Chapter eleven

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The phone is buzzing and I stretch my arm to find it, god effort. I look at it tiredly and answer the call.

"Helloo?" I say with the most effort I can muster.

"Mia oh I... (sniff)"

"What Corey what's going on what?" I murmur softly trying to pull off my duvet which is glued to me.

"Can I come round?" I hear him say

"Well since you kind of let yourself in last time you don't really need to ask" I say kicking at the duvet now with frustration.

"Ok, love you" He says

I smile. 

"Yeah." I say yawning 

I hear him laugh and then he's gone.


"I was up totally" I say looking down

"Yeah and that's why you are  half dressed" He mimics my tired tone of voice

"Ok whatever ,So what's wrong then I can tell somethings bothering you" I say looking at his face changing expression

"I just want you to be happy Mia, I'm going to come out with this now. I want to be with you Mia , for a long time I mean. You changed my life and I love you but you're kind of hesitant and I don't know why." he says touching my cheek and the moving away.

"I just want to know why and that's all." He says brushing his fringe with his hand.

"You might not want to know." I say wondering wether to grab his hand or not.

"Tell me everything Mia I'm not judging you I'm your boyfriend tell me your life story if thats easier for you I'll listen" He says putting his hands on my waist.

"Ok" I say nervous of what he will think of me afterwards.

"I was born in this house" I say with a laugh "In the bath" I smile "my mum always told me that I'm going be a good swimmer if I was born in a bath" 

He smiles

"But I'm not haha" I say looking down.

"I took my first steps in the kitchen."

"My first word was Bubble"

"Apparently it sounded like BLUBBCLE though" I say leaning on him lightly

"There's not much to say about my life after except that mum left and I can never find her." I whispered 

"So I just lived with dad and yeah..."

"My first boyfriend was erm"

"You can tell me Mia!" he says stroking my cheek

"Someone called Ben." I tensed up at his name.

"Oh Mia..." He said letting go of me slightly

"Yeah him" I say grabbing a pillow and squeezing it.

"I was actually with him at the time." I say

"Like relationship wise." I exclaim instead the thought differently

"I didn't know Mia, when you said you knew him in the park I didn't question it." He says pulling me close and nuzzling my neck.

"I knew he had problems but I just didn't expect it." "I just gave up with school after that." 

"Until I met Jasmine. She was my girl, I didn't expect us to... but we did, She was perfect and she helped me but she was the one who ended it I guess."

"You heard about her too right?" I say already knowing what his expression is before I look at him.

"You deserve better people Mia." He said

"They were good people Corey. It was me. I corrupt people I'm sure of it. Once they get close to me they go the wrong way, I can sense it."

I get up and take off my pyjama top. He's not looking at me he's just looking into the distance. I fish out a bra and put it on. He stands up and walks towards me I tuck my arms in nervously but he holds me softly and warms my body. I relax and turn to face him. 

"But I can get better right?" I say looking into his glossy eyes.

He moves his arms further around my waist and puts his hands on my back. I move closer to him and move my hands to his chest.

"How can I claim you?" He says huskily which makes my heart hammer in my chest. 

"Do what you want." I say quietly.

He undos my bra, which I have just put on and he takes it off. I move my arms around his neck and kiss him with passion he lets go and undos his shirt quickly I smile and kiss him again. He slides his tongue in which shocks me but it's nice, I let go and move towards my scruffy bed. He pushes me down and kisses me rougher I move to straddle his waist. Something hard brushes my leg and I break away he blushes and then pulls off his pants and mine too. We're both naked now, are we really doing this? He grabs his wallet and pulls out a condom. Ok apparently we are!

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