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**There are about 1-2 more chapters left! Happy? Sad? Hope this story was up to your expectations!**

Music and laughter filled my ears as we watched from above at the dancing and festival below. Liz explained that sometimes people just got together for celebrations just to have fun. Sounds like something I would do.

"I know this is weird," she started to say, "but you remind me of someone."

"We've probably run into each other a time or two," I replied knowing there was a double meaning behind that statement.

"Can I tell you something?" she whispered, which surprised me because it was obvious we were the only two up here. Plus it was too loud for anyone to hear our conversation.

"Yea, sure!" I whispered back and saw out of the corner of my eye something move too quick to be a human. Shit...

"This is going to sound crazy, but I sometimes see... things."

I tried to keep my voice steady as I asked her, "what kind of... things?"

"They remind me of shadows, but it's like they move... I feel as if they follow me around sometimes. I know that seems crazy,"

"You're not the only one who goes through that," I reassured her gently.

"So you see them too?"

"Sometimes," I replied and felt that familiar chill creep closer to me. I was running out of time. "Liz,"

"Yes?" she asked, her eyes reflecting the light from below.

"Do they talk to you? The shadows, I mean."

"Sometimes... I think. I'll hear whispered voices and such. Though I can never make out what they're saying exactly."

Well this wasn't going like how I planned it to be, how else was I supposed to figure this stupid curse out?

"Do you believe in after lives?" she asked me suddenly.

"What?" I replied completely taken aback.

"You know, like you die then go somewhere else or go to another life?"

"Um... maybe, why?"

"Because, I have a feeling that's what'll happen to me."

"How do you know that for sure?"

She shook her head, "I don't know, it's just a feeling."

I sighed and tried to find a way to tell her she wasn't. Asher had said she might know of her situation in certain lifetimes.

"Liz, you're not crazy," I began and saw the shifter behind her, glaring at me this time.

"What are you talking about?" she said, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I can tell you anything you want to know, but not here," I murmured as she nodded and swiftly retreated downstairs with me.

"It's here isn't it?" she said as I tried not to fall while keeping up with her.

"Yes," I breathed and continued, "Liz, you're nineteen yes?"

"How did you know?" she stopped and waited for me to finish explaining.

"Because you're right. You do come back, many more times in fact. You and I are best friends, years from now."

"You came back in time?"

"Yes," I breathed and urged her to follow me to where Asher and Wyatt were, "and I need to fix this curse so you don't have too. I can't let my best friend time travel her whole life with a demon thing chasing her..."

"Carter," she looked at me with concern, "it's not your job to try and fix my future. I appreciate that you care,"

"I won't let you die again. Not while I'm here to stop it," I muttered and saw the guys approach me.

"It's here," I said as Liz just watched us talk about how we were going to kill it.

"Carter, we can't guarantee that it'll work," Asher began patiently.

"Then try," I gritted my teeth, "I didn't come all this way for nothing!"

Liz held out her hand, "hand me whatever it is that you plan on killing that thing with. I know what to do."

We all stopped and looked at her, "how?"

"I can't explain, but I know I can."

Asher handed her the arrow looking device as she drew a line down her arms and across her chest, "I'm going to kill myself to where my soul won't have to go running in a frenzy for eternity. I know this looks crazy, but I think it'll work."

Wyatt and Asher said nothing as I just stood there with tears in my eyes, "so I won't see you?"

Liz grabbed my hand, "Carter, you will see me. If you are right about me being able to travel through time, then there is a part of me that is somewhere where you are, and inside you."

I hugged her tightly and didn't hold back my tears, "thank you."

She gasped quietly as she struck the arrow in her chest and leaned heavily against me. I held her body tightly and watched to see if her soul would leave her again like how it had in the Amazon. Nothing happened though, she just grew colder in my grasp.

"Carter it's time to go," Wyatt said gently, "we need to get home."

"But we should bury her," I began.

"No, let them find her, it'll be better that way," Asher said as we laid her down gently and took the arrow from her chest, "we've done what we came to do. Now it is time to leave."

"The shifter?"

"It disappeared."

Relief swelled inside me as I looked at Liz and then at the guys, I had done it.

**Well... what did you think???? Unexpected?! Stay tuned for probably one last update on this book! Thanks for the support guys! You rock**

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