*Chapter 7*

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Okay sorry it's been so long, I've been busy. Im seeing the boys in a few weeks. Weyheyy

Happy reading.

Harry's POV.

I woke up in the morning and looked at my clock. 10:00 am. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I stood up and put on my flannel plaid pajama pants, and then I walked down stairs without a shirt on, and walked into the kitchen. I went to open the fridge, and rubbed my wrist on my shirt unintentionally. I hissed in pain, and pulled my wrist up. The bandage had come off in the shower and I had forgot to put on a new one. I walked to the cupboard and put on a new bandage. After I had some cereal for breakfast, I went upstairs and opened my closet. I got dressed in a dark green beanie, a white tee shirt, black skinny jeans, a black Hollister coat, and my white converse. I decided I should probably go out somewhere, so I brushed my teeth, sprayed some cologne and went out to my car.

I pulled out of my driveway and went down to Starbucks, where I'd get a cup of coffee and maybe a morning bun. I drove down the street, and the petite boy crossed my mind. He really is beautiful... He is so sassy and funny.. The way he walks... How he stood up for me... I've never been straight to be honest. There are a lot of times when I wish I was. I get teased so bad for it. Why? I don't know. Maybe because I trusted my childhood best friend with my biggest secret. He was questioning his own sexuality, but there was 1 problem. He was homophobic, and hated me once I told him. Hated me. He decided he was straight, and gets it on with girls to assure himself of it. He wont ever accept it. He still beats me up every day for it. Maybe if Stan had actually accepted who he was, we could still be friends, but every day he still beats me up for telling him I was gay. Personally, I think Stan started to fall in love with me.

I pulled into the parking lot of Starbucks and got out of my car. I walked to the door and pulled it open. My stomach lurched as I saw a familiar head standing by the receiving table. He smiled at me and waved. My heart pounded as I smiled and waved back. Why was I feeling this way towards Louis? The lady handed him his coffee and he walked to me. "Following me around are you, Harry?" He asked with a wink. He was in tan skinny jeans, with a white tee shirt, a dark  navy coat, and navy blue toms. I chuckled. "I could say the same about you, Louis." I said, shooting him a wink back. I saw him blush, and I swear my heart could've stopped. He playfully pushed me in the arm, as I walked up to the counter. Was Louis Tomlinson flirting with me?!

I ordered a Venti Hazelnut Macchiato, and a Morning Bun. When I was handed my items, I saw Louis motion me over to his table. I sat down across from him, as he sipped on his coffee. "So, Harry, what are you doing today?" He asked. I thought, and I really didn't have any plans. Zayn said something about a skiing trip with Liam and Niall, who was Liam's boyfriend. "Nothing really.. I'll probably go home and read a book... Put on some sweats... Make some tea.." I started listing boring things. "Well why don't we do something together?" He asked. My face lit up. "Yeah that- that sounds great!" I said. Louis smiled hugely and even let out a small giggle. He giggled! I felt my heart speed up. "We can just go to my house and watch movies in sweats and make tea?" I suggested. He nodded. "That'd be perfect!" He said, taking a sip of his coffee.

We left the coffee shop 10 minutes later, entering into the freezing cold atmosphere and got in our cars.  I pulled out of the parking lot, to be followed by Louis in his own car. I drove down the street, and looked at Louis through my rear view mirror. He is flawless. Especially when he drives. He saw me staring at him, and winked, causing me to laugh out loud. I covered my mouth with my hand to muffle the laugh, continuing to drive with the other. Louis turned on his turning signal, and got into the lane next to me. I pulled to a stop light, and heard a honk in the car next to me. Louis was in his black Porsche, sunglasses on, shading himself from the frozen yet bright sun. He revved his engine, obviously challenging me to a race. I figured since it was one of the only days this month where there wasn't ice and snow on the ground, I'd go for it. The light turned green, and we sped off, down the street, just us 2 on the vacant road.  I soared in front, and send him a little snicker in my rearview mirror. He scoffed, and slammed on the gas. His car zoomed ahead of mine. We traded on and off, until we reached my house. We neared the driveway, and he slammed on the gas one last time, and beat me with not much space between us. I laughed out loud as he slammed on the breaks in my driveway. I pulled in next to him, and we both got out of the car, laughing.

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