Ch. 09 (PG-13, D): From the Heart

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"Love in the Great Pine Woods", Ch. 09 (PG-13, D): From the Heart, December 10, 2015 by Gratiana Lovelace (Post #842)

(An original story copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace; all rights reserved) [(1) story cover, left]

[From time to time, I will illustrate my story characters with: Richard Armitage as Sam Wakeforest, Marcia Gay Harden as Sam's older sister Tessa Wakeforest Shoop Delaney, and Emily Deschanel as Tessa's sister-in-law Olivia Delaney, Viola Davis as Pauletta Perkins, Cicely Tyson as Nellie Newton, and Anna Sophia Robb as Alice Trent, Kevin Spacey as Roger Delaney, Sam Heughan as Todd Wakeforest, Idris Elba as Dominic Perkins and others as noted.]

Authors Content Note: "Love in the Great Pine Woods" is a mature love story with dramatic themes of love and relationships. It will mostly be at the PG and PG-13 movie levels. Specific chapters or passages may have a further rating of: L for language, D for dramatic emotions, and S for sensual themes. And I will rate the chapters accordingly. If you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings that I provide for a chapter, then please do not read that chapter. This is my disclaimer. And as is my habit, I will summarize the previous chapter's events at the beginning of the next chapter.

Authors Recap from the Previous Chapter: After a lovely Sunday morning cuddling nap--and then some--with Olivia Delany, Sam Wakeforest was feeling even more positive about his growing relationship with her. And Olivia is slowly coming out of her shell, but she is still shy and reserved. However Sam likes that about her. But then, we discover that we love the qualities of our loved ones because we love them. And though Sam and Olivia will have to be apart for a few days while he stays with his brother Todd during his ankle operation to repair the damage wrought by the rabbit claw trap Todd stepped into on Saturday, they will come together again in three days time. They just have to be patient.

"Love in the Great Pine Woods", Ch. 9 (PG-13, D): From the Heart

Todd Wakeforest's ankle operation to repair the damage he sustained from the rabbit claw trap, went well the Monday November 30th after Thanksgiving--and he is recovering nicely. Everyone in the Wakeforest and Delaney families are greatly relieved. Todd will still have months of recuperation and then physical therapy, but he should be able to walk again.

And with this good news, Todd's brother Sam Wakeforest relays to Olivia Delaney Tuesday--through his sister Tessa--that he plans to join her them for dinner at the Delaney home the evening of Wednesday December 2nd. And then Sam plans to have that further discussion with Olivia about their hoped for shared futures together. Sam has hinted that he might propose tonight. And Olivia is thrilled, excited, nervous, and anticipatory.

Olivia decides to go home a little early today from the Wakeforest Orphanage--thanks to the Director Pauletta Perkins--so that Olivia can make herself pretty to see Sam tonight. Olivia has a bath, washes her hair and sets it with poofier rollers--since Sam has told her that poofier hair looks good on her--then she even paints her nails a demurely pale shade of pink.

Formerly, Olivia never wanted to stand out nor draw attention to herself--she lacked confidence. But Olivia is finally having her long standing crush and admiration for Sam reciprocated by him. And she feels on top of the world. So Olivia is wearing her new knee length black cocktail dress and pink plaid jacket from Tessa's shop, with some extra makeup on her eyes [(2) right] with some assistance from Tessa. Olivia's natural beauty is even more enhanced. She looks stunning!


Around 3:30pm Wednesday afternoon--after Kevin Wakeforest drove his brother Sam's car one town over to the Valley View Hospital with his own belongings to stay with their brother Todd for the next few days--Sam drives home the hour from Valley View to Wakeforest. Sam will have to make up lost time to get home and showered, dressed, and then over to his sister Tessa's home for dinner by 6pm. So he drives a little faster than he might normally in these icy road conditions. Sam is eager for tonight to begin and he plans to propose to Olivia after dinner in the gazebo where they had their first kiss--a nice romantic touch of his.

"Love in the Great Pine Woods" by Gratiana Lovelace (2015-2016) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now