Chapter 3

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A/N: Hiya guys I hope you enejoyed the first two chapters, I hope you like the way Caleb returned, and I promise i'll try and the chapter's a bit more longer in future as well as make more things happen in them, so here goes with the next chapter, enjoy and review xoxo HalebFan4lyf

Hanna froze on the spot, all she could do was stare at him, he looked just as handsome as the day he left, his dark brown hair was now the same length as it was the first day they met, he was wearing jeans, and a t-shirt where you could easily see his abs, Hanna could'nt help thinking about how her son looked exactly like him, his father, and then thats when she automatically snapped herself out of her thoughts, she looked towards Spencer, and then back towards Caleb, then she finally turned towards Penny.

"Penny can you get Louis on the line please and have him call me as soon a possible? I need to see if he approves of those designs I emailed a few weeks ago, if you need anything, i'll be in my office, If Travis call can you put him straight through to me please" Hanna requested as she headed towards her office.

"yes of course Miss Marin" Penny replied sorting through a pile of paper's on the cashiers desk.

As Hanna walked towards her office, she heard Caleb calling her name behind her.

"Hanna, Hanna! wait can we talk please?" he asked following her, she turned around to face him, she forced herself not to look into those brown eyes of his, because if she did, all she would want to do is crush her lips onto his, and hug him, because as soon as she saw him, she felt all those feelings she had for him came rising back to the surface, she looked at him again, 'well if he wants to talk I could take him into my office,.... then again there are pictures of Nathan and Travis in there.... screw it... he's going to find out sooner or later,does'nt mean he will find out the truth about who Nathan's father is' Hanna had all theses thought in her head, when she finally looked up to notice that Caleb was staring at her, and she nodded her head, as she turned towards her office again.

"follow me" she said going to her desk and sitting down, showing Caleb the seat opposite for him to sit in, he did so, leaning forward on his elbows, so he was closer to her.

"so when did you get back here Caleb?" Hanna asked looking towards some papers on her desk.

"I finished what needed to be done in Ravenswood, so I figured i'd come home, I thought about going to California with my mom but, I felt that I needed to be here more" Caleb replied, just as he was about to sit back in his chair he noticed a picture of a little boy on her desk, he had blue eyes and brown hair, he glanced up at Hanna as she spoke.

"and why did you feel like you needed to be here?" she asked as she looked down at her papers, again. When she noticed that Caleb did'nt answer, she glanced up at him noticeing that he was staring at her, then she realised... he'd come back for her, as she looked down towards his hands, she noticed that he was holding the picture of Nathan looking at it closely .

"who's this?" he asked showing her the picture, Hanna looked at it, then she took it off of him and placed it back on her desk.

"my son Nathan" Hanna replied glancing up at him again, she prayed that he would'nt ask questions about him.

"you have a son?! how old is he?" Caleb asked as he sat back

"he's just turned four" Hanna looked at his expression, she knew by the look on his face, that he was trying to work out when her son was concieved, therefore trying to work out if he had fathered a son. "after you left, a few weeks after our goodbye I went out to a clubs with the girls, and I had one too many to drink, I was trying not to think about you leaving, and I ended up leaving with a guy, it leaded to having a one night stand, a few weeks later I found out I was pregnant, so in the end I ended up staying with the father" Hanna tried to sound convincing, she knew Caleb would be able to tell if she was lying, he knew her like the back of his hand.

"who's the guy you slept with?" Caleb asked raising his eyebrows at her.

"Travis, the guy who helped my mom out of jail" Hanna repled standing up from her desk to dispose of some papers in her hand, Caleb looked round at her with a shocked look in his eyes.

"Travis.... wait Travis Hobbs, the guy from that western dance, the guy you danced with?" Caleb asked noticing the picture of Hanna, Travis and Nathan on the other side of the desk.

"yes that Travis, listen Caleb, I have alot to do today so, if you want to catch up, do you want to go for a coffee at all at the brew tomorrow?" Hanna asked walking towards her office door, and opening it.

Caleb looked at Hanna, then he looked towards the door, standing up he walked towards her, he looked into her eyes, then to her lips, he wanted to kiss her so badly, despite the fact that he had just found out that she was with someone else, and had a son.

"yeah sure, you still have the same number?" Caleb asked as he stepped out of the room.

"errm no two minutes" Hanna said as she walked to her desk, she picked up one of her business card's and handed it to Caleb. "here's my work number and cell"

"thanks" Caleb replied, he was about to walked away but then he turned around with a cheeky grin "oh and by the way, I know you enjoyed the view you got in the shower , we had that you said was an embarresing"

"oh trust me Caleb, I enjoyed the view, what was embarresing is the fact that you caught me looking" Hanna laughed at the memory

Caleb laughed as well then he walked out, and Hanna carried on with her jobs, she looked at the picture of her son, she knew that Caleb, deserved the truth, but she did'nt know how to tell him that he was in fact Nathan's dad, but somehow she was going to fin a way to do it.

A/N: So there it is, the next chapter, what did you think of Calebs return, and the conversation that took place in her office, what would you like to happen next, let me know by sending me PM's and reviews =)

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