Chapter 48

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We were sitting in silence together for about a half an hour, when the boys were called up onstage for an award. My head started to hurt once I heard all of the screams from fans. Somehow, I just smiled through the entire thing.

"I would like to thank the fans out there that voted for us!" Said Niall, holding up the KCA trophy. There was a moment of screams again before Niall continued. "I would also like to thank our favorite member, Hayley Evans!"

I heard some booing in the background, but I didn't care. Two camera men came over to my seat and hoisted their cameras above their shoulders. Dallas waved and smiled, with his left arm wrapped around me. He gave me a squeeze.

"We dedicate this award to Hayley, who has given us so much." said Niall. I blushed. I caught a glimpse of Niall's genuinely happy smile in my direction. It made me happy to know that they were happy.

"We wouldn't be where we are without her." he said. I heard some people behind me cursing out loud. My smile dimmed, and I sighed.

"It's okay," said Dallas, looking me in the eye, "You'll always be perfect to me."

Allright, THAT was cheesy. I had only been going out with him for a DAY, and he was already using pickup lines? I also wondered just how he got himself to my attention, and why. It's not really likely that a random group of boys wants to sing in front of One Direction and then take me out on a date. I mean, c'mon, the general population doesn't really like me.

I was given a hand signal by an official to make my way to the stage. I knew this because I had seen the boys react to it so many times. Confused, I got up, and briskly walked to the stage; every celebrity I passed had their gaze on me. I walked past Selena Gomez, and she smiled.

"Hayley,we would like to present you with this award." said Liam, handing me a Kid's Choice Award trophy. I was clueless. I didn't want to say anything that would make me look even more like a fool on live tv, so I just gazed at Liam. He smiled, and held his mic up to his mouth again. "You were voted Best Female Athlete!" I heard some screaming in the audience, and I suddenly was overcome with shock. I gasped, and turned around to see the TV screen behind me. My skating profile video was showing. I knew the words so well in that video, I could say it in my sleep. I glanced down at my gray boot, and tried to move my toes. I could! I smiled, and looked out at the audience. I knew my family was watching and cheering, and so was Jordyn. My red dress soon became the second-most-glowing thing on me, other than my face. I hugged the boys, and couldn't help but smile the rest of the amazing night.


The next morning, we had our first day off. It was Monday, and I was going to leave on Friday. I had about four days left with the band and Dallas.

I visited the doctor again, and she said my foot was healing so fast, I could get my boot off tomorrow! Of course, I wanted that. I would finally be able to skate again, since my final was in about eight weeks.

Today, however, I decided to spend the day with Dallas. He picked me up in his old Ford truck, and we went out for lunch, while the boys slept in.

"Where do you want to eat?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Whatever's around."

We ended up pulling into an Applebees parking lot. Dallas Parke his car, got out, and opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I said, blushing. Dallas grabbed my wrist, and led me into the restaurant.

"Two, please." I said at the counter. The waiter grabbed two menus and walked to the back of the restaurant.

"We will be with you shortly." said the waiter. He briskly walked off, leaving Dallas and I alone.

I fixed my jeans, and looked through the menu. I was wearing a maroon rhinestone sweater, and a pair of black Vans. My hair was pulled back partially.

"So," said Dallas in his Tennessee accent after a minute of silence, "do you-"

Suddenly, I heard a click. A camera click. I looked out the window, and saw a camera being used by a man in a black outfit. He had lanyard hanging from his neck. He flashed his camera again. Oh dear.

"Holy Crap!" I cried, flipping the menu over my face, so the man couldn't get any more pictures of it. Dallas saw it, and reached over to close the blinds.

"Thanks." I said, putting the menu down. "That was strange, no one ever puts me in a newspaper."

Dallas shrugged. "Perhaps they wanted to see your pretty face."

I smiled. I was really falling for him, even though he was quite cheesy at times.

"Hayley!" came a deep voice. Dallas and I quickly turned our heads to see a mob of paparazzi people running over to our table and calling my name.

I quickly got up, terrified. "C'mon," I said, grabbing Dallas's hand. "We need to get outta here." We raced down the restaurant; Dallas kept giving me worried looks, and I was scared the entire time. People kept flashing their cameras in my face, and calling my name. We finally exited the restaurant, and hopped in Dallas' s car.

"Drive like a madman!" I cried, and I shoved his keys into the ignition. "Take me back to the hotel!"

"Now calm down, missy," Dallas said as he glanced behind him to back out of the parking lot.

"Just go!" I cried, watching the paparazzi flood out of the restaurant. Dallas turned the steering wheel, and got onto the highway, back to the hotel.

"Cover yourself." he said, handing me a ball cap. I grabbed it, and put it on; stuffing my hair in it as well. Dallas took a turn to exit the highway about ten minutes later, loosing the scary paparazzi vans. He slowly pulled up to the hotel, and then just sat there.

We were sitting in silence for a few seconds. Dallas was leaning his head back, and gasping. I was sinking down in the passenger seat, and put on his sunglasses.

I broke the silence a few minutes later, by asking "what was THAT?"

Dallas shook his head, but laughed. "I don't know, but it was pretty freaky. Are you allright?"

"Yes." I sighed, getting out of his truck. I began to briskly walk into the building.

"Wait!" Dallas cried, catching up to me. "Don't you still want lunch?"

"THERE YOU ARE!" cried a deep Irish accent. I turned around to see Niall getting out of a black mini van, followed by the rest of the boys.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Someone found out our location." said. Harry. "We've gotta leave now. The paps and fans are going to come at us."

"We just experienced them." said Dallas. "At Applebees."

"You can drive?" Asked Louis in a sassy tone. "You looked like you barely hit puberty."

Ok, that was uncalled for, and completely false.

"Louis!" I said exasperated. "That was so rude!"

"Not to mention," said Liam. "pretty true as well." The boys all cracked up, but Dallas blushed.

"Guys!" I said, sternly.

"Um, I've gotta go." Dallas said, giving me a quick peck on the cheek. The boys gasped. "I'll text you later."

Dallas drove off, while I almost died. Dallas just kissed me!

"Don't let him EVER do that again, okay?" said Louis. I turned to look at him.

"Hey!" I cried. "He's my boyfriend, so back off, papa!"

"More like a baby friend." muttered Harry as he walked past me.

"You guys are so mean." I said, a little mad at them for not being supportive. I quickly walked back into my room.

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