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Tmntgirl24- hello everyone

Mikey- HI!!!

Leo- hi

Donnie- hello

Raph- hi


Mikey- OH NO!!!

Donnie- the world's not ending

Leo- and why would it be

Tmntgirl24- CAUSE RAPH ACTUALLY TALKED!!! QUICK!!! TO THE BUNKER!!! *runs to secret bunker with mikey* ARM YOURSELF PEOPLE!!! *gets shotgun*

Turtles- :/

Tmntgirl24- 0//-\\0 DON'T JUDGE MY SANITY!!!

Leo- okay...

Tmntgirl24- OH! I need to show you one of my fandoms!!!

Mikey- what's a fandom

Tmntgirl24- 0//-\\0 uhh... something that you love...

Turtles- :/

Tmntgirl24- 0//~\\0 ok, let me show you one of my fandoms *brings out tablet*

Donnie- were did you get the tablet

Tmntgirl24- magic *waves arms magically* *plays skydoesminecraft guess that build*

Jinbop- ross i'm picking up a little bit of tension here, are you alright

Ross- i guess you could say i'm.... i can't think of a dinosaur pun

Tmntgirl24- *laughs like a maniac*

Turtles- :/

~10 minutes later~

Sky- anyway guys, thanks for watching bye~

Tmntgirl24- *turns off tablet* soooo what ya think

Mikey- that guys is hilarious XD

Tmntgirl24- ikr! Ross in his dino onessie! RAWR! *laughs like a maniac*

Turtles- :/

Tmntgirl24- 0//-\\0 DON'T JUDGE ME!!! well bye my cuties >w<

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