Chapter 12

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A/N:Hey guy's I hope you enjoyed reading the last chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it with the help of Jmcncrlsd, thanks for all the reviews, I really appreciate them so here is the next chapter, co authored by Jmcncrlsd.

Caleb woke that Saturday morning to the sound of rain beating against the windows of his bedroom.  It came down so hard on the roof, he got up and peeked outside to check and see if it was hailing.  He turned around and climbed back into bed, and just as he curled up against a sleeping Hanna, the door to their bedroom creaked open, and in ran little Nathan.  Caleb lifted up the comforter, allowing Nathan to crawl in and take his place in between his mother and father.  “Cock blocker” he sighed to himself… or at least he thought he did!  Hanna stirred, opening her sleepy eyes, shooting daggers at Caleb and said “I heard that” she giggled before hugging Nathan from behind.  Nathan, totally oblivious to his father’s joke, wrapped his arms around Caleb’s neck, burying his little face into Caleb’s chest and pouted “Daddy, if it’s raining we can’t fish with Unky Toby!”  Caleb smoothed Nathan’s tousled hair and whispered to his son “No worries Buddy, Daddy has a backup plan.  Daddy always has a backup plan…” as he kissed him on the forehead.  The family of three lay there in bed enjoying their closeness and the sounds of the rain for another hour or so before Caleb wakes Nathan telling him it’s time to get ready to meet up with Uncle Toby.

Before they set out, Caleb and Nathan hatch a plan to pounce Hanna in bed, waking her from her peaceful slumber.  Nathan dives on top of the covers attacking his mother with kisses as Caleb attacks her with tickles and says “Babe, we’re heading out… we’ll see you later tonight, ok?  Text or call me if you need anything…Hanna? Han-“  Hanna looks up grinning ear to ear at the sight of the two loves of her life now standing before her dressed in matching dark denim jeans, burgundy and navy blue button up flannels and black boots.  Hanna nods, kisses them both and tells them to enjoy their day.  As soon as they walk out, she grabs her phone and texts Spencer:

Make sure you go out and see Nathan and Caleb when they pick up Toby.... Cutest. Shit. Ever #Goals – Han

Toby, Caleb and Nathan arrive at their destination, and Nathan is bouncing with excitement. Chuck E. Cheese...where a kid can be a kid! Caleb and Toby sing simultaneously, laughing as they enter and hold out the back of their hands so they can receive a kid check stamp.  Caleb and Nathan go to the counter to buy tokens and place their food order while Toby locates a table.  Wisely, Toby picks a table just off the arcade, the perfect spot for the guys to sit and enjoy their beers and pizza and still be able to keep a good eye on Nathan as he goes off to play.  Caleb returns with cups and a number, placing it on the edge of their table as he slides in the seat next to Nathan across the table from Toby and says “Dude, sorry about this place, but it’s the only other place I can think of to entertain this guy and have a chance to talk at the same time”.  Caleb messes Nathans hair as he says this guy.  Toby laughs and says “No, no problem, I haven’t been to this place in ages… I’m kind of looking forward to a couple rounds of skee-ball”.  The pizza, wings, pitcher of beer and soda arrive, and they eat before Nathan takes off for the arcade, a pocket full of token in tow.  “So… what’s up?” Toby starts, taking a sip of his beer.  Caleb adjusts himself getting comfortable in the booth and says “Where do I begin?  I still can’t believe Spencer hasn’t told you anything…  I’ll give you a quick rundown…. Shortest version possible or we’d be here all day, and I’ve got a hot mama back at the crib waiting on me.  So as you know, I get back into town, and everyone is acting weird, Hanna included.  I show up back in Rosewood, find Hanna and go to see her, thinking she’d be happy to see me…after 4 long years, I thought I could just… rush back into her life, and we’d pick up right where we left off, you know?”  Before Toby could answer, Caleb starts again “ So anyway, I go to visit her, and she’s more beautiful than I can remember… we go to her office and she’s got pictures of this kid…Nathan…Toby, I swear to God it was like I was staring at myself in the past… except this kid has blue eyes… we have some words, she gives me her card, says maybe we can have coffee and talk, despite the fact that she’s had a kid with Hobbs, I take off, but as I’m walking away, I run right into Travis and there he is… this beautiful little boy… a piece of me, a piece of Hanna, and I know it instantly Toby…”  Toby gasps as he’s taking a sip of his beer, causing him to choke and cough.  He clears his throat and says “Are you telling me what I think you’re telli-…. Nathan is NOT Travis’ son?  Holy shit!  No wonder Spencer hasn’t said a word….” Caleb laughs and says “Yeah, well, that’s not the half of it.  I find out in the weirdest way, dude….And again, we don’t have all day, but Hanna gets shoved down the stairs at her place, she winds up in the hospital, Travis takes off, and I’m suddenly thrown into daddy duty…totally unprepared, but we click… Hanna finally spills the beans and she’s staying with me, we have sex their first night there at my pl- our... our place. We’re happy. We’re moving slow, we agreed to go slow after that 1st night and her taking off, but God Toby, I just love her and Nathan so much… I’m thinking of proposing... Nathan deserves his mother and father.  You know what I went through as a kid, and I am NOT going to let my son go through that shit man, I can’t… I won’t!  What do you think?”  Toby takes a deep sigh and says “I think you need to pony up another $20 bucks if you want to get my opinion, your son is out of tokens and headed this way…”

Caleb looks up to see his blue eyed mini me rushing back towards them, pockets empty, hands full of tickets.  He slips into the booth and onto Caleb’s lap, looks up at his uncle and says “Unky Tobes, you gotta come play this game with me!  It has a huge hammer, and you knock these little bunnies back into the hole! Look how many tickets I won!”  Toby high-fives Nathan from across the table as Caleb slaps another twenty down on the table.  Toby reaches in his wallet and matches Caleb’s offering and says “I’m coming little guy, just give me a few more minutes to finish my drink, mmkay?”  A satisfied Nathan grabs the cash and takes off for the token machine, his adoring father and Uncle Toby watching in amusement as he disappears. 

Toby smiles as he grabs a slice of pizza putting it on the plate before him and says “Caleb, I think you’ve got your hands full here, but there’s no one else I can think of who could take better care of those two than you.  You’ve loved Hanna since the day you two met in High School, and believe me when I tell you, there’s something special about that group of girls, and we’re lucky they chose us, but I’ve been around Nathan since the day he was born, he’s my god son Caleb, and between you and I, I never took well to Travis, but Hanna insisted he was his father, so what business of it was mine to question her? After all, you took off to Ravenswood behind some girl, and we hadn’t heard from you since.  If you’re going to come back into their lives, I need you to understand the enormity of this situation.  You’re talking Marriage… you guys have already got the kid, and what a great kid he is….  We’ve all done right by him. I say WE because it’s taken a village to raise Nathan, and as one of the few father figures he’s had the last four years, I can’t just sit back and let this go sour, I won’t.  You’re a stand-up guy, you’ve always been, and I’m proud of you for stepping up, but if you think you’re going to want to back to Ravenswood, I’d tell you to stop while you’re ahead, and spare the two of them, because when you’re gone, it’ll be Spence and I, as well as Aria and Em who are left to have to pick up the pieces.  Be careful with her, that’s all I’m saying.  Knowing you, you’ve already got the ring picked out and paid for.” Toby laughs as he looks up at Caleb who responds “Yeah, you know me well… and I heard everything you’ve said.  I promise you Toby, I’m not going anywhere.  She’s my heart, and I love that girl to death… I saw a lot of shit in Ravenswood that fucked me up, but the only thing that kept me going was thinking about coming home to Hanna, but I had to get my head together first.  I knew I couldn’t have come home to her a fragile mess.  But I swear to you, if I had of known about Nathan, I wouldn’t have missed a thing.  I would’ve been there for her, not Travis Hobbs, that’s for sure….  Now enough of this mushy talk, let’s go find my boy and cream some bunnies!” The two men laugh as and leave the table to join Nathan.

A few weeks had passed since the steamy shower Hanna and Caleb had shared, and the boys day out at Chuck E. Cheese, since then Hanna and Caleb were alot closer then ever.
Through the week, Aria and Emily had come back to Rosewood for a visit, and they had all decided to go out to a club, for a good catch up, it was Friday night, Spencer's husband Toby was out working, Caleb was back at home, waiting until it was time to pick Nathan up from his friends house, the girl's were all sat at a bar in a club downtown, catching up on things, Aria had restarted a relationship with their old high school english teacher Ezra Fitz, after running into him in New York, on her way to do a photoshoot, she had said that their relationship was doing well, Emily on the other hand had been dating a girl called Sophie for quite a few months, they had met, when Aria and Em had decided to go out and have dinner one night, and that they had been inseparable ever since, at that point they had come to the conclusion of asking Hanna how her and Travis had been doing, and seein as Aria, Em and Spencer knew all along that Caleb was Nathan's father, Hanna decided to tell them the whole story, from Calebs return, up until their shower a few weeks ago.
Both Aria and Em stared at Hanna open mouthed in shock "wait Travis pushed you down the stairs?" Aria asked, as Em said "your back with Caleb?" Hanna nodded answering both the girls questions, then she sat up straight "oh yeah and did I mention that the woman he was sleeping with was my assistant, well ex assistant Penny!" the girls opened their mouths even more in shock "oh my god, she seemed so sweet and kind when we met" Aria said, Hanna raised her eyebrows as she replied "yeah I know"
After half an hour of catching up while drinking, they had decided to hit the dancefloor, as Hanna was enjoying dancing to uptown funk by Bruno Mars, someone came up behind her and start to dance along with her, she turned around to see who it was, she noticed a cute blonde guy with green eyes, he was wearing a black shirt, that hugged his abs, and some denim blue jeans, he placed his hands on her hips, grinding himself into her, he then started to get inappropriate with her, moving his hands down to her ass, and grabbing her butt cheeks, she swatted his hands away from her "hey calm down we're just dancing, nothing more okay, I have a boyfriend" he carried on feeling her in inappropriate places, and Hanna once again shoved his hands away "no means no dude!". Aria, Emily and Spencer noticed that Hanna was trying to get rid of the guy, and they came by her side as quick as they could, giving Hanna a chance to escape to the bathroom to clear her head, once in the bathroom, she leaned against on of the basin's, looking in the mirror, taking a few deep breath's, suddenly she felt a wave of nausea, she cupped her mouth with her right hand, running into one of the cubicles, she quickly bent down over the toilet, spilling out the content's that was in her mouth, when she finished, she grabbed some toilet paper from the wall of the cubicle to wipe her mouth, she walked out of the cubicle, hearing someone entering the bathroom, as she walked back to the mirror to touch up her makeup, without turning to see who else was in the bathroom she said "Ar, is that you? Oh my gosh, can you believe the nerve of that jerk copping a feel when I told him I had a boyfriend?" when noone answered, she turned around, looking straight at the guy from the dancefloor, "what the hell are you doing in here this is the ladies bathroom, a smirk grew on his face, he walked toward the entrance, locking the door, making his way towards her, he started to touch her in places that she did'nt like again, she managed to push him off of her " how many times do I have to say no, i'm with someone" she said as she ran for the exit, unlocking the door, just then she felt him grab her by the hair, making her fall to the floor, gasping in pain, before he could grab her again, she got her phone, hiding it behind her back dialling Calebs number.

Caleb was in his car, on his way to pick Nathan up from a friends house, just then his cellphone rang, looking at the screen on his dashboard, he noticed it was Hanna, he answered it putting it on speakerphone "Hey princess, everything okay?"  nobody answered, all he could hear was signs of struggling, and Hanna and some guy talking in the background, "Please don't hurt me, I have a little boy at home who needs his mommy, If you let me go, we'll act like none of this happened, My brother in law is a cop, he'll have your ass if you rape me, as well as my boyfriend you FREAK! STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" then all Caleb heard was a loud scream in the background before the line cut off, "Hanna?...HANNA!" without hesitation, he did a Uturn in his car, driving straight toward's the club Hanna and her friends were, when he arrived there he rushed in, finding Aria, Emily and Spencer waiting at the bar, "hey have you guy's seen Hanna?" he asked them, they could hear the panic in his voice "yeah she went into the bathroom a while ago, after a guy would'nt leave her alone, she been in there a while though, we were about to go in an see if she was okay" Aria answered, before they could say anything else, Caleb ran off straight for the ladies restroom, he barged through the door, noticeing the scene straight away, he saw red, "HEY, GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY GIRLFRIEND!" he shouted as he pulled hiom off of Hanna, giving him a full blown punch across the jaw, making him fall to the floor, he went straight to Hanna, checking if she was okay, before exiting the club and taking her home.

A hour after returning home, Caleb was making sure Hanna was okay, once she had told him that she was for the tenth time, she told him it was okay for him to go to bed, but that she was staying up a little longer, once Caleb was asleep. she went to check on Nathan, he was also fast asleep, suddenly as she left her sons room, she felt nauseous again, running to the bathroom, once again vomiting into the toilet, she got up at cleaned herself up, looking around the bathroom, she noticed her box of tampons in her toiletry bag, working things out in her hit, she had realised that her period was a week late, knowing what she had to do she snuck out of the bathroom, checking to see if Caleb was still asleep, seeing that he was, she grabbed her car keys, and headed for her car, she drove to the drug store, buying at least three pregnancy tests, once back home, she snuck back into the bathroom, and proceeded to do the tests, waiting ten minutes for the results. finally when it was time to check them, she looked at all three tests, tears started streaming down her eyes as she saw the results, just then, there was a knock on the bathroom door, Hanna turned her head quickly at the sound, "Hanna are you okay in there?" Caleb asked, Hanna threw the tests in the garbage quickly, not noticing that the tests was facing so the result was easily seen, she headed for the door, the pregnancy tests, still having the bold letters facing upwards.


A/N: So what do you think of this chapter, please send in your reviews and PMs and let me know, =)

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