*chapter 11 (last chapter)*

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Last chapter. leave comments and stuff. ok bye

*Louis' POV*

I slammed the flat door shut and ran down Harry's walk. The tears were violently flowing down my face after a few seconds. I wiped my eyes with the palms of my hands and ran across the street. I ran for about 20 minutes, just sprinting my heart out, the rain feeling like razor blades, whipping in the violent wind. I ran down a street, with cars driving speedily down it, and came to a bridge. I sat on the edge as I looked at the crashing water below. The bridge was a good 80 feet up. I sat on the edge, still shaking with sobs. Why did he do that?!?! Why does he hate me!? It sucks knowing that the love of my life hates me now. He hates me. I remember his face of anger, I remember his neck veins showing through his neck as he screamed at me. I remember wanting to hide away from him, thinking that he was going to hurt me. Even though I knew he would never.

I guess I was wrong.

I allowed my feet to dangle, a new tear falling every few seconds. My heart ached. I just hope he would've told me that he didn't like me instead of breaking my heart like that. I sat at the bridge for a few hours, just wishing I'd wake up in Harry's arms and it'd all be a dream. I decided that wasn't the case, and took the hour long walk in the rain to my house. I didn't care. I kind of liked it though.

I didn't sleep that night. Not a wink. I sat up in bed reading our old texts. There was one in particular that made the tears fall again. It went like this:

Harry<3: Goodmorning, sunshine!(:

Me: Goodmorning beautiful.

Harry<3: You know you mean the world to me, right?

Me: It may have been mentioned before.(;

Harry<3: And you'd  know I'd never hurt you, right?

Me: I know, angel.(:

Harry<3: I promise I'd never do anything to upset you.

Me: Well you're not at my house right now, so you're already breaking that promise.(:

Harry<3: Oh right. I'm coming over later today.(:

Me: Good! You'd never physically hurt me, right?

Harry<3: Baby, no, of course not. I love you more than life itself. I promise on my life I'll never hurt you like that.

I whispered to myself as I whispered. "You promised."

I sat up in bed as I tossed and turned for hours. Reading old texts, crying my eyes out, and looking for an excuse to text him. The clock read 11:30 pm. But I wasn't getting out of bed. I lay in bed for who knows how long, just moping at my life. I read more old texts over and over again, as I sat in my jumper and plaid pajama pants, wishing he was beside me. I closed my eyes, set my phone down, curled into the blanket, and brought my hands up to my face. I imagined that Harry's arms were around me. That he was placing little kisses on the back of my neck and that he wasn't covering his cuts and scars, and I could see every story behind each one, and I'd kiss them lightly while he'd draw circles on my bare back. He'd whisper sweet nothings into my ear and I'd shiver against his touch. He'd wrap both of his long arms around me, and play with my fingers. He'd tangle our legs together and we'd lay like that until we couldn't stand it anymore. We'd get up and eat noodles and pizza, and we'd tease each other and argue over stupid things that usually ended in tickle fights, or pillow fights, and we'd be in love all day.

I found my self crying over these thoughts again, hours drifting by just imagining things like that. I finally decided to sit up and do something. It was 1:30 pm. I groaned. I styled up my hair, and put on a sweater and jeans and left. I felt horrible. I walked into Starbucks minutes later, only to order a coffee and sit at a table in the corner. I sipped at the drink for about 20 minutes until another person came in the door. I didn't pay much attention at first, but he sat down across the café from me. I looked up to see Harry sitting across from me. My stomach lurched, my heart stopped, and my breath hitched. I noticed blood on his lips, cuts on his face, and bruises everywhere. He was hunched over, holding his stomach. I gasped. He looked up at me. And our eyes met. His green eyes were dark, full of pain, and hurt. I watched as he squinted his eyes shut, and held his stomach in pain, keeling over the table. I thought I was going to throw up. He was obviously beat up. And I knew it was by Stan. His friend walked over and helped him stand up. I watched as he limped of out the café. He shot me one last look of sadness and was gone. I pulled at my hair with both of my hands. Tears cluttered my eyes again, and I felt my heart ache. Oh Harry.

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