Manipulating Her Past

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**Okay I wasn't going to start this story, buttt I had a good idea to start it off with and decided to run with it! :) enjoy! **

Why is it that when there is a sad occasion you are required to wear black and mourn for the ones you've lost? Or that the weather decides, hey someone's dead so we need to cry over them as well. I mean why couldn't we celebrate in let's say New Orleans and have rainbows and cloudless skies?

Those were the thoughts going through my head as I watched the casket being lowered into the ground. It was only hours before that I had seen her lying on her bed. She had seemed fine... then again, that's what the problem had been. She wasn't fine. Even if she had told everyone that, it was a lie.

Wyatt held me closer to him as I kept my eyes on that one plot that had been dug up for Liz. She was only nineteen...

"Carter, there's nothing you've could've done," he whispered to me gently and smoothed my dampened hair.

"There's always something," I murmured and tried to keep a straight face throughout the rest of the ceremony. The only bright side to the rain was that it would mask the tears that were already streaming down my face.

**Argh! I know it's short but I'll start elaborating and stuff in the next chapter. :P I'm sorry!**

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