*Chapter 5*

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The boy pulled me up off the ground. "Come on. Lets go." He said, walking down the hallway, holding onto my arm tight, yet gentle. "Where are we going?" I asked, tears still running down my cheeks. "Somewhere safe." he said. "What about 4th period?" I asked, as we neared the school doors. He stopped walking and turned towards me. He let go of my arm. I stopped walking as well and we stood facing each other in the hallways. "Do you really want to go back there? And get beat up again? I know what goes on in that class. Even if you did want to go back, I wouldn't allow it, Harry." He said. I was taken back. "How do you know my name? How do you know what goes on? Who are you?!" I asked, getting confused. "I'm Louis, and I'm here to look after you." He said.

I nodded. "But wh-" "We need to go, Harry." He interrupted. I nodded, feeling embarrassed and stupid. "It's okay, I'll talk more later." He said. "Okay." I said. He pulled me out the door, and outside to the cloudy and cold atmosphere.  and to a black Prius. I chuckled. "Nice car, dude." I said. He flashed me a smile as he unlocked the car. "Thanks." He said. I felt my heart leap. My stomach fluttered. His smile was beautiful. "Oh, you're going to go all queer on him, aren't you."  The voice in my head shot back. I saw Louis look up at me and freeze as he opened his door. I shook my head. "I'm not a queer." I said, putting a hand up to my head. "Harry?" Louis asked, walking to my side of the car. "Quick, Louis, run before he queers you to death. He's a little faggot." The voice sang in my mind. "No, stay, no, I'm not a faggot" I started muttering. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Harry, tell me what's going on right now." I heard him say in the background. I looked up to see my dad in front of me, his hand slapping my face, and he disappeared, not leaving a spot on my face. "Harry, what's going on?" I heard him say behind the screams of a 14 year old boy. I dropped my crutch and put my hand on my forehead. "Dad, stop, please, stop!" I yelled. I closed my eyes to get the flashback to disappear, but I saw my dad shove me to the ground. I fell onto the ground on my side, and let out a muffled cry. "Harry!!" Louis yelled, as he crouched by me. He lifted up my head. "Harry, open your eyes right now." I heard him say. I kept my eyes closed, and saw my dad kicking a 14 year old boy. He was laying on the ground, and screaming for his life. I let out a harsh scream. "Stop, dad, stop kicking me! I'm sorry!" I started ranting, tears falling out of my eyes. Louis put his hand under my back and lifted me up onto his lap. I let out another scream as I saw my dad kicking the boy over and over again.

"Harry! Stop it! Listen to me right now!! Open your eyes, look at me!!" Louis started yelling at me. I shot my eyes open, to see Louis' face above mine. "Now listen to me, Harry." He said. I nodded. The pictures were starting to fade but I could still hear the blood curdling screams of my own 14 year old self. "Harry. You're having a panic attack. Listen to my voice. Only my voice, no one else's." I felt a hand slide into mine, and held it tight.  "You'll be okay." Louis said quietly. I held onto his hand, squeezing it every time I heard a scream. I let out a cry, and he would just tell me to look at him. "Harry, tell me whats happening. You're okay. You're in my arms, on my lap, holding my hand, I'm here, Harry. Don't give in, you're not where you think you are." He ranted. I tried to focus on the blue in his eyes. I tried taking my thoughts from the pictures in my mind. This went on for a few minutes until I finally managed to calm down. "Harry, are you alright?" He said. I processed what he said this time and nodded. "Let's get you home soon, before people start to wonder." He said. I nodded. He picked me up and set me in the chair, the door being already open. He put my crutch in the back seat.  I sat in the car, tears streaming down my face. "Harry, please stop crying, things will be okay." He said as he backed out of the parking lot. He drove very fast, and we soon arrived at a modest, yet gorgeous house.

He got out of the car, and walked over to my side, helping me out. I seemed fine now, just a bit scared from the event before. I got my crutch and we walked down the pathway to a door. He unlocked the door, and lead me inside his house. His house was a light blue with brown accents here and there. "You have a pretty house." I said. He smiled again, and my stomach flipped. I told the voice in my mind to be quiet before it could even say anything. He laid me down on the couch, and put a blanket over me. "I'll go get you a glass of water, I'll be right back." He said. I nodded. "Thanks Louis."

I looked at the walls and saw different pictures. One of the boy and an older lady I assumed was his mother. I saw another of him with 4 girls, all younger than him. I saw another with all of them combines, which must have been the family.

He returned with a cup of water and set it on the table beside me. I sat up, and took a drink, as Louis started to speak. "Are you okay now?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm alright. Who are the people in these pictures?" I asked, pointing at the ones on the wall. "My family." He stood up and walked over to them. He pointed at the first one. "That's me and my mother, and those are my 4 little sister, Fizzy, Lottie, Daisy, and Phoebe." He said. I nodded. "That's cool." I said. "Yeah, Theyre fun." he said. There was a pause. "Louis, why are you helping me? Why can I hear you in my head?" I questioned. He sighed. "It's what I do." He said. "Yeah, but why?" I asked, standing up. "Because. I'm your guardian. It's what I was assigned to do. I want to help. I know what you're going through, I know how to help. You have a purpose and you are loved by tons of people. More than you'll ever know." he explained. "Im not worth it!" I almost yelled.

 Louis stepped closer. He lowered his voice to a whisper. "Because I knew that when I saw you at Starbucks, and I bumped into you, and you were broken, I knew something was wrong. The first thing I thought in my mind was 'Wow he's beautiful.'. I was at the school to visit a friend who works there today and I saw you. You were laying on the ground, and I didn't hesitate to make sure you were okay. I know you've just met me, but I swear I'm not leaving you unless you ask me to." He whispered. I was speechless. There was a long pause. "Don't go. You're the only one that's cared about me before." I whispered. His eyes shifted to the ground, and back up at my eyes. "I know." He whispered. I stared down at him. I nodded, the tears threatening to fall. I wrapped my arms around the smaller boy, and he hugged me back. "Thank you." I said to the older boy. He smiled against my neck. "Don't thank me." He said.

I could feel his lips moving on my neck, and shivers shot down my back. And I just smiled.

Yay well here's chapter 5, and I might not be able to update soon, because Im going to OREGONNNN! (IM GOING TO 1D WORLD THERE YAYAYAYY) Anyways, I love you guys, thanks for the votes and reads, and don't hesitate to comment(:


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