Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey guy's, hope your enjoying the story so far, and i'd like to thank you again to Jmcncrlsd for co authoring, so here it is, the next chapter.

Hanna stood there, looking at Travis in shock, unable to move her eyes from him, she could see that he was getting more pissed off at her staying silent, he asked her again.

"Hanna i'm going to ask you again, why did'nt you tell me that your ex boyfriend is back in town?"

"because I only just found out myself Travis, he literally just left as you came in, how did you know?" Hanna asked grabbing her bag from the cashiers desk, checking to make sure she had everything in it that she needed, then she held her hand out for Nathan to hold, which he gladly took with a smile.

"saw him before we came here, how did he know about Nathan and me?" Travis asked, as he calmed down a little.

"we spoke in my office and he saw a picture, don't worry Travis, he does'nt know" Hanna said, just as Spencer walked out of her office, Hanna turned to look at her, Spencer smiled and said hello to Travis and Nathan.

"hey Spence, i'm heading out to lunch so i'll be back soon" Hanna said, as Spencer gave Nathan a hug.

"okay no problem, how's my little nephew doing then?" Spencer asked Natha as he hugged Spencer back.

"i'm okay aunt Spencer" Nathan replied.

After talking to Spencer for a little while, Hanna, Travis and Nathan headed out to lunch.

An hour later and Hanna was back from a good but a bit awkward lunch with Travis and Nathan, Hanna could tell that Travis was very uncomfortable with Caleb returning, she had tried to talk about other subjects to take his mind of the subject of Calebs return but he kept bringing it back onto him, now Hanna was sat at her desk looking through some of her sketches, just as she was about to look at another one her cell phone went off, she picked it up to look at the message smiling when she saw who it was.

"Hey Han, are you busy, you would meet me for coffee at the brew?- Caleb"

Hanna looked at the clock on the wall looking at the time, five-thirty, she had told Travis she would be home around seven after getting some last minute paperwork done, she looked back at her phone and started texting a reply.

"hey Caleb, of corse i'll meet you for coffee, shall I meet you there, or do you wanna pick me up?-Hanna"

Hanna went to the couch in her office to pick her bag up, then walked into the store after locking her office door, she looked down into her bag, making sure she had everything, when she was sure that she did, she looked up, and was surprised when she saw Caleb, talking to Penny at the cashier's desk, Hanna walked closer, and Penny looked up at Hanna when she heard her heels on the floor, Caleb noticed that Hanna gave Penny a questioning look.

"Hanna, you did'nt tell me that your ex boyfriend was so funny" Penny said smiling.

Hanna looked at Penny giving her a fake smile, for some reason she felt a little hint of jealousy in the pit of her stomach, even though she knew she should'nt because she was with Travis, but she could'nt rid herself of that feeling everytime she saw Caleb around another woman.

As they entered the brew, Hanna had'nt said a word all the way there, she noticed Caleb glancing over at her, every couple of minutes, obviously debating if he should or should'nt ask if she was okay, in the end he decided to ask her.

"Hanna are you okay?" he asked as they both sat down on the couch, where they always used to sit when they were dating. Hanna sat back on the couch, placing her bag on the floor as she glanced over at him.

"yeah i'm fine" she lied

Caleb knew straight away that she was lying, he knew Hanna like the back of his hand, he gave her a suspicious look, hope Hanna will open up, she kept glancing him, and eventually she sighed.

"why was you flirting with my assistant?" Hanna asked, looking into Caleb's eyes, all she felt like doing was jumping onto his lap and having a serious make out session, but she forced herself not to act on her feelings.

"why are you so bothered, we're not together, your with Travis, you have a child with him"

Hanna just looked down at her hand, playing with the tips of her fingernails, that when Caleb realised what was wrong.

"Hanna?" Caleb placed his hand under her chin, making her look at him "are you jealous?, listen theres no reason for you to be, you've got a family, and you've moved on"

"Caleb, just because I moved, does'nt mean my feelings for you just dissapeared, i've always loved you, and your the fa.. the love of my life, I moved on cos I thought you were never going to come back" Hanna looked down as she realised her slip up, Caleb touched her hand to comfort her, Hanna shivered as he touched her, she looked into his eyes, and before she knew it, his lips were crashing into hers, kissing her pasionatly, Hanna wrapped her arms around his neck, while Caleb wrapped his around her waist, for what felt like forever ended in a couple of seconds, Hanna turned her head a minute later, and her mouth opened in shock, when she noticed someone stood there, watching the whole thing that had just happened.

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