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Asher made me promise not to tell Wyatt that I had gone time traveling. I agreed with him fully because I didn't need my boyfriend thinking I had any other reason to be hanging with a friend of Liz's from the past and present.

I sat on my couch and flipped through channels, nothing was on and I didn't feel like sleeping or anything.

"Well Liz, I'm slowly starting to figure you out," I murmured and heard my parents walk through the door.

"Oh hi honey," my mom said letting her hair down from her bun, "we thought you were going to be out a little longer."

"I was gone for awhile..." I admitted and turned the television off, "just felt like coming back to relax, or am I interrupting something?"

"No," my dad replied, "we just figured you and Wyatt were going to be out."

Oh... well that made it even more awkward that they figured I was out with Wyatt. Telling them I wasn't with him would lead to more suspicion so I better just let them continue thinking I had.

The younger version of Liz was replaying in my head constantly. Why was her life so complicated? If she's one of very few who go through lives like that what makes her qualify? In my opinion it seemed more like a curse for her to have to repeat her life in different generations.

I called Asher because I still had so many questions going through my head.


"Asher, it's Carter. Listen I just need more basic knowledge of this whole time traveling thing and stuff. Mind if I ask questions?"

"I figured you would be calling me," he chuckled, "what do you want to know?"

"If she dies and go to another life or whatever, does that mean she has a new set of parents each time? How does she qualify for this and not me or Wyatt?"

"Unfortunately she does get new parents each time she goes into a new life. Since history moves slow for someone like that she goes through a transition phase. That is where she waits like in an abyss until she can be reincarnated in the next life."

"How long does that take?"

"Could be centuries or months. Just depends. Going back to your qualification question, it's just a freak act of nature. No one knows for sure how this happens."

I felt my stomach sink a little, so there was no for sure chance of me getting her back...

"So let's say... I tried to keep her from moving on in the transition phase and tried to get her back into her body that she had in this life? Can it be done?"

"She's already dead Carter, I'm sorry but I've never heard of someone being able to do that. Besides, messing with the dead is highly frowned upon no matter where you are."

He had a point there... I looked around my room and just glanced at some of the pictures I had kept up of her and I.

"If you don't have any more questions for me tonight, I need to help her mom clean up something. I shall see you tomorrow."

"Oh, okay. Goodnight Asher," I replied and hung up as I went over to inspect some of the pictures. There was something tugging inside my brain but I could not figure out what it was exactly.

I peered at one of the pictures where we had been swinging on a swing set and noticed a distorted blur in the background. Maybe I was wrong but I kept looking at the other pictures and noticed that in each one there was a distorted image in each, resembling a person. Sometimes the quality was better than others, but it was always black and looked to be a male.

"Now that's interesting," I thought and put the pictures in an envelope, "I'm sure Asher will have an explanation for that when I see him." Or at least I hoped he would.

**What do you think? Maybe the figure has something to do with Liz's deaths? Vote, comment! Would really love to hear from you guys on this story.**

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