Chapter 14

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Hello everyone! I hope you like how the story's going so far. This is my first fanfic I've ever written, and it has been fun. I hope that when you read these chapters, the text isn't messed up. If it is, I'm sorry. The app is glitching on me, and once I publish a chapter, some words are changed, lines are messed up, words are misspelled, or things aren't capitalized, or punctuation isn't added, or contractions aren't spelled right, or something. I try to go back and fix it, but sometimes it won't change. I just hope that you wouldn't think I had terrible grammar. I live with a grammar teacher, and so my grammar is practically spot-on. So just wanted to clear that up for you all. Sorry if it bothers any of you. Hope you enjoy the next chapter!


Well we had a successful show at the venue in Richmond. I was glad to see my BFF, and my sisters and brother. I also saw some other girls I knew from school, and they waved to me from the lines outside as Harry piggy-backed me around the building. I head heartbroken to leave my family the next day, but I had to.

We were up early at the airport. I stayed home that night with Jordyn sleeping over, while the boys stayed in a nearby hotel. We all met up at the airport at six in the morning.

Shelby yawned and took out a can of Monster from her satchel. She popped the cap off and took a huge swig of it.

"Shelby!" mom cried. "You know I don't like it when you drink those things! They can cause heart problems!"

"It's just an energy drink, mom." she said in response. "There's nothing to worry about."

"I heard of a girl who drank two cans of it, then ended up in the hospital 24 hours later." said my dad.

"Yeah, sis, I wouldn't touch that stuff." said Mason.

Shelby rolled her eyes. "I'm fine!" she cried, then to Mackenzie, Jordyn, and I she said, "Such drama queens."

"Hayley!" came a sharp voice from behind me. I turned around to see the boys all bundled up in coats, scarfs, and hats.

"Guys?" I asked, perplexed. "You do know that North Carolina isn't 15 degrees in November."

The boys nodded. I was just wearing my new baby blue peacoat I got from Macy's. My scarf, gloves, and hat were in my backpack.

"Fans." Liam Said through his scarf. "Trust me, we're hotter than a pig at a pig barbecue."

"Eww." I said, mad that Liam said that even though he knew fully well that I was a vegetarian.

"We've gotta go, Hayley." Harry said, grabbing my arm.

I turned around, and said goodbye to my family.

"Nice seeing you, sis." I said to Shelby, blinking back tears. I let go of Shelby, and saw that she was red in her face from trying to hold back tears.

"I'll see you in Chicago for my first tournament competition." I said. "You'll be there, right?"

Shelby shrugged. "Can't make any promises."

"But...this is important to me!"

"So is soccer."


"I'll try, Hayley." She said. I sighed, and turned back around, and walked arm-in-arm with Harry and Niall.

I didn't hear, but Shelby said to Mason "There goes the number one international boyband manager, our baby sister."

Mason shrugged. "I guess when you put it that way, she sounds way too superficial."

"That's because she IS superficial." said Shelby, slapping his arm.

"Oww!" Mason cried.


On the plane ride to Raleigh, I sat next to Harry, who was still upset about something.

"Hazza, please tell me what's bothering you."

"I really don't want to."

"Well I care about you!" I cried, really loud. "I don't want to see you upset!"

I guess the whole jet heard, and was staring at me. The boys exchanged glances.

"Fine." Harry finally said. "I'm just homesick, that's all."

His eyes began to well up. I saw him try to blink back tears.

"R-r-really?" I stuttered, not sure what to say next.

Harry nodded. "When I saw you with your family, I realized how lonely I was."

I blinked. "You can't be serious." I exclaimed. "Harry, your bandmates here know what you are going through. They can understand how you feel because they've all felt the same way!"

"I know, it's just..." Harry trailed off. " were so happy when you saw your family. I won't be able to feel that way for a LONG time."

"So you want to feel happy?" I asked, confused.

"No, I want to feel like I have a family."

"But what about Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Lou?"

"They're like brothers to me, but I want to feel loved no matter who I choose to be."

I nodded. "Well, for now, you can count on us."

Harry sighed. "I know I can." he said.

I patted his shoulder, then kissed his cheek. He blushed, but then smiled.

The other boys looked at me in astonishment.

"None of this EVER happened." I said, giving them a death stare.

"Oooooooh, Hayley fancies Harry!!!" Louis cried, energetically.

I rolled my eyes.

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