Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey guy's thanks for all the good review's I have received for this fanfic, Iam glad that I am getting some good responces, and I promise i'll try to update this story as often as I can, sooo here is where you find out who caught Hanaa and Caleb in the middle of their make out session, so please enjoy, and let me know what you think xoxo HalebFan4lyf

Hanna just sat there staring, not knowing what to say, finally she stood up, realising she needed to say something, instead of it being an awkward silence.

"Spencer, I can explain...." Hanna started, but Spencer walked over to to and wrapped her arms around her.

"Hanna you don't have to explain" she pulled back from the hug and looked into her best friends eyes, she saw all the love she had for Caleb in them "I know you've always loved Caleb, when you were with him, it was the happiest i've ever seen, happier then when I see you with Travis anyway, your secret is safe with me"

"thanks Spence you the best, whats up anyway?" Hanna asked, relaxing knowing that Spencer understood straight away

"errm you left your phone at work, you have like a hundred missed calls from Travis, so I thought i'd bring it for you..."

Hanna looked at her best friend, knowing she had more to say, so she gave her a questioning look, raising her eyebrow.

"annd i've just had a phonecall from both Aria and Emily, they are coming over to Rosewood for a visit"

A few months after Hanna had given birth to Nathan, Aria and Emily had gotten themselves an apartment to share in New York, Emily had gotten a job as a swimming teacher there at elementary school there and Aria had started her own business there as a wedding photographer, the visited as much as the could to see Hanna and Spencer, and of corse their nephew

"oh my god! I havent seen them in like forever, umm Spence do you mind if we talk in private a minute please?" Hanna glanced over at Caleb giving him an apologetic look, as Caleb smiled and went to get some more coffee.

"whats the matter Han?" Spencer asked, sitting down where Caleb had just been sitting, giving her friend a concerned look.

"I need to tell Caleb about Nathan, soon, he has a right to know he has a son, its not fair on him, he never knew his dad growing up, and Nathan has a right to know who his real father is" Hanna explained to Spencer, and Spencer nodded in understanding.

"I completely understand Han, but is'nt that going to piss Travis off, I mean he literally raised Nathan as his son, plus his name is on Nathan's birth certificate..."

Spencer was interupted during her little speech just then by Hanna's phone going off, Hanna looked at her phone , reading the text as Caleb made his way and saw that Hanna was pulling a confused face.

"Han what's wrong?" he asked as he and Spencer pulled concerned looks towards her.

"my mom just text me, Travis just dropped Nathan off at her house, without a phonecall, and said that an emergency came up, something to do with me, sorry guy's i've got to call her" Hanna rushed outside the brew, phone pressed to her ear as she called her mom, Caleb and Spencer sat awkwardly, not knowing what to say to each other.

"soooo, what has been happening, since i've been away, apart from the love of my life moving on and having a son?" Caleb asked taking a sip from his coffee cup, Spencer looked at him sadly hearing the sadness in his voice.

"me and Toby are engaged and living together, aria and Em moved over to New York, and as you already know me and Hanna opened up our own store"

Just as Caleb was about to reply, Hanna returned to the table, sighing as she hung up her phone after dialing a number, then she pressed the call button for a second time, yet again she sighed, putting her cell phone putting it in her bag.

"sorry about this guy's I just spoke to my mom, and I just tried calling Travis twice but theres no answer, so i'm going to have to go home and see what's going on" Hanna said, panic rising in her voice, she grapped her bag and, Caleb had offered to give her a ride home, which she agreed to.

As Hanna and Caleb pulled up outside her house, Hanna stepped out of Caleb's silver jeep, she bent over and looked at him through the passengers side window, and looked into his eyes.

"Caleb? do you mind waiting out here, just until I know everything is okay? she asked.

Caleb looked back at Hanna giving her a reasuring look, and he nodded, "yeah of corse I will"

Hanna smiled and headed to her front door, and put the key in the lock, opening the door, she looked around the deserted house, she looked in the living room, the kitchen, the downstairs toilet, the office and, then in the dining room and Nathan's playroom, no sign of Travis, she then walked up the staircase leading upstairs, checking the bathroom, the guest bedrrom, Nathan's second playroom, and Nathan's bedroom, that was when she heard movement coming from hers and Travis' bedroom, slowly she walked towards the door, placing her head to the door to listen in, she heard him laughing, along with a woman's laughter too, slowly opening the door, she glanced into the room, suddenly growing very angry at the sight that she saw, Travis layed in their bed, naked with his arms wrapped around a dark haired woman, growing even more furious, she pushed the bedroom door open with as much force that it hit the wall with a huge bang, causing a huge dent in the wall, causing Travis and the woman to spring upright instantly, shocked expressions on their faces.

Hanna crossed her arms over her chest, and gave Travis a death glare "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" she shouted.

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