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**Thanks to all of you who are reading this! Sorry I'm not updating as quickly. I wish I could, but with all the other books I write it's nearly impossible to get this one finished as well. Just bear with me! Vote, comment, etc please! :) **

"That's Liz!" I screeched as her mouth continued to hang open and she just pointed past back towards her house. What in the freaking world was going on!

"Uh... yea that is Liz," Wyatt's voice shook as he looked at her then at me, "I think we need to go back to see Asher. He needs to know about this."

"Will she follow us?" I whispered and tried to tear my gaze away from her zombie looking figure.

"I... I don't know Carter," he whispered back and touched my hand gently, "but let's go back and talk to Asher okay?"

I nodded and tried to get my mind to focus on putting the car in drive but I was still petrified at seeing my dead friend in broad daylight!

"She... she's trying to speak..."

Liz's mouth was trying to move slowly but no words were coming out. She frowned and drew letters in the air as I tried to make out what she was spelling.


"Help," I started and tried to hold back a scream as her skin grew really burnt and she disappeared in a flash of white light.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Wyatt gasped.

"A sign..." I gaped and turned the car back around to go see Asher. If he didn't believe Wyatt or I on this how else were we supposed to get him to believe that Liz needed our help?

"So you're telling me that you saw Liz?" He said stroking his chin.

"Yes, she spelled out help then burst into flames." I ended and knew I sounded really crazy but the fact that Wyatt had seen it to made my argument a little more valid.

"Help with what though?" he asked confused.

"That's what we're trying to figure out," Wyatt replied shaking his head, "none of this makes sense. This kind of stuff just doesn't happen to people."

"You could say that again."

"The fact that I've dreamed of her and seen her makes me think she's haunting this place. Her suicide possibly could've been influenced? Or someone led her to that breaking point?" I sighed in frustration. Why did this have to be so freaking complicated!

Wyatt stood up, "I need to get going, there's some stuff I need to finish. I'll see you tomorrow Carter?"

I nodded, "yea. Tomorrow."

"Okay love," he kissed my forehead and walked out without another word.

Asher flipped his hair out of his eyes, "Carter there's something I need to tell you."

I tapped my foot on the carpet while he began speaking, "the dreams and things you're seeing of Liz aren't something to be ignoring. It can help you find out why she died in fact."

Oh so now you're believing me, I thought to myself and just looked at him funny, "why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I couldn't with him around. This is something only you and I need to know."

"Well... how do you know you're right on this?"

He stood up and looked me straight in the eyes, "because I'm from the past Carter, and I can help you bring Liz back."

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