Chapter 3

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Two weeks later...

It had been a pretty normal day for me. I heard on the radio on the way to school with Mason that 1D was going to meet their junior manager today. Most of the paparazzi had guessed that the manger would be in her late teens, and live in a major city in England. Well there goes a new life I could've lived. I wanted to know if this was true, so I Googled "One Direction". I felt a tiny pang of disappointment when I read an article about them flying to London. Well, I never expected to win, did I?

Throughout the day, I began to feel content, but a bit hungry. It's like that satisfied feeling you get when you know something good is about to happen, but aren't sure what it is, exactly. That's why I was a bit surprised when my name blared through the intercom.

"Hayley Evens, will you please report to the front office?" cried our principal, Mr. Desmore through the loud speakers.

What?! I couldn't recall doing anything wrong...I think. Nevertheless, my entire math class eyed me and "oohed". My teacher furrowed her eyebrows, knowing that I was a straight A student with good behavior, but shooed me off. Frankly, I was surprised too. I ran through my internal calender. Nope. No appointments or anything that would result me getting picked up early. Maybe the administration wanted to ask me something.

I cautiously opened the door to the front office.

"Hayley?" the front desk woman asked. I nodded. "Desmore's waiting in his office for you. Go on in."

I began to sweat. As far as I knew, I didn't get into any trouble. I opened the door to Mr. Desmore's office and walked in.

"Hello, Hayley." He said with a smile on his face. "How are you?"

"um...ok." I responded.

"Is Jordyn being a good student?"

I smiled. Mr. Desmore was Jordyn' s dad. "She's doing all right." I said.

"Ok, then," said Mr. Desmore. "I've called you over to discuss your change in schools."

"What?!" I cried. A change in schools?! I had zero idea where that came from.

"Your mother had signed you up for Florida Virtual school."

"But...I don't even live in Florida!"

Mr. Desmore shrugged. "Congrats on placing in your skate competition, by the way. Jordyn is so proud of you."

Ok, he just randomly complemented me. Now I was getting suspicious. Mr. Desmore was hiding something.

"Ouch!" cried someone, very faintly, from behind Mr. Desmore's desk. "Airy! Stop!"

Airy? that was a weird name. Confused, I walked over to Mr. Desmore's desk.

"Mr. Desmore?" I asked. "Did I just hear something behind your desk?"

Mr. Desmore frowned, but looked down. "There's nothing here." he said, nonchalantly.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion, and opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

Then, I heard a sneeze.

"Mr. Desmore!" I cried. "There is something, or rather, someone, behind your desk."

"Nope." Mr. Desmore said without glancing down again.

"Argh!" I cried, slinking back down in my chair. "I give up."

Mr. Desmore cracked up. "Get up, boys." he said, while laughing.

Then up came Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, and good 'ol Harry Styles.

Oh. My. God.

Harry came over to me and shook my already-shaking-hand. "Welcome to the team!" he said eagerly.

I couldn't believe it.

I was their junior manager!!!!!!!!!


Well this chapter is a tad bit longer. Hayley has won the competition! Vote this chapter please! Now that they've all met, They're gonna have so many adventures together. Good and bad.

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