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*walks in lair with Star_Seeker1456 and Sparkleshe-catwolf all sweaty*

Me- *pants* hey...guys...

Mikey- hey sam, star, and catt...why are you guys so sweaty

Me,Amaya,Catt- *pants* tabata

Mikey- ?

Amaya- something *pant* we have to do for *pant* PE

April- oh we do Tabata at my school too

Raph- oh c'mon it cant be that bad

Catt&Me- *evil smile*

Me- how would you guys like it if we showed you Tabata

Leo- sure. we go through like about 5 hours of training a day

Me,Amaya,Catt- >:3

Amaya- oh you guys are gonna hate this

Me- come on *leads everyone to dojo* april, wanna join

April- sure

*magically summons a red, blue, purple, and orange cone*

Me- ok. behind the orange cone, you have a rest. on the orange cone, you have core-bridge. on the purple cone, you have burpees. on the red cone, you have mountain climbers. on the blue cone, you have crab kicks. now, when i play the song, you guys are gonna do what i told you on the cone. and each round you will go to the next cone and do what we assigned to that cone. you will be done when the song is. any questions?

Mikey- what's a mountain climber, burpee, core bridge, and crab kicks?

Me,Amaya,Catt- *facepalm*

Me- ill show you *does stuff that's on the picture*

Raph- pfft that stuff is easy

Me- 😐 ok! now, mikey go to the orange cone, donnie go to the purple cone, raph red cone, leo blue cone, april rest *gets in places*

Raph- hey, how come you guys arn't doing this

Catt- cuz we already did for PE today. and cuz we're the teachers here >:3

Raph- 😡 *growls*

Me- hey! mess with her, you mess with me *has blue fire in hands*

Raph- 😕

Me- anyways *plays song*

~3 hours of tabata later~

Me- and stop

April&Turtles- *breathless*

Mikey- *pant* you guys have to *pant* do this *pant* everyday!?

Me- yep

Raph- i cant believe you guys arn't dead yet

Amaya- i am. im Napstablook

Me&Catt- XD

Turtles&April- O_o

Donnie- who?

Me,Amaya,Catt- *gasps*

Amaya- you dont know Blooky?

Me- he's Mettaton's cousin

Catt- oh no

Me- what?

*That1Fan-girl appears out of nowhere*


*BananasAreAwesome0 comes running in after her*


Me- welp...this was a crazy chapter....well...PEACE OUT MY CUTIES!!! ✌

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