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Asher and I were standing in the backyard of Liz's house. I could tell it was a few years back because there was still the old Oak tree in her backyard that her parents had cut down a few years ago.

"This is back when she's about... oh eight or so," Asher said to me as I saw a younger version of Liz race out the backdoor with my younger self in tow... It was so weird seeing me from the past...

"Why are we looking at a memory of hers where I'm in it?" I said as we watched the girls run around the backyard screaming, "tag! You're it!"

"Just to get you accustomed to the sensation," he simply replied as I continued to watch the girls run in circles until they just fell to the ground and began pointing out different shapes in the clouds. I did remember this memory, because later on that day was when they got the news of her cousin falling ill.

"Can we go?" I said trying not to tear up at the fact that I was only seeing her old self and wouldn't be able to get her back in this lifetime, "I'd like to figure out why she's dead now."

"As you wish," he said and waved his hand through the air again to create another portal, "just promise me you won't try to alter the past or anything? If you do... it could affect your life."

I nodded and followed right behind him as we stepped into the blinding light once again. I counted to six and felt the light dim as we began traveling in place towards another "life" of hers.

I stayed quiet as waited a few more moments and another light began to grow brighter at the end of the tunnel.

"We're about to enter one of Liz's previous first lives," Asher began and grabbed my hand gently, "I'm also in this one, so we need to be careful where we go." He snapped his fingers as we were swept through the portal and spat onto the cold hard floor of a building.

Asher helped me up as we went and stood behind some boxes and waited for someone to walk by. Looking around me, I saw a warehouse and smelled a musty odor. Guess they never cleaned this place.

"Liz's family was poor during this lifetime," Asher whispered and pointed towards a girl who was in torn pants and a tattered grey shirt, "she came here everyday after school to help her family make a living. Her job was to sweep and mop the floors with whatever water was left over from the employee's water breaks."

"Where are we?" I asked still looking at Liz, amazed at how much it looked like her but didn't at the same time.

"We are inside a warehouse that creates equipment for nuclear power plants. This was during the time when nuclear power was going to be a big ordeal as weaponry," Asher explained.

"So how... does Liz kill herself in each life then?" I asked, not seeing how this innocent little girl would kill herself at an age younger than nineteen.

"Let's say some type of tragedy occurs usually during her teenage years right before she becomes an adult or no more than a year after."

"So around eighteen or nineteen," I replied seeing a small pattern begin to form, "then why show me this if it's not when she dies? She doesn't look old enough to be an adult yet."

Asher nodded, "yes that is true, but I need to ensure you can handle these situations better. As time goes on, I'll know for sure."

"You mean... we have to go back home?" I said with disappointment.

"Yes, because time is still going on back at home while we're time traveling... and if we're gone too long, someone will notice."

I sighed, knowing I may never find out the real reason at this point, "alright. But tomorrow can we start again?"

"If you would like too yes," he replied and let me watch Liz a few more moments as she mopped up some of the floors and wiped a strand of hair off her face. Even in her old clothes she still looked pretty.

"Ready?" Asher asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I stood up and walked with him back into the portal, making my way back towards reality, where nothing made sense.

**I didn't really research that, I just... kinda made up stuff that made sense, in case some of you are history fanatics. Anyways! I'm glad I kept this story.**

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