Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


'Can this day go by any slower?' I thought as I scribbled in my sketch book. I've been living with Jacky so that I can be closer to work, but that meant my boss is making me work double. The shop had been empty all day and I still had four hours until closing time. I sat my pencil down and spun in my chair when I heard the bell ring against the door as it opened. I stood and walked around so I could see who it was that came in. A tall man stood in front of me, muscles flexing with every move.

'Stop, Tori, you have a boyfriend.' I thought, mentally slapping myself. "Hi, I'm Tori. What can I do for you today?" I asked, holding my hand out for him to shake. "Hi, I'm Andrew," he grinned. I noticed a slight london accent when he talked. Kind of like Jacky's. "I have a tattoo idea, and I'd like to get my nose pierced," he said, pulling a piece of paper out of his back pocket.

"Hoop or stud?" "Hoop." I nodded and took a seat at my desk as he handed me the paper that had a picture of a cameo lighthouse. I smiled at the design, knowing I love nautical things as well, and asked Andrew to take a seat while I sketched the design onto tattoo paper.

Once I was finished, I took him into my work area and sat him down in the purple chair. I quickly pierced his nose and switched gloves before getting the tattoo paper from beside me. "Where are you wanting it?" I asked, gathering my inks. "I was thinking the inside of my right forearm," he said, flipping his arm over. I placed the paper where he pointed to, and when I pulled it back, my stencil was there. I started my gun, dipping it into the first color. An hour into the session, Andrew and I were laughing our heads off at our old high school experiences.

I wiped the excess ink off his arm as he told me about a kid named Harold who always smelled like cheese. "What kind of cheese?" I asked, getting more ink on my needle. "Limburger," he said, laughing. I giggled at the name of the cheese. "I've never even heard of that before!" "Oh its repulsive," he said, smiling. I blushed and smiled as I heard the front door open.

"Victoria?" I heard someone call. "Back here!" I shouted back. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Jacky walking through the hippy beads that hung in the doorway. "Oh, I didn't know you had a customer," he said, kissing my cheek.

"Yeah, but its okay. Go grab my desk chair," I said, returning back to Andrew's tattoo, which was almost done. He nodded and turned walking out. "I'm going to the bathroom first!" he called as he passed through the beads. I laughed and Andrew turned to me. "Your boyfriend?" he asked. I nodded, smiling. "He's a lucky man." I blushed and wiped away the ink before getting my last color.

Jacky walked back in, pushing the chair in front of him. He sat down and turned to Andrew. "I'm sorry, I'm Jacky," he said, holding a hand out. Andrew took Jacky's hand with his free one and smiled. "Andrew. Your lady here's a pro," he said, laughing.

"You from London?" Jacky asked, raising an eyebrow. "Born and raised," Andrew said, smiling. "Me too! That's cool," he said, grinning. I wiped off Andrew's blood and the excess ink, smiling at my work. I wrapped Andrew's arm before smiling and standing. "All done!" I said. He stood and bent down, hugging me and kissing my cheek, which made me blush.

"Nice to meet you Jacky, and thank you so much, Tori," Andrew said before walking to the front desk. He paid me and walked out of the shop. "He was nice," Jacky said, glaring at the door. I rolled my eyes, walking to back to my station to clean up. "He kissed you!" Jacky said, following me. "Jacky, shut up. He was thanking me. It's not like he kissed my lips!" I said, throwing away my ink cups.

"Still! I'm your boyfriend! That means I kiss you. No one else." I turned abruptly, glaring at him. "Jacky, girls throw themselves at you every single day. On Twitter, in person, it doesn't matter. They all want you. Isn't that the exact same thing?" I shouted, throwing my hands up. "Those girls don't kiss me," he said, coldly. I shook my head and walked to the front, opening the door. "Get out," I commanded.


"Get. Out. I have to close shop." He grabbed his jacket and walked out, standing behind me.

I locked the doors and began down the sidewalk, but in the opposite direction of our house. "Where are you going?" he called. "Away from you!" I screeched. He yelled in frustration before climbing in his car and driving away. I finally got to Phantom's house and knocked on the door. She opened it and frowned. "Why do you look like shit?" she asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it," I said, walking around her and plopping down on the couch. "Come in, come in," Phan mumbled, closing the door. "Why aren't you at your own house?" I rolled my eyes and told her what happened with Jacky and Andrew. After a very dramatic rant, Phantom looked at me wide-eyed. "So you basically told him to fuck off?" she asked. I shrugged, nodding. "Girl power," she said, standing. "So how's mini Phantom?" I asked. "Giving me morning sickness," she frowned. I laughed and Phantom picked up a movie from the table before popping it in.

After watching three movies, it was 2 A.M. and I needed to get home. I told Phantom goodbye and thanked her before walking out the door. I started down the sidewalk and wrapped my arms around myself as it started to rain. I shivered as the rain came down harder. Its fucking February. Is this REALLY happening to me right now? I ran up the steps, realizing I forgot my keys. I knocked on the door, shivering so hard my back was hurting. "Jacky open up, I'm cold!" I half yelled, half cried.

I heard footsteps as the large doors opened to reveal Jacky, rubbing his eyes, which soon widened as he saw me drenched, crying, with makeup running down my face. He pulled me inside and shut the door as I took my shoes off.

"Can you g-g-get me a t-t-towel pl-eas-se?" I asked, pulling my wet t-shirt over my head. He nodded and ran up the stairs. I pulled my jeans to the floor and Jacky came back down, handing me the towel. I thanked him before walking up the stairs, leaving the wet clothes on the rug. I walked to the bathroom, turning the water as hot as it would go.

Once the tub was filled, I took off the towel and the rest of my clothes and climbed in, bringing my knees to my chin and trying to soak in the warmth. I couln't feel my toes or my fingers as I moved them around, trying to get circulation back into them.

I washed the makeup off my face and once the water had lost warmth, I climbed out, wrapping the towel around me once more and another around my hair. I walked out to see Jacky holding a cup in his hand. "I made you hot cocoa," he whispered, looking at the ground. I took the warm cup in my numb hands and met his eyes. "Thank you," I whispered before sitting it on the small table beside the door.

I walked into our bedroom and grabbed my pajamas and clean panties before slipping them all on. I put on my monster feet slippers before walking back to get my cocoa. Jacky followed me back into the bedroom and closed the door before sitting on the bed. I brought the mug to my lips, sipping the cocoa and feeling it warming my body. Jacky said nothing as I finished the drink and sat it on the side table.

I kicked my slippers off and climbed under the blankets, wrapping them tighly around me, but not tight enough. "Hey babe," I said, looking over at Jacky. His eyes met mine and I smiled at him a little. "Will you tuck me in?" I asked, sounding quite childish.

He smiled, letting out a small laugh before climbing off the bed and oushing the blankets in tightly around me. He climbed back on t he bed, getting the other side, before straddling my legs and tucking in around my shoulders.

I looked up at him and he gripped my shoulders before bending down and kissing me softly. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, looking at me, our foreheads touching slightly. I tilted my chin up to kiss him again and he held on a little longer.

"I love you," I whispered. He smiled softly, letting out a breathy laugh. "I love you too. More than you'll ever know."


VictoriaSullivan helped me with this chapter :)



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