Turtle God Tiers

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Me: Guys I figured out your guys' God Tiers in Homestuck! Took me a while but I did!

Mikey: What's a God Tier?

Me: A God Tier is-

Donnie: Is when in Homestuck, you die and become basically a God-like character with powers.

Me: *pouts* Like he said.

Me: Your God Tiers are Leo; Mage of Blood, Raph; Knight of Rage, Mikey; Page of Breath, Donnie; Seer of Mind, and I did April’s just for fun! She'd be Witch of Mind!

Casey: Did you do me?


Casey: :(

Leo: Could you explain these "God Tiers?"

Me: YUP! First Leo. I picked Mage of Blood for Leo because Mages aren't fully aware of their God Tier and don't know that much about their aspect and Blood is about friendships and relationships. Since Leo is the leader, he doesn't know that much about being leader, kind of like a Mage with their aspect. And leadership is mostly about relationships with your team, like Blood.

Raph: Yeah I see that

Me: And your God Tier outfit Leo

Me: And your God Tier outfit Leo

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Leo: Cool!

Me: And has a side note, all God Tiers can fly.

Me: Now for Raph.

Raph: Nice!

Me: Raph is the Knight of Rage because Knights "exploit their aspect for both their weapon and any other purpose" and usually hold up some facade, like how Latula Pyrope covers up her bad anxiety with the gamer girl attitude. "The Rage aspect is most likely tied to negative emotions and rage" it says from the Homestuck wiki. We all know Raph does hold up a facade, by being all mean and tough while he's actually nice and kind-hearted in the inside. And the Rage aspect we all get because he does hold a lot of Rage, to himself and to the others. Which makes him the Knight of Rage.


Me: Yeah keep telling yourself that

Raph: 😠

Me: And here's your outfit Raph

Me: And here's your outfit Raph

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