Chapter Nine

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Who said liking yourself was easy.


I wake up and stretch, my arms extending. I open my eyes and drop my arms down quickly noticing how thin i'm getting lately. I pull the duvet over my head and search for my phone.


I whip around under the cover and get tangled up falling to the hard floor. I scratch at the cotton trying to find a way out, but warm arms grab me around my waist. I feel a soft hand shape uncover my face gently and I look up.

"Holy shit Corey you gave me a heart attack!" I shout because it's not likely my dad can hear me anyway.

"What are you doing here?" I say looking at his messy brown hair, it looks as if he's just woke up too.

"I thought I'd surprise my little caterpillar! Caterpillar no like surprise...?" He says in a baby voice

I stand up and slam into him with a tight hug.

"Hey hey!" He says softly placing his hands round me.

I break away realising that I probably look a state and that I have morning breath too. I would not be a good idea too kiss him now.

I stand back and look into my mirror and sigh.

"I need to change if were going somewhere" I whisper trying to smooth my bedhead

"Who said we were going anywhere, we could stay right here..." He whispered pointing to my bed.

I turn to him and push him for being so dirty minded but I smile. I'm always smiling when I'm with him I think to myself.

I look at his innocent eyes and smile weakly. I really don't want to ruin this relationship, I can't ruin him he's too nice too gentle. I don't deserve him.

I pull some clothes out of the wardrobe trying to busy myself.

"What's wrong?" He whispers with worry I feel him standing behind me, and I can imagine he's wondering what to do with his hands.

"Nothing, nothing" I say my hands still in-between my clothes.

"Mia I'm not stupid I've seen the way you look sometimes, clearly you've been through a patch." He says seriously trying to look at me from the side.

"Yes but it's nothing I should be..." I trailed off wanting to look at him but refusing to budge.

I finally gave in and looked around at his face. He looked sad really sad.

"Corey..." I whispered my hands starting to shake.

His dark brown eyes were strung with tears, and mine were filling up too. He stared at me his eyes glassy and I stretched out my arms trying to hug him but he didn't budge.

"Mia I love you, I have never loved anyone like you and I needed to be right for you..." He said his voice cracking, a tear falling down his cheek.

"You were always out of my league and I had to be right.." He said suddenly holding his waist.

What was he doing I, I'm not out of his league! What has he done?

He was crying now his arms wobbling under his red check shirt. He lifted his shirt up slowly and dropped it half down again to wipe his eyes.

He was so thin.

So so thin.

Had I done this?

Corey? What have you done?

"What I-I don't understand!" I say quietly

I am suddenly interrupted by his soft lips. He continued to kiss me slowly making my heart falter. I found myself getting lost in the kiss. I could kiss him forever. I held the back of his neck with freezing hands pulling him closer. We sat down on my bed still kissing passionately, I guess i'm not so bothered about morning breath now. I break away and look at him, he's got his eyes closed and he's still shaking. I rest my forehead on his and cry with him whilst he holds me by the waist.

When we've both calmed down I get him to take his shoes off and lie down with me. I face him and whisper in his ear.

"I love you, you don't have to change yourself for me to say that." I whisper hoarsely.

"I just didn't know what to do, I felt so bad." He said trying to not look at me.

"What did you do to yourself?" I said cupping his cheek, but I really didn't want to know the answer.

"I ate, I did... but I felt bad afterwards and I, I threw up." He said moving his arms from under me.

I said nothing more and snuggled into him touching his thin ribs lightly.

*:・゚ ✧゚・: **:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *✧*:・゚ ✧゚・: **:・゚✧ ・: *✧*:・゚✧ ・゚✧゚・: **:・゚✧・゚✧ ✧゚・: **:・゚ ✧゚・: **:✧・゚: *✧

The wood is old and worn, almost driftwood. I look up and a sudden wave of light-headedness hits me. I swerve left with the weight of it and see a door with a circular window. I walk towards it with awe and turn the cold handle. I pull back the heavy door and fall back at the shocking gust of wind. I walk through the door and gaze at the view. I'm on a boat, I walk towards the rim and look at the rolling waves.

Cold hands grab me and I jump out of my skin. I shove the body behind me and turn to face them. My eyes open wide as I see Ben. I relax and watch his face. He's looking at my neck and face and is making a strange look on his face. I reach out to touch his shoulder but he grabs my arm and pulls me to him.

"You really think that you won't kill him Mia?"He spits in my ear, digging his nails into my skin.

I look at him with shock.

"Ohhh Mia, you little... you didn't even think." He says a little louder a slight laugh in his voice.

"Mia kills me, Mia kills Jasmine and little Mia kills corey! Isn't that right." He shouts with anger.

Ben lets go of me now and waves his hands in the air. He moves back to me and whispers;

"You." he mumbles in my ear.

"Cannot." nodding his head with lunacy.

"Love." He moves one of his hands back and swooshes it forward bringing a knife into my gut. I gag with the pure pain of it and then everything is warm and black.

*:・゚ ✧゚・: **:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *✧*:・゚ ✧゚・: **:・゚✧ ・: *✧*:・゚✧ ・゚✧゚・: **:・゚✧・゚✧ ✧゚・: **:・゚ ✧゚・: **:✧・゚: *✧

I Sit up and bolt in my bed sweat dripping off my head I look to my side and see Corey looking very scared. I exhale and smile at him weakly. He kisses me on the lips lightly and snuggles into me again.

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