Chapter 13

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A/N: Hey Haleb fan's I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, and I hope you enjoy this one please review and give us your thought this chapter is authored by Jmcncrlsd

It had been a few day's since the incident between Hanna and the guy at the club.
After a grueling day of work, Caleb was glad that he’d made plans to meet up with Toby later that night for a beer at the local bar.  Glancing at the clock on his computer screen, he picked up the phone next to him and punched in Toby’s number sending him a text:
Still on for tonight?
Just as he set to get back to work, the phone chimed indicating he had received a reply:
Wait, what? Who is this? I think you have the wrong number…
Confused by Toby’s response, he quickly replied:
Dude, It’s CALEB, are you kidding me right now? Beers… Daze Bar… Tonight? We still on?
Toby instantly replied:
Ohhh… New number? Hell yes we’re still on! 10 o’clock good? I got paperwork to finish before I get out of here…
Caleb laughed to himself as he took a look at the phone in his hand putting together why Toby had no clue who had texted him and replied:
My bad, burner phone. #HackerProblems! 10 is perfect, I want to finish testing this site for security holes and see Nate and Han off to bed first. See you later…

After dinner, washing up Nathan and getting him off to bed, Caleb plopped on the sofa next to Hanna, who sat watching the latest season of Scandal on Netflix.  She scoot back leaning into his frame, resting her back against chest and her head against his shoulder as she said “Oh my god, when is Quinn and Huck gonna finally get together ?”

He wrapped an arm around her, kissing her hair, using the other hand to gently play with her gold locks as he replied “I don’t know, but that guy is awesome!  I wish I could stay and Netflix and Chill with you, but I’m heading out to meet Toby at Daze for a beer after this episode”.  Hanna slapped his hand and said “Whatever Rivers, leave your girlfriend and son at home and go Bro-mance with Toby at Daaaaze! Tuck me in before you go?”  She grabbed the remote as she stood clicking off the TV as she pulled Caleb off of the couch into a bear hug and formed pouty lips as she leaned in for a kiss.  Caleb followed Hanna to their bedroom and pulled back the comforter as she slipped in.  He covered her before crawling on top of the blankets lying next to her.  Even though he knew he’d be late, he waited for Hanna to fall asleep and went to Nathans room.  He gently grabbed the sleeping 4 year old and paused as he stirred a bit so as not to wake him.  He laid Nathan under the covers next to his mother and whispered “Take care of momma buddy, I’ll be back soon”.  Next he walked over to where Hanna slept and whispered “Nate is here while I’m gone.  I know you’re still freaked out babe, but I swear to you nothing’s going to happen here.  Rest well angel, I love you.”  Hanna whimpered slightly and whispered sleepily “I love you more, have fun” in response.

Caleb pulled up to Daze Bar a little after 10 and parked along the side of the building.  He was surprised to find an open spot next to Toby’s truck.  As he walked in, he was immediately hit with a cloud of smoke that he fanned away as he looked around for his brown haired, blue eyed friend.  Towards the back of the bar sat Toby texting away on his phone.  As Caleb approached and took his seat, Toby reached out his hand.  They slapped and then shook hands in some weird handshake, something clearly only boys were privy to as Caleb said “Sorry I’m late, I stayed to make sure Hanna got off to sleep before I left.”  Toby shook his head as he waived the waitress over and said “No worries, I just got here not too long ago myself.  I was just texting Spencer to check in, I haven’t seen her since this morning.”  The short stocky waitress approached wearing black shorts and a red t-shirt with DAZE printed in bold across the breast.  She stopped next to Caleb and looked at Toby as she chewed aggressively on her gum “The name’s Mindy, what can I get for ya blue eyes?”  Toby shot a look at Caleb and replied “I’ll take a Heineken”.  Mindy looked over to Caleb before stating “And you Jacob Black?”  Caleb looked up at her raising an eyebrow and said “Jacob Black?  I’ll take a doubleshot of Tequila to start, and I’ll have a Heineken too”  Mindy laughed and said “You remind me of that kid from Twilight, the werewolf…what’s got you all wound up? Double shot? Girl troubles?”  Mindy spun on her heels and walked off before he could answer.  Toby started laughing saying mockingly “Yeah, double shot? Easy!!… What’s up?”

Caleb leaned back in his seat and said “Man, you won’t believe the crap that’s happened since the last time we saw each other.  First, you know how we talked about marriage and moving slow and so on and so forth?”  Toby raised an eyebrow and nodded as he grabbed his drink from Mindy and took a sip.  Caleb thanked the waitress for his drink and took the bowl of peanuts placing it on the table between him and Toby.  He watched as she walked off, making sure she was no longer close enough to hear before he started again “Well, I kinda left out the part that our pact didn’t even hold up a week before we were back in the sack!  We had a moment of weakness, we promised each other we would move slow, but that same night after you came and to escort Travis out of the shop, something must’ve gotten into Hanna, because we had a good night, I put Nathan to bed, and went for a shower, next thing I know, she’s pulling back the curtain fully naked asking if she can join me!”  Toby chuckled as he grabbed a handful of peanuts and said “Sounds like Hanna!” 

Caleb laughed in agreement and continued “Funny thing is, it was like we were 16 and 17 all over again!  Like I seriously had a flashback to the morning she hopped in the shower with me because her mom came back home for her charger as I was taking a shower.  Ashley had no clue at this point I was living out of their basement, and Hanna jumped in to cover.  For a second I had no clue where I was, but as I looked at her standing in front of me and took in her beauty, Toby that girl is a goddess!  Who could resist?  But before you say anything, I tried, I even reminded her of our plan…but she hit me with that blue eyed gaze… and it was on”  Toby cleared his throat uncomfortably taking a sip of his beer and said “TMI!! You could’ve spared me the details of your shower fetishes, but it sounds like you handled it well.  You took my advice and followed her lead, I’m proud of you.  You guys are adults, if you both wanted it, it’s hard to fight, she’s a pretty girl, I get it…  It’s a setback, but has anything else happened?”

Caleb nodded as he choked back his double shot and winced as the liquor burned a bit in his chest.  He slammed the shot glass down on the table and said “You remember the night the girls came to town and they all took off to the club? Spencer didn’t share any details of that night with you?”  Toby’s eyes widened as he leaned back in his seat and folded his arms across his chest, clearly irritated with the fact that yet again, he had to get information from his friend.  “Well… spill it” he said as he shot an irritated look at Caleb.  Caleb straightened up in his seat, uncomfortable under Toby’s gaze and said “ Relax!  No wonder Spencer doesn’t tell you anything, you get all super cop and start interrogating!  Am I talking to my friend over a couple beers or am I a filing frickin’ police report?”   Toby lightened up a bit at Caleb’s sarcastic comment and said “I’m sorry, you know how I am!  We promised each other no secrets, and it’s like every time I see you, there’s something else I get to find out.  Tell me what happened”

Caleb shook his head and said “No worries man, I get it, but Spencer isn’t keeping anything from you where the two of you are concerned.  I guess she just figures since it has to do with me and Hanna she’d leave it up to me to tell you if I want.  Gives us more to discuss!  So anyhow, I had just got in the car headed to pick Nate up from a play date with his friend when I get a call from Hanna.  I answer straight away because I’m thinking princess + bar + Aria, Emily and Spencer = too drunk to drive home.”  Caleb bites the corner of his mouth and takes a deep breath and leans forward, causing Toby to do the same, clearly an indication that what he was going to say was heavy.  Caleb starts again in a low tone, voice cracking in the beginning “ I…I ask her if everything is ok, and there’s no answer Toby, just sounds of a struggle.  I could hear Hanna talking…pleading to some freak not to rape her.  She starts yelling at him, and the call drops.  I turned around and headed down to the bar, rush in to find out the girls had no idea what was going on in the women's restroom.  The guy started getting inappropriate on the dance floor, so the girls ran interference and Hanna took off to the restroom to calm down, turns out he followed her in there!” 

Toby’s jaw dropped and a look of frustration formed on his face as he said “You’re kidding me!  Is she okay?  What did the guy look like?  Did he….you know…”  Caleb shook his head no and continued “She’s pretty shaken up about it, that’s why I’m not staying out late tonight, she’s got this thing about being home alone now that I’m trying to get her to shake since I never know when work requires me to travel.  He didn’t get that far, I got to her just in time, had to pull him off of her.  It was crazy Toby.”  Toby nodded as he sipped his bear and said “I bet!  Listen, why didn’t you call me?  I don’t understand why Spencer didn’t bring this up to me, I could’ve…“ Caleb cut him off laughing, saying “You could’ve came down here in your uniform, flashing your gun and badge and locked him up.  I took care of it Superman, you can hang up that cape where Hanna is concerned…but hey, I hate to dump my problems on you and run, but my pockets vibrating, and I got $20 that says that it’s princess on the line trying to get me home.”  Caleb and Toby both stood, pulling out their wallets and dropping bills on the table, enough to cover their tabs and tip Mindy. 

The two walked out to the parking lot together, did their “bro handshake” once more, and headed for their cars, Caleb calling out to Toby before hopping in his Jeep “Toby, thanks for the date!  Next time I’ll foot the bill, take f you to dinner…”  Toby laughed and winked as he got in his truck, turning the key and roaring the engine to life.  Before putting his truck in gear, he pulled out his phone texting Spencer:

Hope you’re still up love, we gotta talk….and you madam, have got some ‘splainin to do… See you soon, Tobes ;)

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