Chapter Seven

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A/N: Hey guy's I hope you enjoyed the last chapter so here is a treat for you, just for today i'll be uploading two chapter's so please enjoy, review and let me know what you think, xoxo HalebFan4lyf


Hanna still had her arm's folded across her chest as she waited for her boyfriend to answer, and when he did, she turned on her heel, going to the guest bedroom, and kneeling on the floor to grab to large suitcases, opening them up ready to pack, she stood up turning on her heel, ready to get hers and Nathan's things together, but when she was facing the doorway, Travis was stood there watching her, after a while, he said something.
"Hanna i'm sor...."
"Save it Travis, I don't want to hear it" Hanna said, pushing past him as she headed back down the stairs to grabs some clean clothes of hers and Nathan's to pack in the suitcases, Travis was following behind, trying to convince her to listen, finally after going down the stairs a fourth time, she turns to face Travis, tears burning her eyes as they soaked her face.
"how long Travis?" Hanna asked as more tears spilled down her cheeks, Travis looked down at his feet, as Hanna asked again, but this time screaming "I SAID HOW LONG?!"
"three years, just after Nathan turned one" Travis replied, as Hanna's eyes widened in anger, she walked over to the shelving unit in there living room grabbing an ornament off of one of the shelves.
"YOUR TELLING ME THAT YOU'VE BEEN GOING BEHIND MY BACK, SLEEPING WITH THAT SLUT, IN OUR BED MIGHT I ADD, FOR THREE YEARS!" Hanna shouted, Travis looked at her, trying to tell her that the woman meant nothing to him, thats when Hanna lost it she literally screamed in his face as she threw the ornament towards him, he ducked and it just missed his head by inches.

Outside the house, Caleb was leaning against his jeep, waiting patiently to see if everything was okay with Hanna, he suddenly looked up at the house when he heard shouting, and the sound of something smashing, he rushed to the door, noticing it had been left afar, so he stood, and listened in, incase Hanna needed help for any reason.

Hanna stood there to upset to move, then she pulled herself together, grabbing more clothes and walking up the stairs and packing more clothes in the suitcases, Travis then grabbed her arm, pulling her around to face him, tightening his grip more on her arm.
"what are you doing Hanna?" he asked.
"I told you i'm leaving, and i'm taking Nathan with me" Hanna said, slightly raising her voice.

As Caleb stood near the front door, he could hear them both arguing, and that it was getting a little out of hand, so he decided to sneak inside the house, and stand near the door, as he definatly knew that he would have to jump in soon, he saw Hanna and Travis stood at the top of the stairs, and he watched as they argued, both of them not noticing that he had entered the house.

As Hanna was about to go to the guest bedroom again to pack more stuff, Travis once again grabbed her arm, forcing her to face him, "Hanna your not taking Nathan, hes my son too!"
"BUT HE'S NOT YOUR SON TRAVIS, ALL YOU DID WAS HELP RAISE HIM!" Hanna was definatly losing her temper even more now, as was Travis.
"OH AND YOU EXPECTED ME TO LET HIM GROW UP WITHOUT A FATHER, HANNA?!" he still had a tight grip on Hanna's arm, Hanna pushed him as hard as she could, as she screamed back at him.
"THE ONLY REASON HIS FATHER WAS'NT AROUND, WAS BECAUSE YOU CONVINCED ME IT WAS BEST NOT TO TELL HIM, THEREFORE, HE DOES'NT EVEN KNOW HE EXISTS" she calmed down a little bit, from the corner of her eye, she noticed Caleb, and she looked back at Travis talking calmly now "If I had told Caleb straight away that I was pregnant with his child, he would have gotten straight in his car, and would have been here for us both, and he would have never been unfaithful to me, he has a right to know Nathan is his son, and Nathan has a right to know who his real father is" Travis completely lost it then, he pushed Hanna so hard, it caused her to fall backwards, she screamed as she fell down the stairs, hitting the floor, within a couple of seconds, she lay there out cold. 

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