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I had Wyatt and Asher drop me off at her grave when we returned. Not that I really needed to go there for closure, I had already gotten that back in Amsterdam. But knowing that her grave was still there, gave me the reassurance that she had been alive and I had known her.

"Well Liz," I sighed and looked at the cloudless skies that were a bright blue, "I'm glad I was able to help you after all. Thanks for showing me everything."

"You did well Carter," a voice said behind me.

I turned slowly and saw the Liz I knew, standing there plain as day with a smile on her face.

"You're still... gone right?" I said not sure how to word that appropriately.

She nodded, "sadly yes, but I am eternally grateful for your willingness and dedication to help me when no one else would. I couldn't have asked for a better friend."

"So how are you still here if you destroyed yourself?"

She shrugged, "I'm dead. No one cares where you go after that."

She had a point...

Liz gave me a tight hug, "I'm sorry for leaving you early and not telling you more, but I hope you were able to understand better, especially with Asher helping you."

"He did, but now that I know that I can still talk to you, what makes you think I'm letting go of you again that easily."

She chuckled, "very true. Tell Asher I couldn't be happier with him helping you."

"You're leaving?" I asked a bit sad.

"We have eternity to talk Carter," she smiled, "besides, I still have some traveling to do. I don't think I hit every spot on Earth while I was time traveling. I'll be back tonight."

"I'll be waiting," I smiled as she disappeared.

Asher was packing up his things when I showed up. I knew he would have to leave now and help some other distressed girl who was having similar issues like me. It was just a shame he had to leave.

"You'll come back?" I asked as he turned to see me standing behind him.

"Maybe, I usually don't though."

"Well, you're my friend and that means you have too," I teased while he just smirked, "I'll do my best. Just stay out of trouble until I can come and help you again alright Carter?"

"Deal," I teased back and hugged him tightly, "really though. Thank you for helping me, I don't know what I would have done without you showing up."

"Anything for a friend," he stood back and grabbed his bag, "oh and I know you'll sleep good tonight. Time traveling tends to do that to people."

The End

**Thoughts? Comments? I think in all honesty, it could've been better, but I did my best to make it as intriguing as I could. Thank you again for reading my stories, you guys are so amazing! Stay tuned for some of my other works that are coming out soon!**

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