Turtle Tots?

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Me- *walks into lair* HELLO MY TURTLES!!!

*but nobody came >:3*

Me- guys?

*nobody came*

Me- come on guys this isnt funny

Mikey- *toddler voice* we're coming sammie!

*turtle tots come running in (they look like the picture)*

Me- 😯 what happened to you guys!?

Raph- *toddler voice* donnie was messing in his lab and did something

Donnie- *toddler voice* i didnt mean to! i was trying to make retro-mutation!

Leo- *toddler voice* guys! stop fighting!

Me- *fangirling hardcore*

Leo- sam? are you okay?

Me- *pulls all of them in a hug and starts jumpsing up and down* YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!! KAWAII-DESU-TURTLE-SAMA!!!

Turtles- 😶


Raph- can you put us down

Me- oh sorry *sets them down* its just...GAAAAAH YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!! I NEED TO GET RACHEL OVER HERE!!!

Leo- 😰 no you dont need to!

Raph- awww, does leo not want his girlfriend to see him like this!

Leo- O///-\\\O n-no!

Me- *summons BananasAreAwesome0*

Rachel- how did i get here

Me- magic ~(•U•~)

Rachel- ....and why am i here *sees turtle tots* OH MY GOSH!!! THEY'RE SO CUTE!!!


Rachel- *hugs leo* you're so cute!!!

Leo- 😶😍

Me- 😊 *hugs mikey* *kisses him on the cheek*

Mikey- 😶😍

Raph- *looks at donnie* we have no one 😑

*RaphsGirl2012 appears out of no where*

Skylar- *hugs raph* i love you baby

Raph- 😶😍

Donnie- 😔

Me- as cute as this is, do you think can turn you guys back to normal don

Donnie- i dont know

Me- no worries! *turns them back to normal...reluctantly*

Turtles- 😥

Rachel&Skylar- awww 😔

Rachel- if only Blookie was here

Me- and Mettaton

Rachel- 😱

Me- what? *realizes what i said* 😨 oh shiz

*That1Fan-girl appears out of no where again*

Shanna- METTATON IS MINE YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!! MINE I TELL YOU!!! MINE!!! *runs around lair looking for mettaton*

Rachel- *goes after shanna* GET BACK HERE SHANNA!!!

Me- ok well that was unexpected...well PEACE OUT MY CUTIES ✌

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