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**Loving the updates?! I know I am! :) Here's the next place there going to on the right.**

I stepped out of the hot steaming shower and felt my muscles relax. Now I can curl up under my sheets and sleep for like twelve hours without a care. No one was going to question that I think at this point. My mind just needed to block out all this information for a little while.

"I don't know how you do this Liz," I mumbled and shut off my lamp.

My phone began buzzing and I groaned, "really? I can't like not be bothered for five seconds!"

I answered it while rubbing my eyes, "hello?"

"Hey Carter, it's Wyatt. Your boyfriend?" he said a little too harshly.

"I know who you are dammit, why are you in a foul mood?"

"Just wanted to check and see if you were still my girlfriend. Seems like you are too busy with Asher."

"Wyatt, can this wait til the morning? I'm exhausted babe, please?"

"I'm sorry Carter, I just feel like you don't care about me anymore," he said softly.

I sighed and tried not to yell at him, I would be mad as hell too if he was hanging with other girls. "Baby do you want to come with me the next time I go with Asher to find out why Liz is gone? I'm sorry that this is consuming my life right now, but I need closure."

The line was quiet for a few seconds and I felt myself drifting off as Wyatt spoke again, "sure love. I'll talk to you in the morning. Sleep well."

The call ended and I dropped my phone on the floor, if I broke it then no one could contact me. Seemed like a pretty good idea.

I heard my bedroom door open but continued to lay still and sleep. I wasn't ready for someone to wake me up yet and start yelling at me or something.

I could feel it was Wyatt because of his weight on my bed and how gentle he was with me while I continued to sleep.

He rubbed my back gently and kissed my hair gently, "Carter."

I stretched and opened my eyes to see him smiling at me.

"Hi sweetheart," I mumbled and curled up against him as he held me and played with my hair.

"I'm sorry for last night."

"It's okay baby," I kissed him gently and looked at how sad he seemed about getting onto me. "Wyatt I understand."

"Thanks," he kissed my nose, "so where have you gone so far?"

I briefly went into details and described as much as I could about the places I had seen in so little time. Wyatt listened patiently and asked questions about Liz and shifters. I could tell he was doing his best not to be jealous about the fact that I had been with Asher so much.

"Where do you think you're going today?" he asked as I got ready.

"I don't know, he never really tells me until we're there."

"Kinda... I don't know, creepy. Don't you think?" he asked with his eyebrows raised.

"After everything else I've seen, Asher is the last thing I'm worrying about," I told him, "come on let's go meet him so we can figure this out quicker."

He reluctantly let go of the topic, and followed me over to Asher's. I had a feeling that Asher and Wyatt might get into it while we were time traveling but honestly I didn't care. Wyatt needed to see that I wasn't into Asher. I was doing this for Liz.

"Okay so tell me again what you've figured out about Liz?"

I sighed, "she dies around the same age at each time period. Somewhere between eighteen and nineteen. I haven't figured out why she dies or if someone kills her. Asher says he already knows the answer but I'm not quite sure he does because of that shifter thingy."

Asher greeted us as Wyatt and I got out. There seemed to be no tension so far between the guys and I was praying there wouldn't be for the meantime.

"So where are we going this time?" Wyatt asked as Asher helped us through the portal.

"The Amazon, I'm hoping we can see Liz right before she dies, to catch if anything is different."

"Asher is she aware that she dies each and every time?"

He frowned, "I'm not sure. Maybe in some lives she does, but not in all of them. Had that been the case she would've told someone I think."

We landed softly onto the green jungle floor and looked around to see trees and water rushing all around us.

"Welcome to the Amazon," Asher said looking around him and pointing in the direction where there was a small plume of smoke, "that's where her village is. We are... about a day or so before she dies, we'll be able to watch her and see what happens. Carter you can interact with her because she won't know you. Wyatt and I will have to wait from afar, but don't worry, if something happens we'll help."

Wyatt just gaped in awe that we were in a rain forest and nodded as he realized Asher had mentioned his name.

Let me tell you walking through the Amazon isn't the easiest thing to do. There's lots of bugs, which I hate, and many more spots where you can fall, drown, get eaten by a snake, etc. I mean yea it's beautiful maybe up top in the canopy. But down here you're the prey not the predator.

Asher and Wyatt both helped me as we climbed up a few rocks to where Liz's village was. What would I talk to her about in this lifetime? Would she even be the same Liz I had known? Somewhere I think deep down she was the same person in every place, just in a different body.

"Okay you should be able to recognize her," Asher whispered as we were on our stomachs watching the people in the village.

"Anything I shouldn't do?" I asked as my last words of wisdom for a few days.

"Just don't get yourself killed," he stated bluntly and Wyatt gulped.

"Right, got it," I sighed and crept over towards a tree before walking into the village, trying to act like I had been with them all along.

I thought back to all the information Asher had told me about the Awa tribe. They were nearly extinct and couldn't leave their premise without loggers or others killing them for it. So I guess, I just need to stick with the girls and make sure I stayed out of trouble. I glanced down at my... little to no attire. Twigs and leaves weren't that great of clothing.

"You? What are you doing? You need to come with me," a woman shouted in their native language and grabbed my wrist.

I followed her past the make shift houses out of sticks and helped prepare some of the food for dinner later. Whoever I was following was probably a grandmother, not only because her skin was all wrinkly but her face had that wise look on it and most of the women around here were my age or younger.

Liz appeared beside me and gave me a smile as she helped show me what I was supposed to be doing. I tried my best to follow her instructions as I helped cut the meat and cook it over the open fire. Some of the men would come by and get water from the river nearby and I averted my eyes because their barely there loin cloths were too revealing.

After we prepared dinner, I followed Liz to her "house" and sat down to examine my surroundings. The forest seemed fuller in some areas than others. I asked Liz about that and she briefly explained about the deforestation. Jeez, I was going to have to be careful where I went from now on.

**Don't worry there will be another chapter of the Liz and Carter being in the Amazon, just wanted to end it here and pick it up at a different spot. I did my research for this, don't worry! Hope you're enjoying it!**

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