Ch. 08 (PG-13, S): Awakenings

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"Love in the Great Pine Woods", Ch. 08 (PG-13, S): Awakenings, December 07, 2015 by Gratiana Lovelace (Post #841)

(An original story copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace; all rights reserved) [(1) story cover, left]

[From time to time, I will illustrate my story characters with: Richard Armitage as Sam Wakeforest, Marcia Gay Harden as Sam's older sister Tessa Wakeforest Shoop Delaney, and Emily Deschanel as Tessa's sister-in-law Olivia Delaney, Viola Davis as Pauletta Perkins, Cicely Tyson as Nellie Newton, and Anna Sophia Robb as Alice Trent, Kevin Spacey as Roger Delaney, Sam Heughan as Todd Wakeforest, Idris Elba as Dominic Perkins and others as noted.]

Authors Content Note:   "Love in the Great Pine Woods" is a mature love story with dramatic themes of love and relationships. It will mostly be at the PG and PG-13 movie levels. Specific chapters or passages may have a further rating of: L for language, D for dramatic emotions, and S for sensual themes. And I will rate the chapters accordingly. If you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings that I provide for a chapter, then please do not read that chapter. This is my disclaimer. And as is my habit, I will summarize the previous chapter's events at the beginning of the next chapter.

Authors Recap from the Previous Chapter:  With Sam's youngest brother Todd being injured by a claw trap on the mountain Saturday morning, everyone is worried about him and his impending transport Sunday afternoon to the big city of Valley View's hospital for surgery on Monday. Sam plans to go with him, but first had to stop at home to shower, shave, and nap to rest up Sunday morning--since Sam had no sleep the night before while tending to Todd in the hospital. Tessa sends Olivia to drive Sam home--and to do his laundry for him, despite his embarrassed protestations. And after Olivia inadvertently sees Sam's bare chest when she dropped off the first completed load of laundry, she impulsively lies down on the bed with the dozing Sam who kisses her forehead--and then she falls asleep herself.

"Love in the Great Pine Woods", Ch. 08 (PG-13, S):  Awakenings

For Sam Wakeforest the past week, dreaming of Olivia Delaney and having her in his life and in his bed has become a recurring and lovely effect of his growing relationship with her. And Sam is a man of hearty appetites--in all spheres of his life. So romance and making love are natural desires of his--albeit not exercised much the previous five years when his sister Tessa came to live with him after she was widowed--which put a crimp on Sam's love life. And Sam had not really resumed dating since Tessa met again and married Roger Delaney and moved out--but for Sam's one now regretful assignation with his former lover Lola more than three years ago.  So Olivia is a new romantic start for Sam.

Yet this later Sunday morning after Thanksgiving, as Sam naps in exhaustion in his bed at his home [(2) right] --after him having tended to his injured brother all night in the hospital--Sam feels the womanly curvy body of the sweet and lovely Olivia lying next to him, cuddled with him, and now, under him as he kisses her tenderly while tentatively rocking his body against her. Though they are both clothed--he in sweat pants and a sleeveless athletic t-shirt and she in full street clothes of a stretchy blouse over corduroy pants, underclothes, and thick fuzzy socks, with her sweater vest already removed before she joined him for a nap--these clothing barriers do not seem to be hindering their lovemaking as Olivia responds to him in her dreams and in reality.

The still also asleep Olivia dreams that her love Sam tenderly showers her with sweet and loving kisses and caresses as he molds his body to hers. At thirty five years old, Olivia has never made love before--nor has she even made out before. Though certainly some of her married girlfriends have given her broad hints as to the pleasing nature of their romantic couplings with their husbands, Olivia is not entirely aware of the particulars involved. She knows about the basics of reproduction--at the cellular level, as embarrassedly explained by her high school science teacher during a hurried lecture twenty years ago. But in her naivete and ignorance, Olivia only presumed that somehow the sperm traveled from the man to the woman in the night--but her not guessing the mechanism for that transfer. Obviously, she lived a very sheltered life with her parents and then later with her brother Roger after their parents died.

"Love in the Great Pine Woods" by Gratiana Lovelace (2015-2016) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now