Chapter 9

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A/N: Hey guy's, so I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, yaay Hanna's okay, and Nathan, and Caleb finally know the truth, anyway heres the next chapter, enjoy xoxo HalebFan4lyf

Waking up in the arms of the man you love is every woman's dream come true, so why did Hanna feel like she was living in a nightmare? As her eyes snapped open, and she took in her surroundings, the event's of the night before came flooding back... the fight, the hospital...Caleb... oh no..... Hanna sat up slowly and looked to her left, there lay a content Caleb... smiling, sleeping like a baby...., slowly she looks on Caleb's bedside table, glancing at his alarm clock, shit, it was seven thirty in the morning, Nathan was going to be late for school if she did'nt get up up now and get him ready.
slowly she got out of bed, looking around for her, and making sure she did'nt wake Caleb, once dressed, she went into Nathans room to wake him up "Nathan sweety, wake up, it's time foe school.
Slowly, Natha sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes before, opening them, "mommy? can daddy take me today? can I go and ask him?"
"sweetheart I think daddy might still be asleep, we stayed up late last night, to talk about things, but things still need to get sorted.... you know what, when he wakes up i'll bring him later to pick you up, okay?" Hanna asked as she helped her son get ready for school, after he was dressed, Hanna instructed him to go at brush his teeth, when they was about to leave, Hanna realised, she didnt have her car, so she had called Spencer to ask for a lift to school, upon arriving, Hanna took Nathan to the front doors and kissed him on the forehead to say goodbye, then she asked Spencer to take her to Travis' so she could get her car, hoping he was out or still in bed, on they way there, Spencer asked how her night with Caleb went.
"we errr kind of errr..." Hanna did'nt know how to answer, even though she knew she could tell Spencer anything, she couldnt bring herself to tell her, but Spencer knew exactly what she was trying to say.
"Hanna, you didn'nt?!" Spencer said with a shocked looked on her face, she glanced over at Hanna, noticing that she was nodding her head slowly then she said something "it just happened Spence, I put Nathan to bed and went back in to the living room with Caleb, we had a few glasses of wine and watched some tv, and I apologized for not telling him right away about Nathan, he apologized for leaving, and the next thing I know, we're kissing, and ....yeah"

Caleb rubbed his eyes as he slowly woke up, remembering the previous night's events, he smiled, reaching out to the other side of the bed, expecting to have Hanna still sleeping beside him, when he realised noone was there, he shot his eyes open frowning a little, when he saw that she wasn't there, but then he saw a note on the pillow, he picked it up a read it
had to take Nathan to school, I did'nt want to wake you so i'll see you later when i've finished at work.
Caleb looked at his alarm clock, eight- fifty five, she might not be in work yet, he grabbed his cell phone, and dialled her number, letting it ring a few times.

After parking up outside Travis' house, Hanna thanked Spencer for the ride, she then got out of the car, just then her cell phone started ringing, she pulled it out of her pocket to look at the caller ID.
She hit the reject button, waving bye to Spencer, she got in her car, turnning on the ignition, and drove off, as she was driving her cell phone rang again, seeing it was Caleb again she ignored it, she knew she had to go to work, but she found herself parking outside the park, the same park she and Caleb used to go to years ago, she let out a long breath, as she got out of the car, she walked over to the swings, thinking about last night with Caleb, she wanted them to reconcile, but not that way, she wanted to spend alot of time with him, and gradually get back together, yes she loved him, she always had, ever since the first time she had layed eyes on him, she thought about all the memories she had with Caleb, from the time she had to get in the shower with him because her mom came in, and she saw his sexy ass that day, and got a quick glance at his cock as he turned to face her and he caught her looking, she giggled a little at that memory, then she thought, about their first kiss, and the first time they had made love, as well as all the other times too, she thought about the times her and Travis slept together, everytime they did, it never really felt like making love to her, it always felt like just a quicky, therefore when she made love to Caleb, he always made her feel special, and beautiful, like she was on the top of the world, now she knew how shw felt for definate, no she did'nt regret sleeping with him last night, but the one thing she did regret was letting him go away to that stupid town, away from her, because for the past four year, she tore herself apart, and the only thing that was helping her stay strong was her son, Caleb's son, the best thing that was ever created out of the love she and Caleb had for each other, as she looked up from the floor, she saw someone walking towards her, as they got closer, Hanna noticed it was Caleb, he stood in front of her, looking down at her.
"I thought i'd find you here" he said as he sat on the swing next to her, she looked across to him, avoiding his eyes "I missed you this morning" he said as he looked down.
"i'm sorry, I had to take Nathan to school, and then I had work" Hanna said, while she had been thinking, she didn't realise she had been crying, until Caleb moved closer to her wiping a few tears away with his thumb.
"then why are you here, if your supposed to be at work, I went there looking for you, Spencer said you never turned up, it's been hours Hanna, what's wrong, I know you've been avoiding me?"
"I just had alot of things to think about, so I came here" Hanna never lifted her gaze from the floor.
"what do you need to think about?" he asked looking at her, she could tell trhat he was getting worried.
"about us, about last night, about Nathan"
"do you regret last night?" he asked her, as he stood in front of her and kneeled down so he was face to face with her.
she looked up at him, straight into his eyes, "of corse I don't Caleb last night was the best night of my life, it made me feel like it was our first time again in the tent, I just did'nt want to get back together like that, wanted to do it gradually, the main regret I have is making you go to Ravenswood four years ago, making you leave me" as she said this, she felt fresh tears fall down her cheeks, Caleb yet again wiped them away with his thumb, then he looked into her eyes
"then we will do that, I promise we won't sleep together again until you feel ready to, we will get back together at the pace you want to, I love you Hanna Marin, and I don't plan on losing you ever again" Hanna smiled as Caleb said this, she looked into his eyes again, slowly she leaned in, and pressed her lips against his, kissing him passionatly.

A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter, thank you Jmcncrlsd for helping out at the beginning, please dont hesitate to review and PM me and let me know what you think.

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