*Chapter 3*

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kay yay for larry ok b y e

It was about 7 o clock, and I decided that I should just go out. Get some time off for myself. I was still shaken from what Stan did. I needed to clear my head. I went and got dressed in some party clothes. When I say party clothes, I mainly mean black skinny jeans, a black tee shirt, and my white fedora.

I left for the club at about 7:30 and arrived there to hear blasting music, loud laughs, and a whole lot of drunk people. I walked in the club, and walked straight to the bar. "Hi, what can I get you tonight?" Asked a very beautiful blonde girl in rather revealing clothing that I won't describe. "Surprise me." I replied. She filled me up a drink of something strong smelling and said with a smile "Looks like you got something on your mind.". I decided not to tell her. "Just girl problems" I said, Even though everyone knows I'm bi sexual. She hesitated. "Want me to take your mind off of those problems?" She asked, leaning over the counter a bit. "No thanks, I'm just going to go over here now.." I said as I walked to the other side of the bar.

"Don't take it personally, she gets on everyone." I heard a voice say. I turned around to see a rather handsome man behind me. He had black spikey hair, dark eyes, he was very built, and was just a bit shorter than me. "Oh yeah? I can tell." I said chuckling a bit as I leaned on the table of the bar. "Kind of a charmer, isn't she?" He said. I laughed. "Just a little bit." I said, taking a sip of my drink, and holy mother of pearl, that was strong. I made a sour face. "Strong drink, isn't it? Asked her to surprise you, didn't she." He said, chuckling at himself. "Yeah, how'd you know?" I asked. "She's here every day, as well as I am. She gives really strong drinks, hoping she can get herself somewhere tonight." He said. I just chuckled. "So I'm assuming you know this place up and down." I said, sipping on the unusually strong drink. "You got yourself a name?" He asked. "Oh. Yeah, yeah I'm Harry. Harry Styles." I said, taking another drink. "Sweet. I'm Marcus Howe." he said.

Harry. Listen to me. You need to get out. Now.

"Nice to meet you, Marcus." I said, ignoring the voice of the attractive boy in my dream. "Nice to meet you, too." I said. We shook hands, and carried on a conversation until we were completely smashed and laughing loudly over nothing. After about an hour of this, I decided I should be heading home. "Heyo, Marcus, my main man, what time is it mate?"  I asked, completely drunk. "Its like 2." He slurred, throwing his arm around me. "Are you serious man?" I said, holding out my words. "I can drive you  home if you'd like" He said. I nodded. "You're a true friend" I said in a jokish tone.

No, Harry, bad idea. Call Gemma for a ride, don't go with him.

I ignored the voice in my head, and followed him out of the club. He lead me to a motorcycle. "Motorcycle? I like it." I said, as he sat down. He patted the spot behind him. I sat down and strattled the boy, wrapping my arms around his waist. His motorcycle rumbled to life, and we pulled out of the parking lot.

Harry, get off. Please, listen to me, Harry!!! You need to get off!

I ignored the voice in my head. Remember, no one cared about me, and that's all that matters. We started driving, and started going really fast. Like really fast. I let out a cheer as we zipped down the highway. He laughed in response to my cheers. We continued to soar down the street as I saw one of the lights turn red. He sped up. "Marcus, what are you doing?" I asked. "I think I can make it if I go fast enough" He yelled "No, no you cant! Stop! Right now!!!!" I yelled. Too late. We zipped through the red light only to be T-boned into an on coming car.  Everything went black. 


The people in the streets got out of their cars only to see 2 boys laying in the road. One had an open fracture, and blood was dripping onto the gravel of the road from his forehead, with road burn running down his right leg, and his ankle was twisted the other way. The other boy on the other hand, things didn't look so good for him. His head was facing the sky, while he was flat on his stomach. Neck broken, right in half. His neck was bleeding from the ripping of his skin. People were crying and screaming from the disturbing sight of the dead boy. The police came and loaded the two boys into an ambulance.

*End of scene*

 I woke up in a bed. I looked around me. White walls. White curtains. White bed. I sat up, and let out a scream from the pain that aroused in my body. A nurse came dashing into the room. "Mr. Styles, please lay back down." She said, pushing me down onto the bed. "What do you remember from the accident?" She asked. "Oh, well me and my friend Marcus were at a club, and he said he'd drive me home and then he tried to make the red light, but he missed and we got hit by a car." I said. She nodded. She looked down at a clip board in her hand. "It says here that you were both drunk and not wearing helmets." She said. I nodded. "I told him to stop." I said. "Hmm. It seems that you have fractured your arm, You got 43 stitched on your forehead, you broke your ankle quite badly, and got very intense road rash on your right leg." she explained to me. I looked down to see a large cast on my arm, and bandages on my ankle. I nodded. "Your partner though. He didn't make it." She said. "What?" I asked, shocked. "He broke his neck, and did not survive the accident. You're very lucky Harry." She said. "Wow.." I said. "Yep. You can go home whenever your parent or guardian come to get you." She said. "Oh, I can drive." I said. "For multiple reasons, we do not allow patients to drive themselves home. Im sorry Mr. Styles, You'll have to wait." she said. I nodded. "I'll be back soon with your medication." She said, walking out the door.

I groaned. I told you  I would look after you, Harry.  "Who's there?" I asked. It's just me. Trust me, Harry. I'll look after you. "Why? Who are you!?" I almost shouted. Silence. I groaned in frusteration.

I'll look after you.

Okayyyy well that's chapter 3, I hope its okay... Please comment and give me feedback, if you like it, come back and follow along with me!(:


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