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**SO sorry for not uploading guys! This story has been a stickler :p hope this'll make up for it for now!**

Asher told me a few days later that he would be leaving tonight. As happy as I had been about that, I was beginning to realize that I now needed him in order to get Liz back.

Sighing, I knew I would have to find some way to keep him here a little while longer. Which wouldn't make Wyatt very happy. He was convinced I spent too much time with this guy. But who could blame me?! He was the only other person who really knew Liz like I did.

"I'm guessing you need to go see Asher," Wyatt said in an exasperated tone.

"Um... yea and I don't need to keep explaining to you any longer my reasons. Either you deal with it, or we're done," I said throwing my hands in frustration.

"Carter," he sighed and fell back on my bed in frustration, "I just... don't see how he knows all the answers. What... what if he's just leading you on some wild goose chase for the hell of it?"

"Because... after we saw Liz in the street, I knew he wasn't lying," I said too calmly for my taste.

"Are we sure we weren't just dreaming that?"

"No," I said through gritted teeth and grabbed my coat as I began to head out.

"I'm sorry Carter," Wyatt said softly and I just sighed before walking towards my car and heading over to Asher. This would have to wait for another day when I wasn't trying to retrace the path of my friend who was dead.

I arrived to see Asher packing up his backpack, seems that was all he had brought with him to being with... odd...

"What is it Carter?" he asked still packing things, not paying attention to me whatsoever.

"Oh you know... nothing," I said sarcastically and continued since he clearly wasn't going to notice, "I guess I'll just strip and walk around naked since you won't help me..."

"What are you talking about?" he said looking at me with a weird look.

"Finally I get your attention," I commended him and continued before I could lose his interest again, "I want you to help me find Liz. I know you said you were going to leave... but I really need your help. Besides you're the only one who truly knows her besides me," I pleaded and clasped my hands together to help emphasize my point.

He sighed, "Carter... We've been through the risks..."

"I know but no matter how bad it is, I won't interfere. I promise."

He shook his head, "I don't think I can Carter, I need to get going."

"Where? I'm pretty sure your family would understand."

"No, it's too complicated. I have to go," he murmured and began walking.

I ran to the door and put my hands up pitifully, because we both knew full well who would win the battle.

"Please, I just... I need closure... I don't want to be the reason she killed herself because she didn't think she could trust me or something..." I pleaded again.

He sighed, "that's not the reason Carter."

"So you know?" I said raising my eyebrows.

"Of course I do," he murmured, "have you not paid attention at all when I've been talking to you?"

"No... I have," I said recounting our many conversations, "you said she has many different lives."

"Yea and I've been involved in every single one of them. How do you think I know all of this?'

Oh... I'm so dumb, I thought, "so you already know the reason why she killed herself?"


"Then why not tell me?"

"Because you needed closure."

"Oh bull shit. Don't throw my words back in my face," I growled as he chuckled, "suit yourself Carter. Let's go back in time so you can find out the reason why then."

I put my arms down, "you mean it?"

He nodded and grabbed my wrist gently, pulling me towards him. Then he waved his hand in the air and a shimmering oval appeared, big enough for us to go through.

"Oh so you get all these cool powers and I'm left in the dark?" I groaned as he chuckled, "yea something like that. You ready?"

I swallowed my fear and grabbed his hand as he began to step through the window like projection while I slowly followed behind him.

You're just one step closer to finding out why Carter, I told myself before being completely consumed in light and closing my eyes to shut out the brightness and fear that was growing within my stomach. What had I just gotten myself into?

**What do you think? Like? hate? Vote and comment on what you think will happen! Thank you guys! Again sorry for the late update, hoping to get back on track with this book really soon**

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