*Chapter 4*

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I just realized how short chapter 3 was, I am sooo sorry. 

This one will be longer, if any of you even care...

ANYWAYS PLEASE pleasepleaseplease comment below what you think of my story. c:

Okay chapter 4.

I've been out of the hospital for about a week after the incident. I hadn't heard either of the voices since then, and tomorrow is my first day that I have to go back to school since since the accident, and I am not ready. I already know that I'm going to get made fun of, and I'm not sure if I can take that yet. It's been almost 4 days since I last cried. That's a huge accomplishement to me. 

I was stationed in bed with an arm cast, an ankle brace, bandages up my leg, and a wrap around my forehead. I sat up to get a drink of water, and felt an unbarable amount of pain rush to my head. I groaned in pain. "Harry, are you alright?" I heard Gemma yell from downstairs. I didnt reply. I heard her come running up the stairs, and open the door. "Haz?" she said. She rushed to me and put a hand on my back. "Harry, what's wrong?" "It's just my head.. Could you get my pills?" I asked. She nodded and was back in a few minutes with my medication.

I took the pills, and laid back down. "Are you alright, Harry?" She asked, sitting on the bed. I nodded. "It's probably just stress." I said. She nodded. "Want to talk about it?" She asked. I shook my head. "No, thats okay." I said. She nodded. "Okay. Im here if you need me." She said standing up off the bed.  "Okay. Thanks Gemma." I said. She nodded and walked out. 

'There's a pill bottle right there. Take them all.'

Cackled a voice in my mind. "No, go away." I muttered. What, it's not like your mother cares, she doesn't even care that you're this sick. I shook my head. "No!" I said a little louder. She doesn't! She's never home, she's never there for you, she never noticed your scars, she never visited you while you were in your coma from last time! Why would she care? "No, my mom cares about me." I said. No she doesn't, you're a queer, and the only person you an actually rely on is your stupid sister who doesn't even understand you. "No, that's not true, she does understand." Well now she has to. Because her stupid brother got in a stupid accident because he was being an idiot and went with a stranger! Maybe if you weren't such a baby, this wouldn't have happened. But then again, it was great, because at one point, you were dead. Didn't it feel great? You were dead! You were a dead little faggot! No one had to worry about being in a fight with you, or satisfy you! They were much happier when you were out. "No! That's not true!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "No! They cared!!!! My sister cared!! Im not doing it again!   My friends were worried! My mom was horrified!!! She's always there for me, weather you like it or not! Get out of my head!!!" I screamed, sitting up. 

Gemma came in my room. "Harry!?!??!" She yelled. Tears were flowing out of my eyes, and I rubbed them. "Harry, what is going on??!?! What's wrong!? Who's in here?!" She said, running to my bed. "N-nothing, it's just my mind." I said. "Harry, if you're lying I will be so mad!" She said, almost crying herself. "I'm not, Gemma!!!" I said. "Then, Harry, what is it!?" She asked. "I'm fine. I was just having a bad dream." I said, looking at my feet. "No you weren't. Look at me, Harry." I looked up at her. "Seriously. Whats wrong." She pleaded. "Nothing, I'm just schizoprenic. I hear voices. That's all." I said. "Okay. I love you, Harry. Remember that." She said. "Are you alright?" she added. I nodded. "Okay. I'm going downstairs to get some sleep. Goodnight, Harry." She said. "Goodnight Gemma." She gave me a hug and I hugged back. "Oh, and if you want to skip 3rd and go to Starbucks, I can come pick you up." She said. "That'd be really fun. Okay." I said. "Sweet. Goodnight Haz." She said. "Goodnight." I said as she walked out of my room.

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