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**sorry for the wait guys, you've probably seen all my excuses in the other books so I won't put them in here as well enjoy!**

"Carter you don't know the risks of what we're about to do," Asher advised me after I had continued to tell him I needed to go back in time.

"I don't care Asher, she needs help! Am I the only one who gets that and seems to care right now?" I cried while throwing my hands in the air.

He sighed and looked down at the floor, "no... I just haven't figured out myself on how to save her exactly."

Oh... I shoved my hands in my pockets and sat on the edge of his bed. Well if he didn't know how to help Liz, then we weren't going to be able to go back in time just yet...

"Carter... there's something you need to know about going back in time," he began with a hesitant tone.

I leaned on my knees and waited patiently for him to continue.

"Going back means you'll see different sides of Liz that you won't recognize. She might be the exact same in one life, but another... the complete opposite. With that being said, I have to have you promise me that you won't try and alter or obscure the past. If that happened... you wouldn't be here where you are right now."

"So if I alter the past... it'll be like as if I never existed?" I whispered.

He nodded and ran his hands through his hair, "that's why I need more time to think on how to approach this without you freaking out or doing something you will literally regret.

Now I see why... I thought in my head and just stared down at the floorboards, counting the number of planks that were underneath me.

"I just want to know why she did it..." I whispered and tugged at a strand of my hair aimlessly.

"Me too," he sighed and looked at the clock, "shouldn't you be with Wyatt?"

"I guess," I trailed and didn't even bother to try and get up.

"He might be worried about you," Asher offered.

I could tell he was wanting to get rid of me. Why? I don't know. I didn't think I was being that much of a burden...

I got up and just walked out without saying goodbye as Asher started to take a step but stopped instead. He probably realized what he had done and wasn't going to fix it. Good! I needed time to think and figure out a different way to travel back in time.

Opening up my car door, I slammed it hard and sat there with my keys in my fingers. Surely there was something I was missing. Some key reason...

"Or you could just be imagining this stuff," I breathed and grabbed the bridge of my nose so I could try and think more clearly.

'I'll just ignore this stuff, sooner or later Asher will go home and won't be able to "help" me anyways. I'm sure it's nothing serious... I'm just going through a phase since she's gone. Yea that's definitely it,' I thought in my head and drove to Wyatt's with a big smile on my face. I had nothing to worry about.

Manipulating Her PastWhere stories live. Discover now