of attacking instinctively again. Levi then glared at his squad with a glare that burned twice as fierce as Mikasa's. "Humans were born with free will. Free to run, free to speak, free to eat and drink, free to feel and make decisions. Free to love. Who are you to take that freedom away from someone? That makes you no better than the titans that took away most of that freedom long ago. The whole purpose of the survey corps is to kill all of the titans so that humans can be free and live in peace. Who says that freedom can't be between two girls who both obviously know what the real world is like, but still choose to just bear it and have each other's back is one of the most bravest things I have ever seen. There aren't a lot of "holy" things in this cruel world, but the fact that they are willing to go risk their lives out of love and honor is the most beautiful, most holy thing this world has to offer and if you can't see that, you are the only unholy ones here." Levi finished that speech with his head held high and his eyes cold and unforgiving. The ones who didn't approve of the relationship had nothing to say, they looked like they wanted but a quick sound of Mikasa cracking her fist soon silenced them. Levi then walked off, saying over his shoulder "Oh, and I want my squad, except Erd, to come into my office later to see if you can still call yourselves members off my squad, dirty peasants." He then went back into The Scouting Legion castle, but not before sending a quick glance a Mikasa. A simple,yet unspoken question "Are you okay?" Mikasa nodded shortly,with a small smile on her face that said "I am now, thanks to you." Levi just nodded back, a little nice"Good."message before walking inside, everyone soon following. Nobody stood next to Petra, Olou, or Gunter, looking at them like they were the scum of the Earth while they just looked bewildered and ashamed.

The whole homophobic problem was solved, not with fists, but with a good, but flawed short man, and the simple fact that humans have only each other in this cruel world. And as Mikasa lay in bed that night(the homophobic people did actually get punched but that was only because they would've gotten killed if they didn't get punched, besides the point)with her girlfriend, she silently wondered if it would be good for her and Levi to have each other's back, and not just in the field.

Dangerous Loving Game-Mikannie{Finished}Where stories live. Discover now