Chapter 8

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A/N: HEYA GUY'S hope you liked how the last chapter went, bit dramatic, I know but I thought we needed one like that, and I also thought it was a good way for Caleb to find out about Nathan, soo I promised you another chapter, and here it is


"mommy, mommy"
All Hanna could hear was her son's voice calling her name, it sounded really faded, and distant, she tried to move her hands to reach for him, but all she felt was wires around her hands, slowly a s was coming around more, she heard the sound of something beeping, slowly she opened her eyes, looking around an unfamiliar room, a hosptal room, as she kept looking around, she finally spotted her son.
"hey baby" she said, her voice sounded really weak.
"mommy are you okay?" Nathan asked reaching over the bed to cuddle Hanna, she loved her son's hugs more than anything in the world, Hanna looked around the room, noticeing that Nathan was in the room alone.
"Nathan wheres your grandma?"
"shes in the waiting room with your friend" he replied, then he looked a little confused, he looked like he really wanted to ask something, but was'nt sure if he would be aloud to.
"baby what's wrong?" Hanna asked stroking his cheek trying to comfort him.
"mommy, is daddy really my daddy, I mean my real daddy?"
Hanna looked shocked at what her son was asking him, she wasn't sure how to answer him, but she knew that she had to.
"what made you ask that sweetheart?" she looked at her son, watching his facial expressions as he tried to think about how to answer her.
"I heard grandma tallking to your friend, I think I met him a few weeks ago when we came into your shop, I think his name was Caleb"
"and what was grandma and Caleb talking about baby?" Hanna asked, wanting to know what he had heard
"I heard him, asking grandma if she knew that he was my dad, and I noticed something mommy, I look alot like him" Hanna looked at her son, then she looked on her bed to see if there was a button to call in a nurse, she saw it and pressed it, she looked at her son once more, as the nurse entered the room "sweetheart, it's time you and Caleb knew the truth" she asked the nurse to send Caleb in and five minutes later, they were both sitting at the side of her waiting for her to explain, after Hanna took a while to start, Caleb interupted the awkward silence.
"Hanna, whats going on, why did'nt you tell me i was going to be a father when you got pregnant? or if you could'nt get in touch, drive up and tell me, before or after you had him?"
"Caleb, you heard what I said before at the house, he convinced me not to, and it worked because I thought you were never going to come back to me" Hanna said with tears in her eyes, Nathan got up onto the bed, trying to comfort his mother, Caleb could'nt help but smile at this, he would have done the same too.
"so tell me what happened, no matter how bad it is, i'll be here for you, and Nathan, I love you Hanna, thats the whole reason why I came back"
"okay, so a few weeks after you left, I started feeling nauseous, moody, and really not myself, and then when I missed a period, thats what got me thinking that I was.... so I when to the nearest drug store, and bought the three pregnancy test's, when I got home I called the girls over, and when they got there, I told them everything, then I took the tests, five minutes later, I found out that I was pregnant, I talked to the girls about telling you..... after crying about three or four times, and I actually tried calling you a few times, but it just went to voicemail, a few weeks after that, I ended up going out to a club with the girls, I didnt drink, I only had soda, and I bumped into Travis, and we got talking and well you know what happened. But after that we started seeing each other, and when I told him I was pregnant, I actually asked him to drive me to Ravenswood to see you, but he said 'if he left you, what makes you think that he will come back just cos he knocked you up?' and at the time, I thought you had left me for Miranda, so I left you to it, Travis had said that he was going to raise Nathan as his own, Caleb I'm sorry I did'nt tell you, I should have from the beginning, and Nathan i'm sorry about lying about who your dad was I always should have told you the truth"
Nathan looked at Hanna, and he smiled "don't worry mommy, i've always thought me and.... Travis were different, I have brown hair, the same as you" he pointed at Caleb as he said this "and Travis has blonde hair"
"you know what Nathan, you remind me alot of your father ya know" Hanna smiled as she looked up at Caleb, he smiled back.
"hey do you have anywhere to stay when you get out of here, the nurses said you can come home tomorrow?" Caleb asked, resting his hands on hers, "I was wondering if you wanted to stay at mine?"
"are you sure, we don't want to intrude" as Hanna said this the door burst open, revealing Travis, standing there, looking at the family reunion, he looked at Caleb, giving him a death glare, and pointing to him.
"Caleb, you get away from my son"
"Travis, i've said it once and i'll say it again he is not your son" Hanna said, trying to sit up
"well according to his birth certificate, i'm his father" Travis said folding his arms across his chest, thinking he had caught her of guard, but then Hanna grabbed something from her bedside table, and then she said something, that not only surprised Travis, but also surprised Caleb as well.
"funny, because I have proof right here, that Caleb is Nathan's father" she was  waving an evelope in her hand.
"what's that?" Travis asked worried, Caleb and Nathan smiled as Hanna said her next speech.
"DNA results, see a few weeks after I gave birth to Nathan, I was looking through an old box of memories I have, which is filled of things from back when I was dating Caleb, and I found one of Caleb's t-shirts, the one he wore when he got shot, so obviously it had some of his blood on it, and I sent it to get tested, just after I noticed you were becoming distant from me, i'm assuming thats when you started sleeping with her?, anyway, when the results came back I had valid proof of who the father is so, technacally, you have no bounds to my son, so if I were you Travis I would leave now, or i'll get the nurses to have security to remove you"
Caleb was shocked by Hanna's speech, he had never felt sdo proud of her as he did now.

The next day, Caleb picked Hanna up from the hospital. Nathan had spent the night at Calebs, and in the car ride back, Nathan was telling Hanna how much of a good time they had, he told them that, they had watched alot of disney films on netflix, and Caleb had told him about the first time he and Hanna had met, Hanna smiled at how much the father and soon had gotten along in just one night.

An hour had past since they had gotten to Caleb's, they had eaten chinese takeout for dinner, they had settled down, at watched a few more movies on netflix, when it was time for Nathan to go to bed, Hanna to him into the guestroom where she would be joining him later that night, she sat on the edge of his bed reading to him, until he finally fell asleep, she leaned over ank kissed his forehead "I love you sweetheart" she whispered as she quietly left the room, she sat down next to Caleb and smiled at him and then they both spoke same time
"thank you for..." Hanna started
"you've done a gre....." Caleb started
They both laughed, then and Hanna stopped and sighed "i'm sorry I did'nt tell you straight away about Nathan, I should, especially after everything you went through as a child, i'm so sorry Caleb" tears started forming in her eyes, Caleb pulled her closer to him to comfort her.
"hey, you don't have to be sorry Hanna, you tried, but at least me and Nathan know the truth, and thats all that, matters, and I promise you that from now on i'll be here always for you and our son, I love you Hanna, I should never have left you" He looked into her eyes and she looked back into his, he leaned in closer to her, and the next thing she knew he lips crashed into hers, kissing her passionatly, she kissed him back, sitting on his lap, so that she was straddling him as the kiss got more heated, her hands roamed all over his body, the she lifted the hem of his shirt as he leaned forward helping her take his shirt off, he kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her waist, slipping his hand up her shirt, and unclasping her bra, then he moved one hand to the front and started unbuttoning her shirt, kissing her collarbone and moving down to her breast, giving both of them the same amount of attention, Hanna threw her head back as she moaned, Caleb stood up, while Hanna wrapped her legs around his waist to support herself better, as he carried her to his bedroom, placing her gently on the bed, he kissed her neck, Hanna sliped her hand down to his belt buckle, unfastening it as she helped him out of them, and Caleb helped Hanna out of hers, she moaned slightly as she fely his arousal on her bare skin, he pulled back slightly looking into her beautiful blue eyes "you sure?" he asked, just like he did the first time they had ever slept together in the tent, the day Caleb took her virginity, Hanna nodded, looking into his deep brown eyes, he grabbed a condom, from his bedside table, slid it onto his member and entered her, making love to her just like it was their first time all over again.

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