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Me: *walks into lair with a bag*

Mikey: Hey Sam! What's in the bag?

Me: 😃

Raph: Uh no. She's got that look again

Me: 😃

Leo: Sam... What's in the bag?

Me: *shouts* POTATO!!!

Donnie: Huh?

Me: *takes out potatoes from bag and starts running around the lair throwing potatoes* POTATOES!!!!

Raph: *potato hits him on the head* OW! SAM!!!!

Me: SHUSH!!! HAVE A POTATO!!! *throws a potato at Raph and hits him in the face*



Leo: Sam what's with the potatoes?


*Sparkleshe-catwolf and Star_Seeker1456 walk into the lair*

Catt: Heya

Amaya: Sup

Me: *turns head to see Amaya* *smiles evily*

Amaya: Oh crap

Me: EAT YOUR BREAD!!!! *throws a loaf of bread at Amaya* YOU NEED YOUR CARBS!!! 🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞

Amaya: *dodges and runs* NOPE!!! NEVER!!!!!

Me: *runs after her while throwing bread at her* 🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞

Donnie: What was that?

Catt: During lunch on Monday Amaya was throwing bread bombs and Sam told her she needed to eat it and Amaya still kept throwing the bread bombs so Sam started shoving bread in Amaya's face saying "EAT YOUR CARBS!!!!"

Me: EAT YOUR CARBS!!!!! *continues throwing bread at Amaya* 🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞

Amaya: NOPE!!!!

Leo: Okay...? What is happening?

Me: I DON'T KNOW!!!! *throws more bread* DON'T QUESTION MEH SANITY!!!!

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