Chapitre Neuf | "?"

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 C H A P T E R   N I N E

“Are you serious?” My heart stopped at the thought. There was a guy, standing in front of me, that liked Mindless Behavior? That’s crazy. “Yeah. Promise you won’t judge?” Jayden’s eyes plead, but judging him would be the last thing I would do. “Well, haha, it’s funny because, I like Mindless Behavior, too.” Jayden’s eyes lit up, like I was Jesus himself.

“No way! That’s crazy. We should definitely chill sometime.” I nodded my head, agreeing with him. Now that I found someone who was just like me, I could hang out with someone other than Veveeyn. Maybe we could even become mutual friends. Before I could make small talk, two boys approached us. One of them looked familiar, but I couldn’t exactly make out who it was. He looked like if he was a knock-off of Jayden.

“Look. Jayden’s found a friend,” The guy says, and by his voice, he tried to make his words seem more hurtful than they were. Jayden just sat there, not even attempting to reply. I really wanted to stand up for him, but I knew it would be best for me to stay in my place. The guy just stares at Jayden, hoping he’d make a move or retaliate. Jayden didn’t, so this guy wouldn’t stop trying to pick at him, looking for my reaction.

“Is he gay, just like you? You guys could be, I don’t know—gay buddies?” I just stared at the dude, my words sitting on top of my tongue. If Jayden would have given me to cue, I would have went in on him already. Jayden’s eyes were moist, but I wasn’t going to sit there and let him cry. Even though I’d only know him for a couple of minutes, I couldn’t watch someone go through the same thing I did.

“Ayo, why don’t you just leave him alone? He’s not doing anything to mess with you.” The guy just stared at me, but I could tell he wanted to say something. Instead, his bro had to help him out on this one.

“Shut up, he shouldn’t need no backup,” The other guy said, ironically. I wanted to laugh right in their faces, but I had a better idea. “Honestly, both of y’all should be the last ones that should be talking about  someone being gay. It looks like you borrowed those jeans from yo’ sister.” The guy looked down at his purple skinny jeans, with his face red. Some people in background started to laugh, and I saw a smile appear on Jayden’s face.

“Dang, Jo. He straight up hoed you!” Someone said from the back. Jo looked embarrassed, so he went to the back of the room. The whole scene looked like a ‘bully got bullied’ scene in the movie. It was the first time I stood up for someone, and people actually patronized me for it.

“Aye, Cameron, thanks for looking out, dawg.” Jayden’s smile was bright, and it made me feel warm inside. I kind of felt a little crush coming along, but I couldn’t be so sure, yet. In less than a hour, I made friends with one of the cutest guys I know, and it wasn’t as hard as people made it out to be.

✧                    ✧                    ✧

“How was my baby’s first day of camp?” My mom asked, running her fingers through my hair. No matter how old I got, she still looked at me as being her ‘baby.’ I didn’t mind, because that meant she’d always talk great care of me. “It was awesome. I met a guy named Jayden, and we became friends.” I flashed her Jayden’s number on a notecard. My mom smiled—probably because Jayden was my first friend since Veveeyn. “Oh, Cameron! That’s great!” My mom exclaimed.

“Plus, he likes Mindless Behavior, just like me!” My mom’s excited look turned into an average one, like she wasn’t really excited anymore. “Cameron, we need to talk about that,” My mother sighed. Here we go again. Mom’s gonna try and change me. “The reason why I signed you up for this camp so you could be introduced to boy things—and to maybe even stop liking Mindless Behavior.” My mom put the car in gear, but I didn’t reply to her. Sometimes I wanted to leave this house forever. My parents always tried to change me.

When we arrived to my house, my father was sitting at the closest chair to the door. As usual, he was reading his newspaper, but he moved it out of his eyesight so he could see my face. He shook his head and laughed; the usual thing he does. “How was camp, Son?” My father asked sarcastically. I could tell he was just asking me to get under my skin. He must of thought I had a horrible day, but it was awesome.

“It was great, actually. I met a guy named Jayden, and he likes Mindless Behavior, too,” I replied, returning to favor. By my dad’s face, he didn’t like my answer, but I couldn’t help that I had a great day. “Boy, you need Jesus in your life,” my father judged. I just stared at him and wanted to grab him by his neck. Where was my mom when I needed her? 

I ran upstairs and I grabbed my landline. I wanted to talk to Veveeyn so bad, and she didn’t even know it. I wanted to tell her all about Jayden, but at the same time, I wanted to keep the idea all to myself. I could surprise her with Jayden. I still had Jayden’s number, so I could call him. . .

I took out the notecard with Jayden’s number and began to dial. The phone rang for about a whole minute, then I heard Jayden’s voice on the other line. He sounded extremely sleepy, even though it was only 5:00. “It’s Cameron,” I replied simply. 

“Great! I’ve been waiting here with my boyfriend for your call all day.”

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