*Chapter 8*

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So it's uhm been a while since I uploaded, sorry about that! I saw the boys a week ago, and I'm seeing them again this weekend!(: They were amazing. Okay. So uhm this chapter might be bad, but thank you so much for 900 reads(: Okay then, happy reading. PS I re edited it almost the whole thing, the first kiss scene and a few details. (:

The weekend went by faster than I had hoped, and before I knew it, it was Monday again. I learned 2 things:

1. I am in love with Louis Tomlinson.

2. Louis might like me back.

I know I read his text message, but he's been talking a lot about Hannah recently, and yeah it hurts, but I figured it was too good to be true. His texts would say things like "Yeah.. She really was beautiful.." and I'd just reply with "Oh." or "Yeah I bet...". He'd tell me 'I love you' but I know he didn't mean it how I did.

I woke up in the morning, as my alarm blared at 6:00 am. I groaned, wishing I could shut it off and sleep forever. Unfortunately, I cant. With that, I stood up, and hopped into the shower. I washed my hair, my body, and stepped out of the shower to pull a towel around my waist. I took close care of my road burn, applying the proper creams and oils to it, and wrapping my bandages around it. My arm was still in the soft cast, and I still had the metal ankle brace on my foot. I looked down at my wrist and stroked the cut on my wrist. It hurt. I pulled on my tight black jeans, the old brown boots that I love, and a white long sleeve button up Hollister shirt. I went back into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I shook out my nearly dry curls, put on some Old Spice deodorant, and sprayed on some cologne. I ran my hand through my curls, went down stairs, grabbed a banana and my back pack, and headed out the door.

Louis POV

I stepped into the pharmacy at 9am, to be greeted by the fellow employees. The morning shift. "Goodmorning, Louis. I have your coffee right here." Becky said, handing me a cup of something warm. "Thanks, Beck. You've always got my back." I said, shooting her a smile. She smiled, and walked through a door and into the back rooms. Becky was maybe 17, was skinny, and beautiful. I took a sip of the drink and followed Becky into the back rooms. I was happily working and doing my job, but at about 2:00, was where things went wrong.

I was in the back room of the pharmacy, sorting pills and placing orders. I was having a gentle conversation with one of the employees named Sierra, when there was an ear splitting sound of a gunshot. I looked up immediately at Sierra, horror in both of our eyes. "Get down, now" I nearly yelled. I shut and locked the doors and flipped the lights off. We crawled under one of the tables, to be joined by 3 other employees named James, Kara, Robert, and Becky. I crawled over to Becky, and we sat against the wall. We were all holding hands, the 3 girls crying, and tears filling up in everyone's eyes. We were all horrified. We heard a man yelling. Obviously wanting drugs. I could feel tears pricking at my eyes, and I decided as quickly as possible, I'd shoot Harry a text. I got onto his messages and typed 'Harry, I'm at the pharmacy, someone was shooting, I'm locked in the back room, I'm scared. There are 5 other people here, I'm not alone, but I'm still scared. He's yelling, and he will for sure try and come in this room. If I don't make it out, please stay strong for me, babe.'. I was basically shaking, but I sent it as quickly as possible. We heard another gun shot, and the Pharmacy erupted in screams. I held Becky's and Kara's hands tighter, and flinched as a tear ran down my face. My heart was pounding. I wasn't ready to die. I couldn't yet. What about Harry? I've loved Harry for as long as I knew him. His curls.. His smile.. His dimples.. His bright green eyes. He is flawless. I need the chance to tell him I love him. There was a loud banging on the door, but there were no windows, so there was no glass to shatter. The girls nearly screamed, but kept their mouths shut. I covered my mouth with one hand, and pulling Becky to my side, as she cried into my shoulder. We all held our breath, hearts pounding and my tears finally spilling over. There was more banging, and as hard as it was, we stayed silent. We cried silently, and we held our breath. After about a half an hour, of sitting in the darkness, and crying together, the door was busted down. We heard many guns being cocked, and my heart started to pound furiously. "Clear! Everybody up!" Yelled the voice of an officer. We all scrambled out from under the table and were lead out of the room, and into the destroyed pharmacy.

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