Smoothie Challenge

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*in the lair with Sparkleshe-catwolf, Star_Seeker1456, That1Fan-girl, BananasAreAwesome0*

Me- *gets evil idea* 😈 MWAHAHA!!!!

Rachel- what?

Me- i got an idea for a challenge we could do to the Turtles

Amaya,Catt&Shanna- >:3

Shanna- what is it

Me- we should the Smoothie Challenge!

Amaya,Catt,Shanna,Me- >:3 MWAHAHA!!!!!

Rachel- are you sure this a good idea

Me- positive! OH BOOOOOYS!!!!

*turtles come running in*

Raph- what it sam

Me- we're doing the Smoothie Challenge

Turtles- ?

Mikey- huh?

Amaya,Shanna,Me- *facepalm*

Catt- it's were we make smoothies out of random shiz and you guys have to drink it

Turtles- 😨

Me- and we're all gonna pair up and make a smoothie for each of the Turtles

Turtles- 😨

Shanna,Amaya,Catt,Rachel- 😈

Me- im with mikey

Mikey- YES!!!!

Me- O//-\\O rachel with leo

Leo&Rachel- YES!!! O//-\\O

Me- amaya with donnie

Donnie&Amaya- O_o

Me- and shanna and raph

Raph- WHAT!?

Shanna- *rubs hands together evilly* this'll be fun 😈

Catt- then what am i gonna do

Me- sit back and watch us torture the Turtles

Catt- ok >:3

Me- ok, girls, come on. ONWARD TO THE KITCHEN!!!! *runs to kitchen with finger pointed up in the air*

*Amaya, Catt, Rachel, and Shanna follow me to the kitchen*

Me- *makes random food and 4 blenders appear* i'll go first *walks up to first blender* *looks at food* *grabs butter, ketchup, mustard, a birthday card, and milk and puts in blender* we have a limit of 4 ingredients with milk for each smoothie. Amaya, your turn

Amaya- *walks up to second blender* *looks over food* *grabs relish, potato chips, strawberries, spaghetti and milk and puts in blender*

Me- ok. Rachel!

Rachel- *walks up to third blender* *looks over food* *grabs chocolate, granola, milk, sour patch kids and cheese and puts in blender*

Me- *nods* now shanna

Shanna- *runs up to fourth blender* *immediately grabs hot sauce, dirt, milk, tuna fish, and bits into a banana and puts them into the blender* 😈

Me- and blend!!!!

*me, Amaya, Rachel, and Shanna blend ingredients*

Shanna- 😈

*me, Amaya, Rachel, and Shanna stop blending*

Me- ok! Lets go give it to the guys 😈

*me, Amaya, Rachel, and Shanna walk in pit area with smoothies*

*catt sits on the floor*

Me- *hands mikey smoothie*

Amaya- *hands donnie smoothie*

Rachel- *hands leo smoothie*

Shanna- *hands raph smoothie*

Me- *summons 4 trash cans for the Turtles* now drink up!

Turtles- *takes sips of their smoothies*

Catt- *watches happyly*

*leo, raph, and donnie throw up in their trash cans*

Catt- *laughs like a maniac*


Mikey- *continues drinking* this is good sam! What'd you put in it!

Me- um...butter, ketchup, mustard, milk, and a birthday card! :3

Mikey- sweet! *continues drinking*

Leo- what'd you put in mine rachel

Rachel- milk, sour patch kids, chocolate, granola, and cheese

Leo- *throws up in his mouth*

Donnie- amaya?

Amaya- spaghetti, milk, strawberries, relish, and potato chips! >:3

Donnie- *throws up in mouth*

Raph- i dont even wanna know what shanna put in mine

Shanna- hot sause, dirt, milk, tuna fish, and a half eaten banana 😈

Raph- *throws up in trash can*

Me- that's all my cuties! Comment down below more challenges i can do with my friends to the Turtles! PEACE OUT!!!✌

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