Just Dance

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Tmntgirl24- *walks into lair* SUP BITCHES!!!

Mikey- hey sam

Leo- why do swear so much

Tmntgirl24- cuz i facking can

Leo- but why

Tmntgirl24- CUZ I GOD DAMN CAN!!!

Leo- ok ok

Tmntgirl24- you wanna play just dance

Mikey- YEAH!!!

Raph- *looks up from comic book* what's just dance?

Tmntgirl24- *face palms* the name of the games says it all

Raph- so we have to dance?

Tmntgirl24- SHELL YEAH!!! i'll go get donnie

Leo- he's in his lab

Tmntgirl24- kk *goes to lab* *grabs his bandana ends and drags him in pit area thing*


Tmntgirl24- we're playing just dance

Donnie- why?

Tmntgirl24- cuz i said so *drops bandana ends*

Mikey- so how are we gonna play

Tmntgirl24- like this *summons wii controlers, games, everything else needed for a wii*

Donnie- waa... how...?

Tmntgirl24- i have magic remeber

Mikey- let's play!

Tmntgirl24- ok! *puts game in* i'm gonna do this song

*mr saxobeat appears on screen*

Tmntgirl24- i'll show you how it's done *starts dancing to song* *gets five stars and perfect on every move*

Turtles- D:

Tmntgirl24- and that's how you play just dance

Turtles- D:

Tmntgirl24- hello? *waves hand in their face* hello?

Turles- D:

Tmntgirl24- well i think i killed them. WAKE UP *slaps all of them*


Tmntgirl24- cuz you guys were stareing off into the distance

Turtles- 0///-\\\0

Tmntgirl24- well with that said... bye my cuties! =^_^=

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