Chapter twelve [ The last chapter ]

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So...That happened...

What am I to say?

After it happened I woke up and he had gone, I was confused and angry. Why did he leave me? 

That I do not know.

But he did.

He said that he had to claim me, he certainly did. wow.

But he left.

I walk out of the house pulling up my leggings I had just put on. I shiver at the breeze, It is freezing out here, like snowing temperatures. It's July!

I look both ways and quiver, I can't see him.

I walk back into the house and grab an extra jacket. My dad is watching the game in silence. I grip the soft jacket in my hand as I watch him, he's sober. I scratch around for my phone and flick it on. 15:56   Wow I am proud. Corey, Mia! go find Corey! I remember and run out of the house in a hurry, I run down the road, pulling on my jacket I laugh to myself because of Dad, because I have Corey, I'm not a virgin anymore either!

If only mum was here.

I stop running and walk past the shops and the grim faced people, I walk through the alleyways and down the back streets. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going this way.

I get to the farmers fields and cover my nose with the corner of the jacket. It stinks! I walk on down the angled paths and dodging the mud puddles on the pavement. I keep going looking at the views of cows and sheep and stop just before I hit a sign.

You are now leaving Hadfield.

I look across at the other side of the road and see five figures, all familiar, but it's funny to see them all together.





and a baby's cot

My mum's unborn baby.

I remember now.

I think to what links them all.

And I realise.

I killed them all.

I killed them all.

I guess I have to carry on though, through life. My weaknesess can't destroy me anymore.

I walk past the figures and past the sign. I take a breath and run.

I am who I am, the places I will go now will make me new again, a new life, patch up all the dark places.

All the dark places (Short story)Where stories live. Discover now