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"Um... what?" I asked looking at Asher to see what he meant by that comment.

"I can help you bring Liz back."

"Liz is dead, I saw her body. She's gone Asher."

He shook his head, "I knew you wouldn't believe me but I'm telling you I can."

I could feel a headache forming as I tried to analyze what he meant by all of this, "look if you're trying to deal with her death maybe do it in a different way. You're freaking me out a bit."

"Follow me and I'll show you," he said getting up.

"Where are you going?"

He turned and looked at me, "if you want answers then follow me."

Looks like I was following him then...

We were standing in front of Liz's grave as he bent down and touched the dirt that still hadn't settled in all the way. No words had been exchanged between us since we had left the house and my mind was racing on why he was convinced he could bring her back.

"I'm trying to find a way to explain things to you so that you understand and don't overreact."

"Sorry?" I replied while looking down at the ground he kept patting, "what are you doing exactly?"

Asher stood up and grabbed my hands, "do you believe in life after death?"

The question struck me as a random one to avoid mine but I answered anyways, "I mean yea there's heaven or hell... depends upon what your faith teaches you."

He nodded, I'm guessing he was satisfied with that answer as he went back to touch the dirt on her grave again. "Do you believe that people could have multiple lives?"

"Like a cat?"

"Somewhat," he murmured softly.

I continued to stare at his back in confusion, "are you saying she's been reincarnated?"

Asher chuckled, "no but she isn't dead. Those dreams you've had... you're seeing her either as a past life or her future life."

My blank look said it all as he sighed and tried to reword what had just been said. "Say you were a cat and died. According to the wives tale you still have eight more times to live. Well with humans it's kinda the same but you continue to go through the cycle."

"So we live eternally."

"Some of us yes. Eventually you will die because of age and the time it takes to go into another life wears you out after awhile."

"How do we find her then?"

"We can't begin today because I need to know more about your dreams and what the reoccurring pattern is. I'll teach you more about this later on, for now we should probably head back its getting late."

I sighed and stared at my friend's headstone. Knowing she wasn't really dead wasn't as reassuring as what I thought it would be.

Manipulating Her PastWhere stories live. Discover now