Chapter 15

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A/N: Hey Haleb fans. sooo what did you think of the last chapter, good, bad, either way I thought they
needed to fight, as thats what couples do, hopefully soon they make up =) well here we are with the
next chapter! enjoy and review! xoxo HalebFan4lyf and Jmcncrlsd

It had been three day's since Hanna an Caleb's argument about the pregnancy, Caleb had been sleeping
on the couch since, he was still pissed at her for not telling him, they had'nt spoken to each other, and if
they did it was when Nathan was in the room, Hanna and Nathan headed out of the front door, ready to
go to school, sadley she glaced down at a sleeping Caleb on the sofa, as they left the house, after saying
goodbye to Nathan at school, she headed to work after receiving a panicked phone call from Spencer,
when she arrived, she noticed the the stores window had been smashed, she got out noticing Spencer waiting for her outside the door.

"Spence what the hell happened?" Hanna asked, walking up to her, looking at the broken glass on the
floor. "I don't know Han it was already like this when I arrived...should we call the cops, Toby or you
can call Caleb?" Spencer replied. "we can't call the cop's we have no idea who would do this and what
the reason is, and we can't call Caleb, me and him are not talking at the minute" Spencer looked confused by Hanna's answer, as Hanna spoke again "i'll tell you soon, will you come to my mom's with me later, then you will get the full story"
Spencer nodded.

Buzz Buzz Buzz….Buzz Buzz Buzz….
Buzz Buzz Buzz….Buzz Buzz Buzz….
Buzz Buzz ….

Caleb reached his hand above his head, snatching his cellphone off the end table that sat next to their leather sofa where he slept. He squinted his eyes trying to focus on the name that
appeared on the screen…..TOBY. He quickly sat up, swiping his finger across the screen to accept the
call, pressing the phone to his ear….“Yeah?” he spoke, his voice a mix of exhaustion irritation.

Toby spoke quickly, his words jumbled, causing Caleb to bury his face in the palm of his free hand in
frustration as he interrupted, “Whoa whoa….Toby slow down! No…Hanna’s gone to take Nathan to
school and headed to work. Yeah… I’ll leave the side door unlocked while I hop in the shower. See you in
twenty!” Caleb stood from his sitting position launching a pillow at the wall in anger as he stalked off
to take his shower.

He come down the stairs exactly twenty minutes later dressed in navy blue sweats and a grey t-shirt ,
still rubbing a towel through his hair to find Toby sitting on the sofa. Toby stood and they exchanged
their signature “Bro shake”.
“Don’t even ask!” Caleb said, noticing Toby eying the pillow that lay awkwardly against the wall. Toby
takes a seat on the sofa as Caleb heads into the kitchen and pours himself a bowl a cereal. “Honey Nut
Cheerios?” Caleb calls out from the kitchen. “Hell yeah! My nephew’s favorite!” Toby exclaims as he
makes his way into the kitchen.
The two stand leaned against the counter, bowls of cereal in hand as Toby says “Sorry to wake you, but I
wanted to catch you alone so we could talk freely. I’m on the clock right now, squad car is parked in
your driveway, I’m covering someones shift today, personal issues… anyway, I had a talk with Spence
this morning, and she told me some shit I thought you’d probably want to hear.”
Caleb looked over at Toby, crossing one leg behind the other and said “Screw the Segway Cavanaugh,
you called me freaking the fuck out…what do you know?” Toby set down his bowl, hooked his thumbs through his belt loops, and let out a deep sigh before starting “Spence told me what happened the day I had to come down to the shop and escort Travis out. Apparently Travis showed up wanting to know
when Hanna was going back to Travis’ place. He was all ‘ohhh Hanna… I miss you, I want you back,
why haven’t you returned any of my calls, when can I see my son?” Caleb froze. “HIS son?” he spat.
Toby nodded and continued “…the conversation between Travis and Hanna got heated at this point.
Hanna confronted Travis about him and her assistant Penny…” Caleb held up a hand and said “Wait,
stop. Travis and Penny? What the fuck is that guy doing with the assistant?” Toby laughed and said
“Dude, what do you think? They were having an AFFAIR the entire time! Keep up Caleb, and let me finish, I’m on duty, remember?!? So Travis then starts accusing Hanna of trying to fool him into thinking she was having his baby when they first got together, ‘sulking and pining for you’ their entire relationship, and even calling out your name during sex and while she slept!”
Caleb dropped the spoon he was holding into his bowl at the final revelation, a wide grin forming across his face. He placed the bowl down on the counter and popped his collar with both hands as he said

“Well you know, I’m a regular Casanova over here. I know that girls body better than I know my own, I know what she likes!”

“…Gross!” Toby laughed, rolling his eyes. Caleb headed over to the fridge, opening it to grab the pitcher of orange juice as Toby continued “Caleb, Travis grabbed Hanna by her shirt. That’s why
Spencer called me…”

BANG! Caleb slammed the refrigerator door and punched it. Toby could see him turning red at the back of his neck. Caleb turned slowly, fists still balled and spoke between tight clenched teeth “He put his fucking hands on her AGAIN?!?!” Toby nodded and put a hand out indicating he needed a minute, stepping into the living room to respond to a call that had come across the radio.

Toby entered back into the kitchen a minute later to find Caleb standing by the freezer holding an ice
pack over his throbbing hand, hot tears of frustration forming in his eyes. Toby approached slowly asking “Bro…you good?” Caleb shook his head, slamming the ice pack down on the counter before looking and blurting “Toby, sh- she’s pregnant! I found the pregnancy tests in the bathroom trash.
We fought about it, she was keeping it from me. I was so pissed at her for not telling me about Nathan,
I just…I didn’t want her to do the same thing with this baby, and now I find out from you he put his hands on my baby?!?!….GOD I wanna kill that guy!!”

Toby let out a breath almost as if he’d taken a blow to the gut. Hanna was not his girlfriend, but she was Spencer’s best friend, and as far as he was concerned, that’s the same damn thing! He loved
Hanna, and Nathan. Caleb was his best friend, like a brother to him. He’d never had a close relationship with any guys. Toby too was furious. A series of calls came across the radio again, shaking Toby from his state of shock....better yet, anger.

Toby put a hand on Caleb’s shoulder, squeezing it lightly as he said “It’s gonna be ok, you know it is. That’s typical Haleb… you guys fight, you give each other the silent treatment, she apologizes, and it’ll be like nothing ever happened. You too fight hard and love harder. Listen, I gotta go, there’s something big going on down on Main street. Don’t worry about Travis, we’ll take care of that guy…gimme me a
call or text me later, and take care of that hand, Hulk!”
They exchanged their “bro shake” one more time before Toby disappeared of out the kitchen into the
living room and out the front door. Caleb heard his sirens blare as he sped off down the street to respond to Rosewoods latest emergency.

Two hours later, Hanna and Spencer was sat in Ashley Marin's kitchen, Hanna having said that she had some to tell them, while her best friend and her mom was just sat staring at her, she just came out and said it "Im pregnant....again"
"what?!" Ashley and Spencer said in unison, with shocked looks on ther faces, "since when" Spencer
asked, Hanna glaced down at the table, before looking at her mom and Spencer before telling them the story "when I went to Caleb's after being in the hospital, and when we put Nathan to bed we ended up sleeping together, the next morning when I woke up next to him I freaked, I did'nt want to just jump
back into a relationship like that with him, so without waking Caleb up, I got Nate ready for school and we left, obviously I had work, but with all the thoughts running in my head I needed to clear it before coming in, so I went to the park"
"yeah I remember, Caleb came into the store looking for you, you was'nt answering your phone"
Spencer said, noticing Hanna's face, she went quiet, letting her continue.
"Caleb found me there not long after, and we talked, we agreed we would go slow, and wait a while to sleep together again, then not even a week later, I found out that it was Penny who was having an affair with Travis, and flipped, then obviously, Spencer you heard the argument that went on with me and
Travis in the store" Spencer nodded "well when Caleb took me home he put Nate to bed, came into the living room and told me he was going in the shower, I really needed his comfort, so I went and joined him, and one thing led to another.... anyway, when Aria and Em came back, and we went to that club, when I went to the ladies to calm down afther that guy harrassed me and before he came in and almost.... I threw up, and after Caleb took me home, he checked on me, then he went to bed, thats
when I threw up again, noticing my tampons, I realised I was a week late on my period, and i'm never late , so I snuck out to get somes tests, and I took them, all was positive, then Caleb startled me
knocking on the bathroom door, I put the test in the trash, hoping he would'nt find them, I wanted to tell him in the right moment, a few days later though,he came home from taking Nathan to school, he
shouted me. asking why I was'nt at work I just said i'd decided to take the day off, he asked why and I said no reason then I went to bed, it turned out he had found the tests, we argued about it, and we haven't spoke since, only when Nathan's around, and Caleb's been sleeping on the couch since, I should
of told him the day I found out" Ashley went over and comforted her daughter, reasuring her everything
would be okay, so did Spencer.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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